July Blooms, Part 3

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Wrangler's Green Pasture closeup pic of bloom can start us a new thread. The other was getting long and Lin isn't going to sleep tonight talking about snakes and other deadly creatures. (LOL)

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I need to throw in a couple of pics of my first Morning glories!

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

just a couple more.......the winds and rain really beat them down this morning

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

OK.........I quit, but if you have any blooms all you AV lovers, let us see them even if they aren't in the gessie family.

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Ottawa, IL(Zone 9a)

this is a relatively new strep for me, one of my friends jim kings, hybrids royal trina , i just love the color of the bloom.

Thumbnail by mrsbonnie
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Gail your morning glories are wonderful..I especially like the middle pic 2 tone.. Cool!! Bonnie..what an awesome strep..love the deep color and little dots on it..pretty !!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I knew that Jim did some hybridizing under the Royal name but when he sent all those strep leaves, he didn't send any royal ones. That is a great looking one.

Lilburn, GA

oooooh... I have some flowers to photograph but the camera is with my son. Will wait until this evening.

(Zone 1)

Gail: Wranglers Green Pasture is one pretty, pretty AV. I love the foliage and the bloom on that one. Oh my ... Morning Glories ... so glorious! ^_^ I, like Nancy really love that second MG photo of the purple and blue two tone one! Do you know the name on that one by chance?

Mrsbonnie: That Strep is beautiful ... I can't grow Strep's so I'm needing a Strep photo fix here! I remember when I was so surprised to find out how many different AV's are out there - I think the number of different Strep's far outweighs the AV's.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

I have a few blooming so I dusted off my camera for some quick pics...
1st Bristol's Jelly Bean..looks like it might have a fantasy bloom..lol..

Thumbnail by cedarnest
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

2nd..Alissa is really getting the blooms now...

Thumbnail by cedarnest
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

#3.Blue Beard....ooo I Love the bloom on this...

Thumbnail by cedarnest
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

and finally..not a gessie but just had to share a pic of Barbara Mitchell..my daylilies are all starting to bloom now..I Love them too : )

Thumbnail by cedarnest
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Oooooooh and aaaaaaah, Nancy! just beautiful steps!

Lin, let me go outside and see what the name of the two tone blue morning glory is.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

nancy, my Blue Beard is not as pretty as that one. I will have to go look. I so wish we could grow daylilies like you gals in cooler climates.

Lin, the tag says Shibori Tye Dye mix

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Thanks Gail ..That is one beautiful morning glory!....I must say I would die without daylilies..lol..not really..but I sure would miss them...

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Nance, that is so cool that your Jelly Bean has some fantasy as I don't think it's supposed to! But WOW that Alissa is a real beauty. Very dainty :)

I love my daylilies too :) They haven't really started yet (well stella doro's have) but not the REAL ones :) I have Barbara Mitchell too Nancy, isn't she sweet with her shell pink blooms?

Maybe we should start a "show me your Daylilies" thread so we can post our pictures there? It will be another week before I can add pictures but should be able to share quite a few pictures then :) Anyone else grow daylilies? Brenda? Mine used to all have name tags but I ripped all the nametags out because it looked like a graveyard out there so now I just enjoy the blooms. Luckily I documented alot of them the first year they bloomed while they still had tags but the ID isn't definite so I only trade them as NOIDS now. I don't care if they are NOIDs, I love em :)

Very pretty Morning Glories too Gail! Those are going to be breathtaking when they are in full swing! Totally awesome!


(Zone 1)

Thanks Gail, I really like that particular MG! Am writing down the name right now.

Nancy: Awesome blooms! I soooo have Strep envy! But, I get my fix when y'all post your gorgeous blooms! I'm usually not drawn to pale colored flowers but that Alissa is wonderful! I love the soft yellow in that one! I love any shade of pink so Bristol's Jelly Bean is a fav and OMG Bluebeard is Gorgeous!

Such a pretty Daylily too! There are so many beautiful cultivars out there too. I love them but don't grow them. I think I have 3 or 4 Stargazers that came back up this year and were kinda small and didn't do much. My Easter Lily's were a huge flop this year. I think we've just had such high heat that some of the plants couldn't take it. We used to see the orange colored daylillie's around everywhere but not so much anymore. They were always putting on a show from early spring til early summer.

Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

Wow, took me forever to catch up with the old thread and now come on over to this one, it was great!! Loved all the pictures! Can't even remember my favorites but the one Kim posted with the yellow dots in the throat was totally awesome!!

That tie dyed morning glory is fabulous Gail!! I'm getting more and more babies up from your leaves, still a ways to go before they'll be ready to put up but I'm going to have them coming out my ears. LOL

Nancy I have a baby Blue Beard and now I can't wait for it to bloom, beautiful!! I'm starting to see signs (if I dig down ^_^) of babies on the leaves you sent too! So excited!!

