Help with lemon eucalyptus

(Zone 6a)

Does anybody know what this is on my lemon eucalyptus??? It's growing inside in a south facing window. It sort of looks like powdery mildew or is it something else? Please help!!!
I've got a couple photos I'll post so you can all see :)


ps: I also posted this over on the pests and diseases forum

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

Heres another, these spots have appeared before but only on a few leaves which I picked off. Now it's spread to atleast half the plant! I'm figuring I should pick the spotty leaves off...

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Looks like powdery mildew. Remove & destroy the affected leaves & treat the rest of the plant with whatever fungicide you feel is within your limits of safety. Placing your plant where it gets the best air circulation is the best way to prevent it.


(Zone 6a)

Thanks Al, it's pruning time!!!
Have you heard of milk being used to prevent powdery mildew??? I seem to remember reading something about it....


North Augusta, ON

Nice lemon eucalyptus there Steve!!

Did you find the plant somewhere or start it by seeds?

(Zone 6a)

I got it at humber nurseries, its the largest garden centre in ontario and its only 15 minutes from my house!!! I'm planning on sending some cutting later in the summer when we do our swap :)
He got a drastic cutting back though....thats what I get for not paying attention for a few weeks. I need to find him a spot where he gets better circulation....other than that hes grows great indoors!


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

heres he is 12 days ago.......just fine...

edited to add hes just out to get his photo taken :)

This message was edited Jun 28, 2008 7:13 PM

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
North Augusta, ON

oooooo...happy dance here ^_^

Does he smell as good as his name implies he does?

(Zone 6a)

he does! he smell like citronella, its a strong fragrance when he's rubbed and zero pests have bothered him so far so I'm hoping the scent keeps them away :)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Mmhmm - I've heard of milk, but I also just read a clinical study showing it as useless as a fungicide. Go figure. I do know that chamomile tea is a fairly effective fungicide, but most fungicides are best used prophylactically.


(Zone 6a)

Thanks again Al, I pruned off the infected parts of the plant which you can see in my photo a couple posts up was a good part of the plant :( I'll spray with chamomile tea tomorrow to hopefully prevent any furthur mildew.

Thanks again :)

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