Help with My Big Rock Please

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

As you recall my true luv built a path in front of the greenhouse because I'm always slipping in the mud in the spring. Now he has added a big rock which apparently one of his clients was 'going to throw out'. Setting aside my befuddlement about how one actually 'throws out' a giant boulder, what do I do with it I wonder? Raise the bed high behind it? It's 30" long and 1 foot high at the back which has a flat face. I can only wobble it, can't move it. It's too big to plunk in a bed and I would have to bury it 2/3s to make it look natural according to my book on landscaping with rocks so I would like to incorporate it into this path somehow.

Thumbnail by dahlianut
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

It's a very cool rock as you can see.

Thumbnail by dahlianut
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Wow! Sounds like a great thing to get to play with. I've seen a couple applications with a big rock half surrounded by a path, as if the rock was there first. Does that make sense? Very zen. I wouldn't bury it that much; you could always backfill it with the landscaping book.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

You only need to make it LOOK like it is half-buried.

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Looks like a dinosaur tooth to me... or blue cheese?

Can you find some smaller stones that can bring out those beautiful colors and bury them around it?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I do still have a stash of multi-coloured rocks stash that I can mix with it. I have been wrangling it around and finally decided that its just too big for that spot as I want to put a bed there too. Stayed tuned for Plan B.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I have such a rock in my front yard left by the previous owners. They planted low junipers and cotoneaster around it so it would look like it belonged. Works pretty well and makes a nice contrast with the plants. I suspect there is very little soil in the spot where the rock is placed and that is why they put it there -- only a rock could grow there.
Here is a picture. The rock is actually quite large sticking out on either side of the juniper branch but doesn't seem that large because of the creeping plants. It actually wobbles a little if you walk on it, but nobody does probably because or the juniper -- also because it is on a hillside where nobody walks anyhow.
Someday, I may replace the juniper with a nicer plant, but for now, I have some more serious gardening challenges.

P.S. Don't you like the cleverly place tree stump behind the rock? LOL. I have never been able to figure out how to get it out without major exertion. I have decided to let it rot.

This message was edited Aug 21, 2008 8:41 AM

Thumbnail by pajaritomt
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I LUV that look paj. I have a big stump in the back. You can see it at the corner of the raised bed in the back in this pic . It gets a fairy ring in the Joon Monsoon so I would never take it out. I stick a pot on it in the summer.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Ah yes, very nice stump, DN, or rather pot stand. Every yard needs at least one. Perhaps mine will someday have a fairy ring. Right now it just sits there like a .. ummm stump.

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