Kim I have one lonely day lily that someone sent me last year and it has come up and looks strong, I'm wating to see signs of a bloom. How far behind the iris's are they? I'll have to look into getting more of them..... If they do well for you then they would do good here too I'm sure!

With the advent of good weather I've been spending most of my free time outside!! Kim my streps are suffering in the heat too and racing around keeping them all watered has been a chore for sure! On the other had I have hoyas going nuts. LOL

Here is a Space Dust bloom that came on as half fantasy and half of whatever one of the parents was! LOL


Thumbnail by bmedel
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Brenda , I am waiting on the second round of blooms on my Space Dust from the leaf that Kim sent me. I didn't have any fantasy on both blooms...........isn't that weird how they do!

off for a nap

I bet you could grow daylilies and let them naturalize like crazy in your climate, Brenda...

(Zone 1)

Brenda: Space Dust is awesome! I love the colors in that fantasy bloom! My hoyas are going crazy this summer too. I am going to give them all a shot of VF-11 later today!

Ok, look what I bought at Wal-Mart ... no name of course, just one of the common Florist Gloxinia's but I couldn't resist.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

And, not a gessie but the shape of the bloom on this yellow Alamanda sure resembles some of the Gessie flowers.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh LIn!! I love that florist's gloxinia. I just got my seed from The Gesneriad Society for ones like that but I haven't planted the seed yet.

Love Alamanda blooms so much.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Lin, your Glox is beautiful!
That reminds me, last weekend at Lowe's I asked the girl in the Garden Center if they had any florist Gloxinias. She looked at me like I had 3 heads and said "no, those don't grow here" *lmao*.........she had NO IDEA what I was even talking about!
Yet, we gets TONS of gardenia in in the spring and those HAVE to be throw away plants as they just don't over winter here in Maine unless you have a greenhouse. Now why is the store full of them you ask? They ship them in flower and the smell is so lovely that all the unsuspecting/unknowing people who smell them........buy them. Guess what happens when those lovely flowers go by? You know it..........fall hits and it's certain death. So sad.

I just got some seed for them too though *lol* so "yes, we do grow them here" *lol*


Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hello All,
Hi Ladies ^_^ I had a really good birthday with my family. I got 3 plants from my husband... Well ok so I got them he paid for them LOL They will come next week and he also bought me golf ball in the brand I like and a new golf towel... The boy and there family got me gift cards.. :-) They know there Mom... LOL
Lin, your flowers are so pretty... I love the yellow in your picture... Nancy, all of yours look good to... Tonight is a nice slow one and boy is it nice... I had a few streps bloom yesterday for my birthday and that was great.... Hey Brenda I think it is funny you posted that picture of space dust because I was going to email you and tell you that when you shipped me mine I split the plant and the second one is blooming and on one side it is pink and it looks like the second set of blooms are going to be like the color of space dust...LOL When the second set of blooms bloom I will take a picture of it... really neat looking so far.... I sent Dimmer 4 plants and some leaves and today I walk in the house and what do I see but her Roulette Cherry is blooming.. Then I said duh I was suppose to send that.. So here it sits and I will mail it the next time I send her something..LOLOL
I wanted to ask you all a question. Can I cut the seed pods off the plants and let them dry or do I have to leave them on the plants? Thanks for any help... Oh I also planted for the third time on 7-1 seeds that I had gotten and so far nothing. So I guess three times is not the charm for me...LOL

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Susan, maybe someone else can give you better advice, but I will try. You can't take the seed pods off until they are ready. Watch them and slowly they will turn from green to brown.........as they are turning color they are also twisting more and more. Let someone else give you a description as to when they are exactly ready to take off and put in an envelope and seal the envelope.

I know by looking when they are ready, but I can't tell someone else how to do it.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Gail, they are starting to twist and turn brownish.. Not all of them but some... I also should take the name of them right? Do they come true to the parent from seed? Not that I can grow them from seeds...LOL

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

That is what is so much fun about growing seeds. None of them can be given the same name as the parent, but you never know what you are going to get........all the variations from the mother plant. Be sure and put the name of the seeds on the envelope and when you plant them, put them in a community pot to grow into seedlings. (then you can mark the whole container with the mother's name)

(Zone 1)

Susan: What kind of seeds did you sow on July 1st that you say so far nothing has sprouted? I sowed seeds from the Gesneriad Society back in October and they didn't start sprouting until sometime in March! I had forgotten about them ... they were way in the back of a stand, hiding behind other stuff. I had them in a plastic container inside a large zip lok bag so didn't pay any attention to them. So, don't throw out your seeds ... there's still hope! I think you will eventually see little green sprouts appearing.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

That is where these came from Lin, I joined and then they sent the seeds and then the envelope came repackaged and no seeds.. So I told them and they said they would look into it and then they resent the package and there were seeds in there but they were the ones that were lost in the mail as the post office mailed them back to the Gesneriad Society so they mailed the same ones.. They are mixed Gesneriad species and hybrids... I have them in a tub with a plastic cover with lights.. Is this right? I am not trashing them yet...LOL I will keep you posted and if anyone has any tips feel free to tell me...

