What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today pt 7

Victoria Harbour, ON

Know it was starting to get difficult for some to access...so moved us into this garden, where always a chair is waiting for a friend!!!

Thumbnail by Bettypauze

awwwww thank you, BettyPauze!
Very comfy chair!!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Mornin ..

Thanks for the move Betty :-)

Well .. have found out that we have Datura and Brugs in ABUNDANCE at the local Conservatory .. haven't been in years .. perhaps it's time for a visit. If it's an abundant plant we DO have here in droves .. it is the DAYLILLY .. I was in several parts of the city yesterday and was sorta shocked to see so many beds to the point of overflowing with them .. mine are doing well .. but I have only planted I think ten .. and those ten will be re positioned for next year in the spring ? I am NEVER sure when to do this 'seperating' thing .. some friends do it in the fall .. while others wait til spring ..

The BDay party at Applebees went very well .. a 10 year old most certainly does NOT mind 8 servers coming over to sing Happy BDay to you LoL ..

Am on with VCARS today and am relieving another team member at the hospital for 0630 .. I best get jaunting ..

Take care everyone


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, storm moving in, hustling and bustling to get ready and leave before it hits...windchimes are singing their songs, nice way tostart the morning...

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

the classic easy to remember rule that i have heard is 'if it blooms before the delphinium separate in the late summer/fall; if it blooms after the delphinium move/separate it in the spring'

Victoria Harbour, ON

That's a neat bit of information Jagonjune...will have to write that down in my journal...soon time to leave for the specialist appt. - long morning..storm blew in and now heading east..hopefully we'll all get a bit of it and then have sunshine all weekend...any special plans for this long weekend?

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Was home for awhile yesterday afternoon, but spent quite a bit of it sewing. Am still finishing up those 5 pars of PJ's.

Yesterday's concert activity - House manager for the 10:00 am talk. About 50 people showed up and no tickets were required. Lot's of Festival staff taking care of everything - technical, coffee, etc. Other than assigning the ushers who got there before the head usher, putting up signs at the front of the church directing people to the parking lot entrance, and counting the tickets, passes, etc (for other concerts) that they sent us along with THREE floats ??? we didn't haven much to do other than sit and listen.

Got to the noon hour concert (as audience member) at a church about 15 minute hike away and the Canadian Currency Museum run by the Bank of Canada across the street invited the whole audience (around 500) to a reception which was adequate for lunch. Sweet!

Picked up a carry-on bag that I had repaired at a nearby luggage store and hiked back to the original church where my car was parked. If we get there early enough in the morning, part of the lot is available for volunteers. The rest they rent out.

In the evening, back to the same church where I started in the morning, but as head-usher. We had the Keller Quartet - a Hungarian string quartet playing Bartok and Ligeti, both of which were wonderful and then joined by two leading Canadian musicians for the Schubert sextet. Good concert.

Am just in from the first musical activity of today. Did get to 8:15 aquafit first and then stayed for a quick coffee with friends. Was Stage Manager at a noon hour concert in the lovely St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church which is downtown across the street from the Supreme Court building. Took the bus down to the daytime concert as parking is too expensive. Will be out again this evening as stage manager at the same church as last night. Air conditioned venue and huge! But there is a major sponsor this evening with an enormous number of reserved seats. But they always invite the volunteers to their party afterwards.

Better go get something of value done before I head out again.



psssssssst - guess what? I got the job!!!
"official" start date is Aug 9 (11th, really, cuz the 9th is a Saturday lol)

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

May I be the first to offer "Congrats"!

Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG Tallulah, you were confident you would get it but it's always nice to get it said officially! Bet you are on cloud nine...

Anne, they say I'm always busy but it would be a toss-up I'm sure...your day sounds wonderful..still the evening to be experienced..now will you attend the 'after concert' function???

Had Dr's appt. so I left early, just heard on the news that the 400N. at Canal Rd. is closed..major accident...so feel badly for the rest of the staff having to find back roads to head home....

I've my painting class arriving shortly so I'd best get busy...

Waving to Don and all others who follow this evening...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

WOOOO HOoooooooooooooo Tallulah (Susan) .. just awesome news .. good for you .. and enjoy your new position ..

Ann .. between you and Betty I don't know who is the busiest .. but .. busy hands make an alert mind !!!

