A lurker who wants a chicken, or two

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

And not to clog this thread up, but I have to show you the bird that ate the cat... this amercauna is Cindy

Thumbnail by frans530
londonderry, Australia

the colours on cindy are realy intresting

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Frans - love to see those pictures of your flock members. It's fun for me to see all the different breed types. This morning we're going to the chicken judging at the Polk County Fair here in Iowa. It's not the big state fair, just the smaller county fair. I hope to see some interesting breeds and learn some more about chickens this morning. Apparently last year there were about 50 entries.


londonderry, Australia

well hope you have fun


Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

Yes.. and Sandy is the same just darker all the way down her back. Cindy's back looked like light colored cinnamon when she was younger.

I didn't even realize sandy was in this original picture.. I was only looking for that silly face.. sandy is in the background to the left.

Thumbnail by frans530
Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh have fun Claire... we go tomorrow.. I can't wait.. it is my first time to go as a chicken fan...
I have been to the fair many times in my life.. in many different phases of my life.. this will be the first for the farm animals.. I can't wait.

Enjoy yourself and we want a full report tonight!

Foley, MO

I just wanted to say I thought it was funny you have a silkie roo named Twitch 'cause we have a black silkie roo named Twitchy also 'cause he does this strange head thing.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh dear, the chicken fairy didn't just bite me once, she must have bitten me all over. I was so excited to see these cuties today. Excuse my exuberance with the photos, but I thought you'd all like to see some of the entries at the fair.

Here's a silver sebright looking handsome.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

This is a bantam barred rock I think.

Their cages had the name of the person showing it and the class, but not the type of chicken, which was a disappointment to me.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think this one might be my favorite. She was adorable, and so calm as I photographed her. I love the buff colour too - very sweet.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here's a bantam showing off her egg for me. So cute! I just wanted to reach in and cuddle her and say "Good job! Nice egg!"

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

This one is pretty fancy looking, but I have no idea what kind it is. It seemed very skittish though.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here's a lovely rooster - beautiful markings on the feathers.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

You just feel free and keep on posting those photos, I think I speak for all when I say.. we'd love to see them!

and.. your excitment is thrilling and very contagiuos.

Lodi, United States

I think the spotted one is a Mille Fleur Bearded d'Uccle? It is hard to see the feet...it might be another breed with that color pattern.

I would be doomed if I saw so many beautiful birds....did you come home with anything?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here is a trio of pullets from the pullet class. They were judged in groups of 3 and the judge held them upsidedown by the legs in order to check their conformity and size and all that stuff. I love the colour of these ones - chestnut brown.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here's another whose colour I just love - the pic is a bit blurry. If I had this one, I think I would name her ginger.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Catscan - the feet on that one were all covered in feathers. It was kind of funny to look at although now I know there are a bunch of breeds like that.

I didn't come home with anything. There were some for sale, ranging from $8 to $10. I was tempted, but we don't get the Eglu until Thursday. The bigger Iowa State Fair begins August 7. I am sure there will be more for sale there. :-)

Last pic - another one I don't know the type, but love the feather markings.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, United States

I don't know the last one either, but the pattern looks like some sort of "penciling", maybe silver? I love that look too--my Barnevelders are double laced which gives a similar effect. Could it be a Dark Brahma?

The golden one looks like a bantam Buff Orpington.

londonderry, Australia

Claire was that a belgian D'Uccle i saw u got a pic of my favourite chicken

Lodi, United States

That is what I thought too, josh.

londonderry, Australia

i knew it i have to go in the photo and steal it lol

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Does anyone know the type of chicken in my post # 5292533 (the one that is a pale buff that I said was my favourite). I would like to know this one if I could. maybe it's another Orpington?

I found another pic of the d'Uccle for you, Luckycharm.


Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

Diagnosis confirmed Clare - you've got a terminal case now of chickenitis! Welcome to the Chicken Ward, lol.

Beautiful birds - how will you choose just two or three or four or......


