Look what hatched from a guinea egg!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


londonderry, Australia

oh dam i think im sun burnt NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Lodi, United States

How's your neck?:0)

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

RED!!! I bet ROFL ^_^

Sorry Lucky, just HAD to

londonderry, Australia

its not fare wait

your countrys know for its red-necks not mine

were know for our hill billy farmers yeh beat that

wait there the same



Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)


londonderry, Australia

ah well u win (for now)

Lodi, United States

Hillbillies prefer to be known as "horny handed sons of the soil". But it ain't gonna happen.....

This message was edited Jul 14, 2008 2:40 AM

londonderry, Australia


Foley, MO

They'd prolly call me a red-neck if it weren't for my bell bottoms, tye-dyes, barefeet, music, and political views : )

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

so you are a red-necked hippie!

londonderry, Australia

oh my god we have created new new generation by cloning red-necks with hippys

god save our souls


oh and Kathy_Anne have u figured out wat that chick/keet was yet

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

No, They definitely closed their doors, and I haven't left them a note, that little chick is growing though, looks more like a chicken though.

I'll see if I can't get anothe picture of it soon.

londonderry, Australia

cool please do

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i am ready for a new picture!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Yeah, I keep forgetting, I'm headed out of town tomorrow for the day I'll try to get one sunday

londonderry, Australia

i wonder wat it looks lik now

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

hurry Kathy!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

i'm sorry, I've been out of town all day long, first thing tomorrow. I promise.

it's sure weird looking. got the little comb on top of it's head, alot of guinea coloring. we'll let you all see it tomorrow. i'v been so busy putting up the veggies in the garden and we had to go up to Clinton today and that put me out of pocket all day. i'mstill canning tonight, making pickles, and canning zipper peas and lady finger and purple hull peas. almost done. i'm so tired.

tomorrow. promise. so sorry i've not posted apicture.

londonderry, Australia

wow it must look realy weird

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

ok, here is the baby, what do you all think?

i'll post several pics, and i'll try not to be so long about posting pics from now on LOL

not the best pictures, this thing is a lively little bugger

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

another shot

ugly isn't it? LOL

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

A terrible shot to get a comparison of the chicken and guineas but i'll try to get another today sometime of all of them so we can see the two diff ones.

it's raining now .

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Lodi, United States

How interesting! I wonder what is going on in his fuzzy little bird brain? Now I think like a chicken/Now I think like a guinea? Or just a weird blend of the two? Definitely a keeper!

Paris, TN

I just had a silkie and a guinea hatch had planned on keeping them together until I read that chickens and guineas can breed I don't want that cause I would like to have purebreed silkies maybe I should get rid of the guineas my dh hates them anyway.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Awww...actually I think it's rather cute! It's a special little one, that's for sure!

Moxee, WA(Zone 4a)


This little oddity is somewhat rare ... so count yourself as special. Its not the 1st I've read of or seen but close and I've been involved with poultry since I was 8 years old ... off and on ... mostly off.

Kelly in Moxee

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

i'll be sure to take special care of it, but their allgetting good care.

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