Cacklin' thread for chick'n'chat

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Christy...It was raining just a bit ago...but it's stopped for now...
Hopefully it will hold off for awhile...

My son brought a friend and my daughters 16 yr old son, and one of the guys from my AmVets post is coming to help I have 4 big strapping guys to get this mess loaded...YAHOOOO!! All I have to do is supervise!! LOL

Truck is here, so time to get at it...Have a great day!!!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Good luck with that Dusty and a safe journey!


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


hey, PLEASE BUY SOME CHICKS! Ideal just calle dto see if i could take the fifty crested special TODAY... i can't till next week...

call Rachel at 1-800-243-3257 x5400

she has 50 extra that need to ship out TODAY!!!! at 1.25 each how can you go wrong....

sultans, chantelcers, crevoucers, polish.... such pretty birds want to come and live at your place!


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH I called and left a message. Se if I can finagle it.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

call back... Rachel awaits your call.... then go to your local dollar store and get a wading pool fo rseven bucks. stick it in your dining room with a heat lamp and some beeding, pick up the feed today. then you are all set! and maybe DH will speed things up, after all, you will be busy caring for them...

you're welcome LOL

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

lol thanks called and got answering machine again. If it is ment to be it will happen. i need to go to town anyway, I have a rubbermaid tub that I used before just have to clean it up. My problem is my deposit wont be posted untill tomorrow after 2. I can send her some cash western union or do a check. We will see
Thanks again, can u say I am HOOKED!!!!!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i bet htey would do a check over hte phone. or maybe theyare taken already.... we will see... really looking forward to my crested special next week. i am not hooked, i am just plain sick LOL


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

talking to her now Got them. They will ship COD

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Got them and she is shipping them today and adding it onto my next weeks order to pay. See how u are. JUST pure evil. Im loving it. I should have them by wednesday. Get ready for pictures.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Gosh I feel like a new mama. Waiting for that "delivery" Now hubby will have to get the pen done :) good thinking there Tam. Hugs just made my day.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I am so glad I had nothing to do with this temptation LOL


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

LOL and yes you are on another temptation!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, NO MOLLYD! you started it!!!

glad they have a home. now, are they gonna keep calling me EVERY TIME they have chicks to home? i promised DH not thill the 9th, they had betterr not clal me on the seventh or SOMEONE HERE is gonna get some LOL

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

NOT me lol I dont have the room as it is.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

NOOOOOOOOOOOO they are not going to call you, they called me back another 45 so that makes 95 arriving wednesday or thursday. OMG he who must be obeyed is going to shoot me.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

do you need a gun to protect yourself?

that explains why they called me again... sorry, i am taking next weeks extras.... sigh, when will this end. DH insited he wasn't building anything else anytime soon... i suppose i could get rid of all the goats and that would make more room LOL NOT!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

got mom involved and she has the barn so I am set. She is excited.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

COOL! she is gonn alove these birds! can't wait to get mine...

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

well, DH just said the polish cage is ready so i can move the roos, so i can move th frizzles so i can move the bantams and keets LOL.... told him how i adopted out 95 chicks ;-) remiended him of the catfish pond [maybe i never told him?] anyhow, he said the same thing, who is gonna take care of everything??? i need a freind from DG i can trust to move here and be our neighbor...


edited to add: HINT HINT

This message was edited Jun 30, 2008 2:17 PM

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

im not taking any hint

She is so bad isn't she L2G LOL
you can't take her anywhere !!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Yes Yes but think, I have have pics to post soon

yeah love pics too

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

You guys just have no sales resistance! LOL


Nope lol

Lodi, United States

What have I missed! TamaraFaye what have you done!

On another note--mentioned Texas to DH--said it was too hot. Mentioned big lake (didn't mention it was being pumped dry)--some interest shown.:0)

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


We were out this evening picking raspberries and it occurred to me that most of them had planted themselves where they got dappled sunlight. Not direct strong sun. Maybe you should try something like that for yours?


Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

Hee hee hee, the Chicken Fairy strikes again! Or is this just finding a good home for sweet, innocent, cute baby chicks? LOL!

Glad you are taking them we know their story and can watch them grow!

tf......I don't see no HINT! LOL!


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


edited to add, it really doesn't get that hot way up here, we are soooo close to Colorado...

This message was edited Jul 1, 2008 12:53 AM

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning Ladies...

Almost time to leave to go get my wheelchair van down at work and go get my first patient...If my van was here at the homestead, I would be 20 minutes away from her instead of an hour to the van and an hour back up here...LOL

Im tired, but not dead, and everything is here...

Have a wonderful day!!! I will fill you all in on the details tonight...

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

barely moved in and already working, huh? you slow down girlfriend!!!

i hope the two hours in trasnist is a lovbely rest and good sight seeing...


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Have fun dusty, I find driving good therapy, especially when alone and not in town driving. Gives me time to think and sort things out.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

CHICKS are in, I missed the phone call at 6 30 pm so I have to wait until the morning. Poor things get to send a night at the post office. Im so EGGsited

L2G do you think they will be ok ? over night in there.
LOL we can tell your EGGsited !! yeah. How fun for you. :)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yippe!! just go in your robe and slippers LOL... wamr up your car and run the heater. you need to prepare yourself for some losses, they won't keep them warm tonight, so they will smush each other...


Silverdale, WA

Hey everyone,

I am TheDirtyGirl. It is an old nic name, because I am always playing in the dirt. Typically you can catch me in a straw hat and in the garden. I love to write, paint, throw pottery, garden and redesign my little postage stamp farm I recently bought. I am into cottage style and love to create outdoor rooms. One room is "Hen Hall", imagine that! Another is a tree house in the forest glen at the far end of the property. there are several more but I wont bore you with the details all at once. LOL

I live in the Pacific Northwest, in amongst Islands and peninsulas. I love it here. We enjoy all our pets. Rabbits, Dog, Cat, several birds and that doesnt include the Poultry. I have a small flock of girls, and a couple roos that we recently adopted that are apparently fryers. A pair of Old English Bantams, Buff Orpingtons, & some barred Rocks. Everyone has a name but until I can take a few pics I will get back to that.

Oh I hope your babies are OK Luvs2garden. I so love baby chickens.
Congrats Dusty on your home!
Sorry I buzzed through the last few posts to get a good idea of who is who, but I am sure I missed much, and until I get to know you all I will have to ask for some help to learn about you all! Catching up in all the threads is gonna take time.

I will leave ya all with a little picture of my youngest of two grandsons feeding scratch to the ladies. I hope to get to know you all soon.

Thumbnail by TheDirtyGirl
(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

run the heater gosh it is 5 45 am and already 71 outside. By the time I checked the answering machine the guy had already left. I will go about 7 or 8 this morning and pick them up. Hopefully they will be ok. I will let ya know

Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

Let us know how your babies are doing, Tia. I can't wait to hear!


Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

TDG.....welcome! Everyone here is a lot of fun, very informative, and helpful. Great pic.


welcome TDG
great pic. kids and chickens are always a great pair in pics arn't they ? :) what a cutie.

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