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh Catherine, I have no idea how to choose!! It sort of depends what I find for sale at the State Fair. I am kind of considering 3 bantams and 2 standards. The Eglu says it will accommodate 4 standards or 6 bantams. I figure my mix might work. Do you think it will be okay to mix 3 bantams and 2 standards? Will they get along? If I get them at the state fair they will be either pullets or young adults.

I think we all need Chickenitis ID cards, to warn others not to talk to us about chickens.

londonderry, Australia

it looks lik it is a Araucana or a Ameraucana or a Easter Egger

Foley, MO

The small pale buff and porcelain colored banty looks like a Belgium D' Uccle also! Maybe self blue?

This message was edited Jul 20, 2008 10:31 PM

This message was edited Jul 20, 2008 10:36 PM

londonderry, Australia

which ones that

Foley, MO

Pic after the Barred Rock.

londonderry, Australia

realy i could of sworn it was one of the ones i listed above because of its ear puffs and the beard looks so much like the Ameraucana

oh and i know it is a belgian d'uccle it is my favourite chicken breed lol

Prophetstown, IL(Zone 5a)

I worried about *group dynamics* too Claire ('course I had two roosters). All those cute phrases we're so used to 'come home to roost' when you start keeping livestock. Your new girls will need to establish a *pecking order* and then you'll learn what all the other phrases mean:

nothing madder than a wet hen
hen pecked
chicken scratch
to bed with the chickens



Lodi, United States

I thought the same josh--the ruff looks very Ameraucana--but looking at pictures of the Belgian D'uccle--that has the same look.

londonderry, Australia

i know the d'uccles are a lot lik the Ameraucanas but they have such intresting colouring i still think it is a Ameraucana though sorry to disagree patch:(

Foley, MO

D' Uccles come in porcelain, self blue, blue, and some others too. I agree to disagree ; )
I almost forgot to tell you why I disagreed, lol! Not only does this bird look like a banty in the pic, but it also has a comb much like the D 'Uccles (not pea-combed like Americauna), and it doesn't have that wild look of the Americauna either; it's face is more Belgium-like.

This message was edited Jul 21, 2008 1:03 AM

londonderry, Australia

i gues we will have to agrew to disagree LOL we should get more people experience and opinons on this so we can get to the bottom of this because either one of us could be right knowing me it is probably you:)

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Okay, then I'll chime in :). Size will be the key, Millies don't come in Standard. How 'bout it Cmoxon, how big was the chicken in question?. I'm going with Mille Fleur, as well, but I'm wondering if it might be a hen. The rounded tail, small ear puffs and small comb could be a young cockerel, or a hen, and I'm just not sure which. Millies are a little flighty, but were quite friendly once they were comfortable with you. I had three, Milli, Vanilli, and Mable.....

www.poultryeggs.co.uk / images / thumbnail / Bings%20Ladies.jpg

londonderry, Australia

oh yer americans dont call them d'uccles do they now i observe the pic more closely i think patch was right

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh dear, sorry to have started a debate! The small buff chicken in question was definitely a bantam. The bantams were in a separate row from the other "regular size" hens. She was roughly the same size as the other bantams I posted, including the other D'Uccle with the multicoloured feathers. The only thing I would say is that she might have looked a little more portly or at least chunkier than the other d'Uccle bantams. Maybe that was because she was nestled down, and they were walking around. I didn't get to see her feet. She just remained nestled. I'm not saying she looked fat or anything, just "poofier" than the others. Maybe she was broody or tired or sitting on an egg? She was definitely a bantam size bird.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Just want to thank everybody for participating in my thread and helping me learn more about my upcoming chicken family members. It has been so exciting to talk to everyone and become more informed, and meet people who have also got a confirmed case of chickenitis.

I decided to start a new thread because this one is getting long. I'm calling it "Countdown to Chicken Acquisition Day" because I'm counting the days to getting my first chicken. It will either be August 7 or August 9. Let's keep up the discussion about the mystery buff chicken and the other things I need to learn in the new thread!

Here it is: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/879888/


Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Putting my 2cents in, the buff chick looks very, very much like a Buff Orpington Bantam rooster. The comb and wattles look to be too large to be a hen.


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