Strawbale Gardening: General Discussions - Chapter 23

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Jeanette; The vines on the centennials will probably get to around 15 to 20 feet. The amount of sunlight available may affect that some but that would be about what I would expect. I didn't get the pictures taken yet today, but I will work on that. .
Sally; Look on the western edge of IA. you will find Sioux City. From there if you look East south east about 25 miles, is where we are. I don't think the maps that are for sale in Wal-Mart would have it listed. but it would be on a map from the D.O.T.
Our address is Hornick, but we live in Climbing Hill which is smaller yet.
If you went on Map Quest, it would at least give an arrow where we are. Another town that most likley would be on your map would be Moville, which is straight east of SC we are south of there 10 miles. It's a quiet place not much going on except the taxes.

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Well taxes and sweet taters!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Better watch out Russ, that Sally sets her mind on something and she will be bangin' on your door looking for those SPs. Next she will probably sit down and help you make up salsa out of those tomatoes.


Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

We have had a few people stop and get directions, Some how or another they had got thoroughly turned around and were on the wrong road. Usually they were intending on heading East on the highway that is 10 miles north. Someday somebody could be looking for S/Ps and really surprise us. LOL

Dahlonega, GA

nope , don't get up your way any more . been on every interstate east to west and north to south ocean to ocean and mexico and gulf to canada . i have no desire to see any other country except USA. would love to see alaska and hawaii . we have more beauty than i could see in another lifetime . but i'm pretty through with hard core traveling , so you guys will have to come see me . let's go fishing ! sally

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Sounds like more traveling than I would want to do Sally. Guess I would just like to stay home too. Altho, traveling the interstates doesn't sound like much fun. I like to get off the beaten path myself. Meet people like Russ out there in Hornick, and you maybe in Texas. Been to Georgia but not Texas so I would try that.


Dahlonega, GA

one guy i was married to pulled mobile homes nationwide . we did a lot of gbl's government bill of laden . it's surprising to see the places some of our military lived ,when they got out of service , or transferred from base to base .believe me we got off the beaten track . i ended up dispatching 11 states on the west coast , living in chandler ,az , with that same co . next dh and i , after he retired from union job ,truck driving ,i went out and ordered a kenworth out of washington st and leased it to a good co that kept us moving and paid quite well. got that in '87 . the fastest you can deliver , the more miles you can get , hence , more money .so you always take the fastest route between points . there were a lot of companies that were off the interstate , but you dropped off onto the state roads , or county roads after you got close to pickup or delivery .i also drove and loved the road . didn't make any difference how tired and straggly you looked , when you got into a truck stop and started to the door , no matter how old you were , with that log book in your hand ,ANY male driver held the door for you and treated you like a queen .if you was a driver , you was a driver . but thats my story of the interstate highways . jenette , that's hard core traveling . let's go fishing . lol sally

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Yup fishin sure sounds better. And you better believe it, if we get down that way, fishin gear will be packed.
Same goes if we get up to Washington. Remember we have a Granddaughter and hubby and a little one that live up from Seattle, little town of Gold Bar. Of course that would have to be in the spring, before the garden season. LOL

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Yeah, sure sounds good. Been trying to find just a couple hours in the morning to go fishing but so busy trying to get this house painted and have eye surgery in the morning. Just too busy. I thought retirement was being lazy.


Dahlonega, GA

eye surgery ? boy , i must have missed something . did you mention it before? jnette , why don't you post a picture so i can relate to who i'm talking to ? i'm on georgia forum under i just have to show you all the sweetest people . i finally got a camera , now need to read how to use it .russ, make her post a picture . in any event , jnette take care of yourself and mind the dr. after surgery , please .

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Hey Sally girl, no, I did not mention it before. I went in this morning and had a cataract removed from one eye. It has felt pretty gritty all day, but then I have 4 different eye drops to use and I started on them about 3 hours ago. My eyesight is gradually getting better. The grittiness is going away.

I hate having my picture taken Sally. Really grosses me out. I will go into the Georgia forum and see what you are talking about.


Dahlonega, GA

maypop l knows i hate my picture taken too . she was suprised that i let eufala (lynn ) take it , sally

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Russ, I have been in Goldbar many times when coming home from coast area, and is a nice little town. I don't travel as much now as I used to. My youngest son live in Lake Tapps which is east of Tacoma. He and his wife are staying with me for a couple of nights. They went to his 40th class reunion today, by boat up to head of Lake Chelan, Stehekin. Must go make a Blackberry Slump for desert for tonight or tomorrow brunch, depending on when they get back here.

