Suggest company for my Dracaena?

Seattle, WA

I have dracaena warnecki all alone in a rather large pot. It's actually three plants, which the nursery told me I did not have to separate; but to me it looks like it needs company. Suggestions?

Thumbnail by Anitra
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I wouldn't give it any company, there's not that much room there and the dracaena will grow. If you want a fuller look, you could put the dracaena in a smaller pot for now and then move it up to this one when it gets a little bigger.

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

If you have a protected area where you could put it outside for the summer, it will grow much faster.

Seattle, WA

Okay, ecrane, I will be patient. :)

NatureLover, if I thought we were going to have a summer I'd put her out in it! Right now, though, we're having the coldest June on record and she's definitely warmer right where she is. Might even be getting more light.

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

That's right, y'all are still having winter! I forgot. Wish I could send you some of our heat.

Seattle, WA

A local paper said that it was warmer today in Siberia than it was here. One of my tomatoes is a Siberian type, that I thought would do well in the Northwest. Now I think it wants to go home.

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