I was kinda/sorta busy .. as I said this morning I was on with VCARS .. and was at our local Hospital by 0630 .. was there with a victim until past 1100 .. by that time the police were done there stuff and my partner and I had found a place for the woman and all was good .. takes a toll on me emotionally at times .. this call was NO exception.

Came home and did some dead heading .. the flowers are coming into their own now ..the ones that were looking YUK a couple of weeks ago ar now looking a bit fuller and less whimpy ..

Will head out to water after supper ..



Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Morning ..

Still dark out .. but we have 'HUMIDITY' already .. so .. what I thought were hot flashes likely were caused by that .. or not :-)

Making 6 loaves of sammies for my buds son's Rehersal Party Friday night .. I won't be going, but she is kinda overwhelmed with all the preparations. The Bride to be is from Cranbrook BC .. and since she is marrying here in Thunder Bay, there are quite a few out of town visitors. I don't mind doing sandwiches .. kind of a no brainer and one hecuva lot easier than having to bake !!

Can't believe it's THURSDAY already ..and .. the LAST day of July to boot !!! Where has the summer gone ?

Catch yas all later in between batches of sandwich filling :-)


This message was edited Jul 31, 2008 5:34 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

You keep yourself quite busy as well "M"! Must be a worthwhile job but can imagine it does take a toll on you..not sure I could do it...

Going to make myself a coffee, sit for 10 before heading to the city...again Hwy.400N was closed last night due to a bad accident..it's like playing russian roulette each time I drive on it..speeders,aggressive drivers..etc...with the long weekend coming it seem to get worse..

Greg and his family dropped in last night, could spend a lot of time with them as I was teaching, but Kyle and Noah ended up staying until Greg/Mel picked them up at 11:30, they sure were gabbers..so this morning grandma here is tired....

I had thought they forcasted beautiful weather for the next 4 or 5 days but seems it's changing..heavy this morning, soon to have more rain..this is the day Kathy comes to cut my grass, guess it will have to wait..

Talk when I reach the office...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

2 more loaves to go and I am done .. Jo-Anne has generously offered to come pick them up .. but DH has a dental appt this morning and he'll drop them off .. this 'wedding prep' is very disjointed and time consumming, so why add that road trip to her list

Speaking of 'road trips' .. Betty .. I think having to do a drive like you do each morning for 5 mornings would make me a SPAZ case !!! People who were raised in that kind of environ are so much more 'at ease' .. and .. undoubtedly .. some of the more'wired' drivers .. are the ones who come from elsewhere and find themselves travelling on one of those highways .. it's the speed that gets me .. not to mention the 18 wheelers !! I hope your ride in this morning was UNeventful ..

A bowl full of salmon salad is calling me .. I best at'er ..



Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I am DONE !!! WOO HOO .. sammies are 'in transit' ..

Finally downloaded a few pics of the BDay party on July 29th ..

First is Brooklyn and myself ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Next pic is DH and Austin .. they were busy with the 'activity book' .. I had NO glasses .. so wasn't much help at all !!

Am going to take a pic of one of my 'mystery perennials' ... hoping one of you can name it for me .. just gorgeous !!


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Her be the 'Yellow flowers'

I had initially thought they were called "Golden Glow" .. however .. i think that's not correct?

2 pics


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I PROMISE .. last pic of the day .. !!

Unfortunately .. the 'other' mystery perennial in front of this one had an aphid prob and I sprayed with Safer's soap .. lil oopsie .. gonna have to cut the FLOWERING tops back :-(


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

What beautiful family photo's...nice to have these grandparent outings..had Kyle and Noah last night, Kyle is 12 going 32, boy can he talk and does he know everything about anything...shhh don't tell, that's where I get all my gossip info from..lol

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

The kids are both precious to us .. Austin is the 'story weaver' like your Kyle Betty .. even at only 7 ! !! My son always says it's the Irish ancestry .. :-)

What a day weatherwise .. the AC came on about 2pm .. prior to that it was fall like .. then we had a wee sprinkle .. and now it's dark and foreboding .. but look west and there's blue sky ..
ONE thing is fer sure .. and that's the FLIES .. ugggggggggg .. Deer flies HURT when they bite !!!!

