What is blooming in my yard today.

Orlando, FL

here is my tripe datura Fran

Thumbnail by Sendone2me
Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


The double flowered purslane don't bloom as much as the singles. People try them one year and they switch back. Growers lose interest when plants don't sell.


Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Those angelonias look so good planted in mass. : )

here is what is blooming in the rain.

Thumbnail by
Weston, FL

Very pretty, Dutchlady! Send1 2 me--- I think you'll be really happy with the purslane, as long as they are in full sun. Dale-a-- Your mass of purslane is gorgeous. I call purslane happy flowers-- they only open up if they're happy (when the sun is shining directly on them.)

Orlando, FL

Daleagarden. Well, that is very good. thanks for the information. Fran
Dutchlady . Wow that is a pretty Plumeria .

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)


Thanks for the the ID on the BF. The name fits her well because it is huge and such beautiful markings.


I would love to have some seeds.


Thanks for the info on the purslane. I wanted to plant something near my mailbox that was low but with color and could take direct full sun. Now I remember who told me about the Clematis. : ) Let's see how it does the rest of the year. Hopefully it will survive. If it doesnt at least I have pics I can enjoy the flowers from.

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Fran & all - you do so inspire me!!! I brought home a tray+ of Coleus from Sydney's yesterday and plan to brighten up a couple rather boring areas.
I'm fortified from my AM coffee and it's still not raining so I'm going out to plant.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Two petals were broken off of this carion, but it is an impressive 8" bloom. Thankfully mine has no aroma. They often smell like rotting flesh.....

Thumbnail by terichris
Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Saw this today, Clivia 'Citrina'?, but, not in my yard.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Some flowers are still going inspite of the heat and humidity

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

This is my first real year of gardening, so I am pretty excited at some small accomplishments. My first blooming plumeria...

Thumbnail by terichris
Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

My first crinum bloom...

Thumbnail by terichris
Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Really I just had to get outside. It has been raining all week! My first of this type of bromeliad to bloom...

Thumbnail by terichris
Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

Hi all. What a great thread. Trying to catch up......I gave the Dat. to Dutchlady, and I think they are easy to germinate depending on the variety. For example, the duoble yellows have a reputation for not germinating well. I soak my seeds for a couple of hours with superthrive, use Lambert soil for germination, I cover them lightly and keep them constantly moist outside on my potting benches. I should have lots of seeds to spare in a few weeks, and I still have plenty of extra plants.

Orlando, FL

I will mail you some seed tomorrow.
We go a big rain today and some yesterday also. Filled our pool to the top today.
Everyone here in fla. How do I get rid of Whiteflies. I have thousands. I sprayed and sprayed and still they are there.
Today i hung some yellow stiff paper up with vaseliine on it as I heard that the bright yellow attraches the flies and that they stick to the paper. Anyone else with better idea. I also tried soapy water in a hose sprayer . Didnt work.
Our purslane at the entrance to our developement is doing great and was blooming this morning . Fran

Kissimmee, FL(Zone 9b)

we always used washing up liquid - we always threw the water on after doing the dishes so mix some up and throw it over the plants, drown them!

Orlando, FL

seemama. Already tried that several times. Didnt work. They are all over the confederate Rose Tree also. Fran

West Central, FL(Zone 9b)

Fran I am so sorry to hear about your white fly troubles.
I have read the ratio of water to soap should be 4-1. Thats 4pts water to 1 part soap.

Also the egg cycle is every 20 days. The yellow traps are ok especially in addition to the soap and then if there is a nursery that stocks beneficial insects near you, you can get a predator wasp that eats them. The wasp does not sting people. It is very tiny.

You can also order those wasps over the internet from places that sell them.

Winter Springs, FL

Hi. I am new to this website. I can't believe I haven't found it earlier. It is so fun to see everyone elses plants and gardens. I've learned a lot from the other threads already. Here are some of my plants.

Thumbnail by Dawns_Tropicals
Winter Springs, FL


Thumbnail by Dawns_Tropicals
Winter Springs, FL


Thumbnail by Dawns_Tropicals
Winter Springs, FL

Hoya carnosa variegated

Thumbnail by Dawns_Tropicals
Winter Springs, FL

Variegated tapioca tree

Thumbnail by Dawns_Tropicals
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

How about something red.

Thumbnail by wren107
Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

teri chris, looks like your first year is a good one.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

thanks Dale! Thanks to the folks here at DG it has been a great year!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Nice plants terichris.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks wren! Amazing what a little rain will do for you. Welcome Dawn. Looks like we have the same plants!
I found this epi this morning.

Thumbnail by terichris
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Don't you hate it when you miss the night blooming epis flowers.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

This is my first one. The bloom is just opening. I will post another picture tomorrow. It is finally sunny here today!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Whups I did not look at the plant close enough.
Thought it was a night bloomer.

Indian Harbour Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Managed to take a "walk-about" in the garden this morning, before the rains started again. Posting some pix !
First one is my pinkish/reddish plumeria. I don't know the name; got a cutting earlier this year from someone in the neighborhood who was pruning like crazy !!

Thumbnail by orchid923
Indian Harbour Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Another plumeria....

Thumbnail by orchid923
Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh no! I hope I didn't miss the bloom. I didn't think about it possibly being a night bloomer. Will I ever get the hang of this gardening thing???? :)

Indian Harbour Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

A white plumeria (pudica)

Thumbnail by orchid923
Indian Harbour Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Flowers on the Rangoon Vine -- some are red/pink and also white -- lovely vine and a nice smell too.

Thumbnail by orchid923
Orlando, FL

Indian Harbor
Can you root me a cutting of the ragoon vine? maybe we can trade plants. Pretty Plumerias what do you use to fertilize them? Only one of mine is blooming . Fran

Indian Harbour Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey seemama -- you'd better come visit before you move !!!!

Indian Harbour Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I'd be happy to root the rangoon vine for you --- do you know when this should be done as I know nothing about them. I bought it last summer; and it has really grown well and bloomed profusely.

For the plumerias I usually fertilize with a high phosphorous count (that's the middle number on the fertilizer bag).... I'm also a firm believer in Maxi-Crop (it's a foliar spray made from seaweed); I spray it on everything.

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