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I am reluctant to get in on this conversation, but with seeds.........there is such a fine line between keeping the seeds moist once they get wet and then now drowning them........as then a fungus will get started.

I will like to sow mine in either solo cups or small cups with a high dome so that I can open all the time for a little air..........trying all the time to keep that soil moist but never wet.

Maybe others will join in on this discussion. I like to use my Park Seed Domes as they have ventilation on the top if I need it.........(meaning they got maybe overwatered )

I have even been known to take the little pots with seeds (when I think the soil is too moist) and place the pots on a bathroom towel long enough to absorb any extra moisture.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I don't think they are to wet and I have opened them for fresh air.. but I am not worried as I will get it sooner or later... My domes are two big for my stands.. or let me rephrase that... they take up way to much room on my stands...LOL I will keep you all posted on there growing or not...LOL

(Zone 1)

Hey Ladies: Would y'all mind taking a look at this plant: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/874939/ someone on the beginner houseplant forum is trying to identify. It does resemble a Gesneriad but I'm not real sure. This person lives in Hawaii and this plant is growing in a rain forest area where she lives. A really pretty plant.

Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi ladies,
Just popping in for a minute to say Hi and I'll see you all for a few days.I'll be on the road at 6 am to New Orleans to pick my sister up from the train station.We are going to spend a day or 2 in New Orleans to see the sights and go to Bourbon ST, where the hold the Mari Gras.Should be a fun few days.I hope we don;t see to much of the destruction thats still there.I will play catch up with d-mails when I get back home.

Susan,don't give up on your mixed gessie seeds.Some can take up yo 6 months to germinate.And one lady told me some came up in 8 months.

Talk to you all in a few days,Jan

(Zone 1)

Have fun Jan! We will miss you! Don't go Mardi Grasing too much now, ya hear? ^_^ I hope you have a great time with your sister! I love getting together with my sisters and just hanging out, shopping, eating and just catching up, just wish we lived closer so we could do it often.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Have fun, be careful on the road! That sounds like so much excitement. Wish I had a sister to do that with!
Lots of loves and hugs,

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Have fun Jan and be safe and come back to us sooooon... I am off to bed now so I will see you all tomorrow after work...

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Morning Everyone,

Jan, I hope you have the most wonderful time with your sister and make any memories together. I also have always wished I had a sister. In fact, I used to dress my brother up like a girl *lol* Oh, he would die if he knew I told *lol* Jan, you are just going to have a blast :) Can't wait to hear about it.

Oh goodness Susan.......seeds. Wow, that is a real struggle for me *lol* I have no problem making crosses and creating all these seedpods.....however, starting seeds has been a real learning curve for me *lol* I try something different every time so any advice I have would probably be the wrong advice so I'm sitting back and reading what the experts have to say because quite honestly starting seeds has ALWAYS been the most difficult thing to learn for me. I will tell you this though, I did start seeds of Bristol's Party Boy (from my own plant) and I think every seed germinated. However, when I have received seed from the gesneriad society it seems that about 1/2 never germinate. I have heard mixed results with seed from the gesneriad society. Some people every seed sprouts, others get some germination and still others I have read have had zero germination. I do know they take alot longer to sprout so don't give up.

Lin, I looked at that plant you asked us to look at above but it looks like you already ID'd it for them. Good job! You are like a walking Horticulture Queen :) Amazing!


(Zone 1)

Good Morning Everyone!

Kim: What in the world were you doing up before 3:00 a.m.? I know I'm a nightowl and usually up until midnight or 1'Oclock but wow, you are early this morning!

I have 3 sisters and am closest to my youngest who is 8 years younger. We have the same tastes in almost everything and really have a grand time when we can get together. She lives in North Georgia so we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like but do have a blast when we do! My oldest sister (who is only 9mos 3wks older than me!) and I have gotten somewhat closer as we've aged but still have very different likes and dislikes. She lives closer than the youngest, she and her family live down in the Fort Lauderdale area. She doesn't like shopping and isn't into plants at all. I have another sister who is 1 1/2 yrs younger than me and I love her dearly but she has many, many problems and does not stay in contact with the family.

I think I've acquired quite a few new "sisters" since joining DG. Even thought we've never met in person I still feel connected to all of y'all and I know we'd have a fun, fun time if we could ever have a "get together."

Kim, I am not a walking Horticulture Queen at all ... I just love to google. That plant sure looked like a gesneriad to me but it was just a good guess! LOL, there have been many I've tried to identify and I've been waaay off, sometimes by an entirely different plant family.

Well, I'm gonna try to get a few things done around the house so I'm outta here! Hope everyone has a great Wednesday! Wishing all of my "sisters" a happy day full of sunshine and smiles!

Ottawa, IL(Zone 9a)

just had to post a picture of my playful propoise, love this plant.

Thumbnail by mrsbonnie

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