Off to work a culinary miracle :-)


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

congrats on the new job from me too - now just tell me what the job is cause i must have missed that part of the thread ADD member here

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Finally figured out how to get this scanned but still dont have it in color!
From Saturdays Calgary Herald.

Thumbnail by fancyvan

JargonJune - I work @ Calgary Lab Services, as a Division Admin Ass't to the Division Head of Pathology Gen Lab.
Wonderful boss & team of Drs. Treat me with respect, and let me choose how I do my job! It's really nice to work with such a great team of people, and the others in the company are really great, too! I know I sound like I'm going on, about it - but I've 'been around the block' enuff to know the difference between a good working atmosphere, and a deadly one - been @ both kinds, and believe me, this is one of the good ones!!

Hey Fancy! - I gotta get a copy of that paper! I knew you were in it, but didn't catch what day. I think there's still a copy of it @ work, so I'm gonna see if I can find it.

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
North Saanich, Canada

Couldn't find the full picture in color Carol, but here's one I found:

Thumbnail by ggd

OH - that's a fabulous picture!! Is that the one used in the newspaper?

North Saanich, Canada

Yes, I think it is. The real picture on the one that Carol posted has a bit more of the garden to the left though. I just did a search on the Calgary Herald.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

WOW .. what a great pic Carol ..

Congrats Susan again re the job .. as you have said .. there are GOOD jobs, and KILLER jobs .. glad yours is the former .. I've 'been there, done that' in my nursing career as well .. sometimes the grass does seem greener on another unit .. you fill out the transfer papers and .. DOG .. yer up to yer elbows in aligators before ya know it !!

Started MAJORLY storming here at 0445 .. the light show and boomers are now just letting up .. at least the gardens got watered .. since it's still dark I can't tell if any damage was done .. the rains were quite torrential for about 20 minutes.

Have 2 zucchini sitting on the counter waiting to be used .. one yellow variety and the other is a standard green one .. probably make a loaf as suppers the next 2 days will be 'helter skelter' .. If they'll keep til Sunday I'll cook'em on the Barbie .. never can make a decision once these vegetables start arriving in the kitchen :-)

Best go and see how little Lilly is doing .. the thunder is literally making the house vibrate ...

LONG weekend coming up .. everyone stay safe AND .. ENJOY !!


This message was edited Aug 1, 2008 5:47 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

What a fantastic write up and photo...aren't you our inhouse celebrity...congrats...

Beautiful day here although they are calling for possible scattered showers somewhere today...only 3 more hours and off I go - starting the long weekend..

Tonight I'll do click flooring for my niece in thebaby's room so she can get set up before baby arrives...Saturday, Kempenfest on the Bay in Barrie has over 350 vendors, that's a must..Sunday will be taking my SIL to Meaford to the biggest buy anything outlet/then thecandle factory and clay pot outlet..if that doesn't use up all my $$$ don't know what will..lol

Monday I might take the boat out and go to Henry's - restaurant about 2 hrs from home - on the water and has all you can eat 'fish'...that will about do it..oh maybe not, maybe I can include a craft or project or so here and there in my spare time...

Do enjoy your long weekend..

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Woo Hoo, front page of the Gardening section! Lovely picture too; suitable for framing, I would say. Congrats Fancyvan. :)

Agree with all of you. You've gotta love the job you do, or it can be miserable. Life's too short...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

o thanks so much fancyvan and ggd for posting the pics. I was touring the gardens all day and didn't get a copy of the paper. It's such a great pic!!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Had a few people over for a garden visit & tea yesterday. Lovely day and great company. Here's a pic of the most inquired about plant. Trachelium caeruleum Purple Devotion Series

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Here's a pic of my huge dahlia. Measuring just over 10 inch diameter this morning

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Beautiful Dahlia !! Is that referred to as a 'Dinner Plate Dahlia' .. ?? The Trachelium is also very pretty .. no nadda about Trachelium but lots about 'Tracheas' :-) .. sorry .. nurse joke there !!

No damage to the gardens in the early morning storm .. got 1" of rain in under an hour !!! Was quite a loud and reverberating thunderstorm, with an INCREDIBLE light show !!

