Calling all Tropickids......Where are you?

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Randy,I think you missed your calling!!!
You should have been a designer!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

The garden is my creative Pallet. I thought I got passed over when the creativeness was handed out..but just was a late bloomer for the right type.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I need more night light exhibits in my garden,but unfortunately it drawls the wrong crowd!
They either dig up my plants and steal them,or turn over my bird baths,or try to steal my gazing balls!!!!
Since I put up a mercury vapor security light,it has gotten much better,I can tell by the foot prints on the dew on the grass in the morning,that people have walked thru the garden,and thats fine with me,and sometimes I can tell they took cuttings,and thats ok too,as long as they don't destroy anything.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm a bit luckier here...not to say I don't chain down the front porch furnitures and statues..Just a little discouragement for those temtations.
Most of the fun stuff is in the back garden surrounded by 10 foot fence.

Boy we are getting dumped on now with rain. 20 gallon rain barrell/container...1 minute to fill off the eve of the house.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Fox news channel said,you were getting 1 1/2 inches a hour,are you getting the winds Galveston is getting?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

No ..we get a big puff every now and then, but mostly rain right now.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

First I want the rain you are getting. Then I want the light display just exactly like yours.

What is the saying??? "Wish in one hand and spit in the other, and see which one gets wet first."

I think that means do it yourself. hahaha Already in the high 90's headed for 100.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

pouring here...will send some your way.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

wide angle

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Which big ear is that in the right of the pic?
And do you prefer gravel paths to shredded bark,and why?

Hi Christi,long time no see!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

it's Imperial Taro 'Illustris 'Colocasia esculenta.
I like gravel pathways for a couple of reasons. Because the garden is so dense, it brightens up the area, and second - drainage. The soil is very clay, so the water really drains well underneath the gravel to drainage trenches I've dug along side the rock beds..right out of the garden.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Yep thats what I noticed first how it brightens up the pathway!,
I've seen lots around here,but grass is always growing up threw the gravel,that always discourages I've been using cypress and bark,but it decays and floats away,and the birds keep messing it up digging for worms!
I'm waiting for the price of the rubber mulch to come down,where a poor boy could afford to buy some!!!LOL

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I get a bit of stuff growing through the gravel. But I put two layers down 1 each the last two years. I love it.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Why didn't I think about using 2 layers,have a 50ft roll! LOL

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Don..I have gravel paths. I love them. I too, put down two layers of cloth, then the gravel. I get a is a flower that's and then...but it pulls easily. I think gravel paths also produce more heat, which makes the plants grow larger around them.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Another good feature is ...when you dig around putting in new and taking out plants., or repotting things (because I simply don't stick to my designated potting area)..getting dirt on the gravel...washes right off.

I was dismayed when I re-landscaped in the back and I had dirt all over the place. This pict doesn't show the amount of dirt I really got on the gravel, but in 2 weeks it looked like I just put the gravel down. Course ...don't have to worry about it if it's shredded bark.

The alley behind me, floods and backs up into my garden, then the debris blocks the underside of the I'm constantly fighting that..shreded bark would have clogged it up.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

This is my front garden, RJ. And don't you find, when you drop that soil on the gravel...that's where the little extra things come up? LOL!

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

WOW! Marcia YOUR GARDENS Are gorgeous!!!!!!
Better Homes and Gardens,should put this on the front Cover!!!!!
Pat yourself on the back Girl!!!!
Randy have you seen anybody in your area,use the cut glass,where the edges have been rounded off,and they use it for mulch?
That kind of stuff usually comes to the coastal areas way long before it makes it into the middle of the country!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That's so nice and clean the garden...I like deep beds like that..
When I can afford it...gravel pathways and new landscaping in the front!

Gravel is the way to go ..I'm really pleased with it, and it's very economical, and delivered to your front driveway!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Very little, although the wee bit I've seen only adds to a list of things I want but can't have at the's really nice looking, II remember having sticker shock. 1.50 per pound. A 50 pound bag will cover 10 square feet, 1 inch deep. if you can find it.

It's still very cutting edge...aaahhhararrhaaaa

Mabe we should become distributers so we can get our own for reduced $$.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Don. Still lots of overtime?

Marcy, I agree with the guys, your yard is to die for. Beautiful. I love the green on the house. So cool and clean.

Rj, do you have new geisha girl? On the left of the last picture.