It is above 100 degrees outside and was that warm yesterday also. sure hope it cools off soon. Hate to step outside the house.


Dahlonega, GA

it's in the low 80,s here and around 58 to 62 at night . guess the killing , hot weather is over . sally

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Donna; I won't complain, I don't really think we actually hit 100 degrees this summer yet, close yes but not quite.
It is starting to get down to upper 50s at night. I like it cooler but my sweet taders need a little more hot weather yet. I checked one of the hills tonight. There are some fat crayon sized roots but I quit there, Didn't want to disturb them too much.
I haven't been to Goldbar, yet. Sure would like to though. I've only seen that great grandson twice. just as a baby. He is two now, will be three in Dec.
Just got another 7 qts of sweet corn bagged for freezing. Would have had more done but had a nice interruption. Our daughter in Ohio called, and we talked around an hour, or so. I was putting the corn up for them. to take back with them. They will be home over Labor Day.
She has quit eating corn as part of a diet she is doing but her husband still likes sweet corn. So this is for him. Still have some to do yet for Connie. But I will try get her to help on hers. Yeah I'm just a bit selfish, want to spend as many fun things with her as we can, as well as to cheer her on.
They have doubbled the dose of amitriptlyn for her. She says that took some getting used to. Her face and scalp would be hot and sweaty and her arms and legs were cold. She is up to 175mg. just to keep the headaches at bay.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Yeah Donna, we have that weather here too. Super hot. But, suppose to be raining and 67 degrees by Wednesday. Night temp suppose to get down to 50 degrees. Amazing.

Sally, must have been ESP. I was thinking of you. How are the tomato plants doing? When do you go to Texas?


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Russ, got a note saying you and I were writing at the same time. Guess you are quicker on the trigger than me. LOL Must be that western movie I am watching.

The corn sounds good. Please tell Connie we are all rootin' for her. Wish I could come help you all put the corn up. You need to go to Gold Bar some time Russ. Donna, isn't that where the train crew stops the train and goes across the highway to get the ice cream cones? They swear by that ice cream. Best ever. I've seen them do it. Weird.


Dahlonega, GA

IF we get to go this year ,jnette , we'll leave 1st of dec . be back middle of march .sure wish dh 's boss would make up his mind if he want's to fire that other guy or not ,so we can make plans . dh will have to work thru winter ,cause they don't want to train someone else to take the fired guys place . ther is a lot of fine gold in the sand on the beaches of oregan and washington . i've got the equiptment to recover a lot of it . if state law lets you work it . havent checked it out . sally

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Sally... are you planning to gold-plate your roof like the courthouse in Dahlonega? LOL

Dahlonega, GA

darius, girl , have you been to dahlonega ? come on back, would love to meet you anyway . no , don't want to use it for anything . (gold that is ) .have all we've ever found , except haven't gone after any in 4 or 5 years . when you retire , it seems that's when you really start work . there is no time to play ,like i used to , that's why i want to spend time in texas , no real obligations to meet . long , long story .

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Sally, are you talking about the ocean beaches? Or maybe some rivers, streams, or???/ I know of some rivers that some of the people are dredging. But, now they have put "seasons" on dredging. I don't know what all rules they have added. You could probably google it and find out.tho.

That sure is a bummer tho, having to decide what you are going to do depending on someone else. When is your husband going to retire?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Sally, yes I have been to Dahlonega, a time or two. For a spell, I lived above Hiawassee over the state line into NC.

Dahlonega, GA

jnette , my dh retired from general motors 14 years ago .he didn't work for years ,but found something to keep him busy , and the extra money sure does come in handy . i like having the place to myself in the daytime . we spend all our off time together , and a little space is nice .darius , you wouldn't know dahlonega now , they made a bigtime tourist town out of it and the small town politicians try to make new york city out of it and have only screwed up a beautiful (used to be ) town . i've been here 16 years and am not enchanted with it like it is now . i know you didn't ask , jnette , but with everything i've done and different jobs ive done , all of them were temporary , while i was married to a temporary ,lol , guy . i got an insurance licence in 1974 , and was an independent life and health agent until this last december when i turned everything in and decided i wouldn't travel anymore . i used to work west texas , out two to three weeks and home to my place in arkansas . i still have that place , but it's better to call georgia home base . i get to thinking about it and should write a book . no one would buy it but my son would enjoy it . he was right there with me through most of it .aaaahh , its been an intresting life , its hell to get old , but at least i've lived .few regrets . sally

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Sally!! I would buy it! Maybe 2. I'll bet it would really be good. You need to get started on it. Good project for any winters you might have??? Guess you don't have winters like we do when you need projects.

