Free-range chickens & supplemental feeding

londonderry, Australia

catscan how big is your land you live in the burbs dont ya??

Lodi, United States

It is a measly .23 acres. And it is in the "city"....more a town. But it is the bad part of town--which allows me a bit more freedom:0)

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

Cat, I get so confused.. are you in NY or CA? I know this has been answered a million times.. why its an issue I'll never know.. but if your livin on the wrong side of the tracks I need a visual.. haha

Lodi, United States

Sadly, it is California. My son is in NYC and I would love to be closer. The original Lodi is in Italy, but for some reason there is a Lodi in just about every state-- so no wonder you are confused. There is even one in the UK where they pronounce it Loodee:0). To prevent embarrassment, it is pronounced "Lohdeye"--a lot of telemarketers say Ludee. LOL

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

lol.. we have a Loda just up the road.. lots of rich people live there.. maybe it's just the alphabit...

londonderry, Australia

wow australias left out of the lodi group thats not are LOL

Lodi is very hot in the summer ? im from Palo Alto CA .

Lodi, United States

Yes, taynors. It is very hot--in the 90s at least most of the time. But we do cool down at night due to the Delta breezes which lower the temp to the mid 50s to the low 60s and make it tolerable.

I grew up in the hills over Redwood City so the Central Valley came as something of a shock when I moved back to CA. We are also a lot colder here in the winter--so cold that lilacs will flower. So far my chickens are fine with it....which is all that matters, right?:0)

londonderry, Australia

LOL 90's isnt hot some times we get well into the 40's(celsius)

Lodi, United States

It isn't hot for us either--we spend weeks in the 105-116 degrees F every summer. What is that in Celsius? Let's see 2 X 40 plus 30 and then some? So ya! We get into 40's too. It just doesn't sound as hot as 117!

londonderry, Australia

now thats wat im talkin bout we very nearly hit 46 once boy was that hot

Lodi, United States

Wow! I am impressed. What is that in Fahrenheit?

londonderry, Australia

i dont know um i am not realy good at your temp but i will take a wild guess and say some were in the early 120"s probably lik 121 or sumthin but that is just a wild guess

Lodi, United States

We rarely get that hot--except in Death Valley and the Mojave Desert.

londonderry, Australia

i herd about death valley on a tv show called little people big world i think its called it is about small people who have a farm and kids and stuff i dont think we are as hot as that though we dont realy go into the 40"s that much only lik 5 or 6 times in the summer

This message was edited Jul 26, 2008 6:58 PM

Lodi, United States

Yeh, I know that show. I think they live in Oregon. I didn't know they made a trip to Death Valley. I went there when I was little. Very scary--people still die there when their cars break down and they think they can walk out.

londonderry, Australia

yer they went in an rv i love there property it is one of my favourite country shows

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

wish i knew what show you were talking about...

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

tf, its on TLC Little People Big World.. look it up online.. good show, cept it always makes me crazy.. noone is working together.. kids are all running amuck.. Dad always has an idea.. and Mom is just trying to get the kids grown in one piece. But.. there is a lot of love.. and they do have a nice place.

But its a dry heat LOL

londonderry, Australia

yer but there house is never clean the kids are all ways messing it if i were one of the parents i would be pulling my hair out

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