Steady pace most of the day .. am glad to be sitting down and gathering my thoughts , and, of course, making a 'TO DO LIST' for tomorrow .. the wedding itself isn't until 7pm .. on the shores of Lake Superior .. should be nice .. am gonna cry cuz that's what I usually do at a wedding .. gosh .. I'm OK until the Bride and Groom start saying their vows .. and especially when the vows are personally written (as these vows have been) keep thinking about the Groom when he was born and all the other milestones in his life that I have been privy to .. hard to believe he's gonna be a 'DH' :-)

Best take Lilly for a wee walk .. trying to get better at doing that as DH is taking off on a fishing trip on Monday morning to the US. Lilly will become Lil Ms. Mopy Pants as soon as she sees his suitcase ..

Enjoy your eveing everyone ..


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Can anyone tell me who 'invented' HOUSEWORK !!!!!!! Seems it never gets completely done. I go from room to room like a robot .. picking up and cleaning up .. turn a corner and start all over again .. a PROFESSIONAL housekeeper I could NEVER be ..

What a gorgeous day here in TBay !! Sunny and warm .. NO hint of rain .. I'd say it's a GREAT day for a wedding :-)

Will do some gardening projects later .. trying to save up any energy I have for tonight ..

Enjoy all :-)


Victoria Harbour, ON

Spent the morning a Kempenfest..wow 350 vendors, bought several items that I just had to have..nice door that I'll install in one of the gardens..has a large metal sunburst, a sunflower out of rod iron , cutest birdhuse..many other little parcels, always great to have around should someone drop by and I've forgotten a special occasion...had my living room couch pick up, delivery was suppose to be this aft. for new one..nada, never made it...suppose to have B&B guests for 2 days, they are not here as yet...

Downpour, wanted to go to Midland and pick up cement and wood to do the 'door' project and pick up a new rug but lordy, you got to wait for these people to show up and hope they do show up..lol

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG that purple trachelium is to die for..can just see it in my garden..shucks, ought to go to higher end nurseries to find some of these beauties..

Supper time, restaurant few doors down, think I'll take a stroll..no sense ruining a nice day with cooking right?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

True to form .. I cried at the wedding .. BUT .. it was most amazing .. very UNtraditional in a traditional way :-)
My biggest concern was the Canada Geese who kept getting closer and closer the the Perabola under which the ceremony took place .. luckily they decided to move back towards the lake .. ..
The opening of the gifts is tomorrow at 1130am .. I tend to think I'm passing that up..

Betty .. your treasures sound wonderful :-)

Off to bed ..


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I finally got around to doing a new blog - if you want to see lots of pics of this years winning garden check it out!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Loved the pics Carol. I also think that the broken mirror is a nice touch, and I do so love the tea pots :-)
Everything looks wonderful .. good job !!


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning everyone, sunshine here...this gal is tired/tired..have to find your 'blog' not sure I know how maybe someone could direct me....but I'll sit and try..

This has been quite the weekend...

Friday evening, layed quick floor down in nursery for niece, Sat. am off to Kempenfest - gone by 7am..Sat..even got to purchase living room outfit, gave my other one to girlfriend..just like new but was a sectional and blocked half of the large window I had put in...had B&B guests, up early Sun. morning to make goodies for their breakfast, once they left at 8, had to be ready for friends arrival who had gone to pick up chesterfield set for me but couldn't deliver Sat. night because of torrential rains, they arrived at 8:00 and I was gone to meet cousin/SIL to go to Meaford!! Wouldn't you know it, I found the exact color wing chair to match the new chesterfield..hurrah...salesperson told me I couldn't fit it in my Aveo....showed him..lol...

Managed to get another 5 plant-2 of which are lily's one in bloom and one to bloom shortly..arrived home at 4 and B&B guest booked in for Sun. said she'd arrive with her daughter at 5:00 and true to form they did, had a lovely evening and couldn't wait to get into bed...this lady was here last year, brought me Blueberry Wine and scones...so finally by 10:00 we decided to call it a night..got a call at 10:30 from a frantic teen..here she, her mom and brother were trying to find accommodations and there were NONE, so there went 2 more rooms...

Hardest thing for me is to stay quiet in the mornings...I've always got dozens of project underway by now...so must sit still...

Another busy day planned, hoping to get ALL that I wanted to do done by mid aft. and just sit and relax for a few hours...busy/busy but that's me, am at my best when I accomplish all I plan on my 'to do' list that I prepare Friday mornings for the weekend...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze

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