I have known ladies like you that have had very interesting jobs/lives. One was a bush pilot in Alaska. She had some pretty good stories too. Maybe you 2 could write a book together. LOL But then it would be too heavy to lift to read.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Sally!! I would buy it! Maybe 2. I'll bet it would really be good. You need to get started on it. Good project for any winters you might have??? Guess you don't have winters like we do when you need projects.

I have known ladies like you that have had very interesting jobs/lives. One was a bush pilot in Alaska. She had some pretty good stories too. Maybe you 2 could write a book together. LOL But then it would be too heavy to lift to read.


Dahlonega, GA

aaaahhh, alaska , the one place i'd really like to visit . i have a very good friend south of delta juntion , she has written two books on everyday life , kinda like a diary .very interesting . every year , she ,flo and bob , pick up the video camera and tape until a six hour tape is full , then makes copies to give her friends on everyday things they do . they don't think anything of taking 4 wheelers a hundred miles out in the wilderness to explore . their house vas built from selvaged stuff they took from abandoned alaska pipeline houses built for workers . that's living . sally

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL, Sally, why didn't they just throw a line around one of those houses and pull it back to where they wanted it with the 4 wheelers?

I'll bet you would do good in Alaska. Why don't you go visit your friend? Take that vacation after you finish with all the tomatoes.


Dahlonega, GA

oh sure jnette , and you'r going to come down and go fishing ! lol , i have four dogs and two cats , and a bird . it kinda restricts where i can go . but they love me . tomatoes are no problem , that trench i'm digging , getting ready to pour footing for new room is eating my lunch . up against the house , it's 2 1/2 ft deep, and 12x16 . also water line that has to be put in deeper . room will be almost far enough into ground to stand up straight . might go down another six inches with footing .

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Sounds like you're building fort Sally. Who are you standing off?


Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Sounds like she's getting ready for another Civil War!!!


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Is that it Sally girl? You got muskets? How do you have time to be doing that when you have all those tomatoes to can?

What is this room Sslly? I don't recall if you told us. I keep going back and reading what you said about digging a trench and deeper for a water line, is it another bathroom??? Nope, I looked again. Too big for a bathroom.


Dahlonega, GA

i guess i posted it somewhere else , but when i had this doublewide built , seven years ago , the first thing to do was build a utility room on . so i designed it without a pantry . i'm going to turn the w/d and mud room into a pantry . washer &dryer will go into the new room along with a utility double sink so i can bath my dogs without having to bend over the bathtub . it will be large enough to put in a wood stove i bought ten years ago. the kind with a thermostat , three logs will heat all night. also , have a nice toilet and pedestal sink to partition off an extra b. room , with storage and room for deep freeze ,i can get out some of the clutter in the house . wont have to traipse thru the house to go potty when i'm outside .also , the land drops off from the trailer three foot in a fifteen foot run so to be able to level that out , i have to dig down at least thirty inches all along the trailer , then level ,out to the slope . plus a trench in the bottom of that for a footing . the trailer has narrow concrete blocks underpinning it , but they don't hold any weight , so will run regular concrete blocks from bottom of trench up and against the faux foundation to floor joists of new room to be .they will come out another twelve foot so that i have a three walled space under the room , level and dh will have no excuse to leave mower , tiller , ect , in yard just covered up because it's to far to a 20x40 shop building to put up there,lol also i will have room under there to store my garden stuff including hundreds of seed starter trays and different chemicals and pots .the water line is fourteen ins . below the ground and runs straight to the house , so am digging that trench deeper to rebury the line at least a foot below the floor of storage area. it will be open on the downhill side to discourage critters from hiding in there . with a shop lite installed on the underside of a finished ceiling / floor ,it ought to be a really usable area . gotta go start digging , before it gets to hot . sun gets over there at 11:30.hush , doug , we're about ready for another general discussion thread on strawbale gardening and stuff. btw , to keep this in topic , i'm picking my tom and blanching , peeling , zip loc bags . and on tomatoes forum ,there is a great recipe for tomato pie.if you want it , i'll give you my modified version . sally

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Sally you wore me out just reading all that. Now, do you have any kind of season/weather to worry about as far as it stopping you from working? Other than heat I mean.