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks Don...and RJ. Nah...don't want BHG coming out here! That would scare me to death!! And all the rest of my gardens don't look like
I try to keep the front one looking pretty good, because everyone who drives by sees it. But with these bad knees, I haven't been able to work on the rest as much this year.
We get our gravel from a gravel pit. Our neighbor has an excavating business....and he hauls it for us. I can't tell you exactly how much we paid for what's there...but I know it was under 100 dollars. And we still have a pile left. And these paths are probably 3-4 inches deep.
That path goes around to the right, and comes back and connects...and then straight on down to the back it's pretty long.
I do the same as you RJ. I will dig something...lay it on the path...and then the dirt sifts down through the gravel. First thing you know...something is growing there..that's not supposed to! But it's easy to pull.
Did you happen to notice my hayrack window box sitting on the bench...across from the window? It fell off the house..twice. It hung on lag bolts...but they weren't long enough to hold the weight. So Dave had to buy some longer ones and put in. It's back up now, and holding!
I will have to go out and take a 'now' picture and compare the two. That one was taken in June I think.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

No...she's old. She might have been in the front when you came. She's been relocated again when I relandscaped that area in the photo. In fact a couple of times...nothing stays in the same place in this garden...

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I did notice that box...was very nice.

I stock hooks, bungies and every other kind of hardware from the dollar store because I'm always doing something like...putting up the box!

I have so many plants that I'm putting up shelves in the very back garden on the fence, with grated shelves for the seedling plants, cuttings and starts.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ok...just took this pic. Things are little more! I am standing on the outside of the picket fence taking the things in the foreground are a Sweet Autumn Clematis on the fence...and some bent over hollyhocks.
And the window box is back up.
RJ...I forgot to say, I always enjoy your pics too! And of course....Don's. You guys have wonderful tropical gardens!!
Oh...I HAVE to try some crinums next year. They will grow in pots!!!

Edited to say thank you Christi!

This message was edited Aug 5, 2008 7:31 PM

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I love that arbor wall in the there something behind it?

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Yeah....about 1/2 acre of yard and flower gardens! That arbor is...hmmm...thinking...about 14-15 ft. long. The swing is 8 ft. This guy that has a nursery made it. He was using it for display at our county fair, and I bought it from him. The day after he delivered it, it blew over in a violent storm we had.! Face first! My neighbor came...with his backhoe...and lifted it back up. It weighs about 1000 lbs. I was so thankful for him!! We cemented it in place the next day! Everyone (my thought I was nuts when I said I wanted it perpendicular to the front of the house! But the crabapple tree, and the shrubs were already in the front yard...and the hostas. So hubby and BIL dug out the sod and BIL took the sod off our hands for his yard. Then I told them where I wanted the paths and the flowerbeds.
The next year, I bought new picket fence and surrounded it all down to the arbor. The arbor is wood, and the picket is vinyl, so I had them stop it about 4 ft away from the arbor and leave it open. In that spot, I put a white lilac because I didn't think the vinyl would look right going right up to the wood. The lilac is filling in nicely. Anyway...I guess you can tell..I am pleased with the way it all turned out...and hubby is too...NOW!!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a) getting one of a kind things like that...that's a good story..and it looks very good there.
Isn't that how things go in the garden...blow down, over...right at that delicate time it wasn't tied down.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Always! And the amazing thing was...nothing broke!! I had a glass chandolier hanging up there, and it did get a little bent, but we straightened it...and it's fine. It didn't get hung up this year for some reason?????

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Here are the rest of my garden pics if you want to see.

Sorry for hogging this carried away. I'll shut up now.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Lol..the hook was too small?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Now I believe the thread is "calling all tropic kids" so your not hogging!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

those are great pictures. I bet you like to sit out in the garden alot...lots of art...nice garden "rooms"

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks RJ. I love to sit in my gardens...but don't do a lot of! Will be soon though, as I am getting new knees in September.
Then I will be the bionic woman!! LOL!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Marcy,flower gardens are just loverly!!!
Say the field corn should have some nice milky corn right about now!!!!!!
It's been about 5 to 7 yrs since you sent me those ferns,and there still about 4 to 6 inches tall,while yours get about 3ft,I just don't think they like the weather here in Kansas!!!!LOL

Randy,love that Orange umbrella!

Christi,yep still on the overtime,just 10 hrs a day,better than the 12 hrs!!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

YOu mean your thumb has some brown on it and isn't all green? GASP!!! LOLOL

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks Don! Yeah...but after you get used to eating the newer really sweet corn...kinda hard to eat that other! Had some sweet corn from my SIL's garden last night, that we had to throw away!! It was so old it was almost like eating field Too bad, cause it was nice corn.
I don't know what to tell you about those ferns????? Mine usually look pretty ratty by this time of year, but with all the rain we had early on, they still aren't too bad.. And I don't do a thing to them?? Well..except water.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I know what you mean! I have the two chairs called the "garden throne". I'll sit down and I'm popping out of the chair every 30 seconds because I see something that just can't wait another second.

those umbrellas are cool! a buck each at Hobby Lobby sale...I have red, green orange all with different patterns.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Just about the time I have seen the best...something else comes along. Marcy,
there aren't enough words to describe your Eden. So beautiful...obvious someone is not sitting down very much.


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