I am having my house painted and he has it about 1/3 done. We were just looking at the weather report because we had a pretty good lightening storm last night and lost power for 5 hours. Now today they say "possible" showers, and then showers the next two days and then he can paint on Friday and Saturday. Should be done with all but the trim by then. And, I also have to pick out and buy the trim.

I tried the recipe in the tomato form for pie last year and I guess that is just not my thing. I'll take mine in salsa or BLTs thanks.

Well, like I was saying, it looks like it just might be winding down as far as our summer goes and I have only had the cherry tomatoes ripen. Probably more than I thought we would have when we went into this summer with our really cold spring.


Dahlonega, GA

wanted to ans all the questions on my room ,ssooooo it took awhile to explain . i got my camera but haven't used it yet ,would be so much easier to post pictures .it's my first one and i'm a little afraid of it .on that pie , the orignal recipe was too watery and juicy for me , just messy . the flavor was tremendous , but thought i could improve it a bit so did some modifing and really like my version . there. are many more on that thread and would like to try them all

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Gee wizz, Jeanette; You really haven't had a very long growing period, if it is nearing the end already. I'm still thinking we will still have all of September.
You start having frosts, your gonna have to cover some of the tomatoes and sweet taders.
A while back I remember covering the melons and three or four tomatoes as well as the S/Ps. And they made another 3 weeks. Which is all I needed.
Most of my squash are just starting to get little squashes behind the blossoms now.

So I'm really counting on a little more growing season.

Your just going to have to pipe in more sunshine. LOL

Dahlonega, GA

it's a shame this isn't the year for tomatoes in your area . these are the first i've grown that were sucessful in georgia . what color are you painting ? and what color trim ? and who is painting it for you , dh? i've asked other people and i'll ask you , how did you end up in that area ? it has to be pretty remote , which i really like . i can see my neighbors place in the winter , but had rather it be on further over . there is a deep gully between us . i really love to paint . need to do more inside ,but maybe next year . sally

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Russ, I guess I am normally an optomist and I am not saying this is the end of our season. I'm just saying it could be. Within a couple of weeks we could get frost any time. Our regular frost date is sometime in October. However, this year anything goes.

Sally, I am painting it a dark brown with either a celery or burnt orange color for trim. No Bob is not doing it. He does not have the experience and this house needs too many ladders and he is not a ladder person. I think the highest point form the ground is probably close to 40 feet. Between 35 nd 40 I would say.

A fellow who does all kinds of home repair etc. is doing it. He is pretty good and is booked solid going into winter. This is his first year of doing this solely as income and he has a family, 2 little boys, so I sure hope he does well.

It is nice to have someone in the area to call for things we can't do ourselves. There was a time when there wasn't a thing that I couldn't/didn't do myself. Whether it was on the cars or the house, the appliances etc. But, I just can't do it any more. Bob has never done most of that kind of stuff but he is learning. With a gentle push once in a while and a real shove other times. lol

Why/how did I end up in this area? I have always lived in the Northwest. Not this remote before. It's 1/4 mile to my nearest neighbor and almost a mile to the next closest. With the forest service land behind me.


Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Well then, Jeanette; Lets just say it will be October, last half not first. K
We don't need any frost any earlier than that.

My ladder don't get me that far off the ground either. It is about all I can handle to carry my 30'. Let alone maneuver it into position. I get chewed on once in a while, for getting up almost that high. But if it don't get done, somebody has to. And getting a son in law to help is like looking for HENS TEETH. I am careful though, and If putting the ladder up can wait till after 2:00, I can get Gary to come up and help manhandle it.
Most jobs though I only need the one section. And that's no problem.

Just started a new hobby. Has nothing to do with gardening though, so maybe I might get jumped on " NOT". LOL
I'm going to see how well wind chimes, go over. The one I just finished the longest tube is 23-3/4" long 1" diameter. Nice mellow tone. Only thing is I had to improvise, on the strings, untill I either find the fishing string spools, that I already have or go get more next time we go to the city. Oh well it will give me something to do to keep me from starting seeds way too early. Maybe can even sell a few, to put gas in the lil truck. LOL

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Russ send along pictures of your windchimes. I have several that I was given or have bought. I really like to have their nice music, but the fish line does deteriorate rapidly in the sun.


Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Will do, Donna!
I'll wait till morning to get a picture.
I was actually thinking of the old nylon braided line. Is that the one that deteriorates rapidly?
I plan to check into braided wire like fishing leaders.
I could use a wire, if I used an axle through each tube, then I would only need a single wire for each tube or chime.

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