For all us PNW from Jeff Foxworthy (smile)

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

thanks willow! never heard of pern dragon. is that a series of books? i teach karate too and love dragons. got them all over in the school. lol and no.... no decals yet but that would be a good idea later down the rode though! jsut made her up two days ago... so she's still a baby! lol

yah... economic turn around would be nice. jsut came back from grocery shopping and spent 94.00 and the cart wasnt even 2/3 full! thats depressing :-P

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

It's from a series of books by Anne McAffrey

I've actually cut down on my eating. This may be a good thing for me in the long term. LOL

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

If you have umbrellas over your tomatoes, you just might be a PNWer.

Thumbnail by Willowwind2
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

hahaha that's awesome! There's another sight that I've never seen before!

Poulsbo, WA

Willow are those yours?! That is so funny.
Now I have to run and do that with the brightest colors I can find.
Normally I go for a subdued color palette, but I NEED color.
I was going to start a thread about this dreary weather, but this one is shaping up that way.
I have been working four or more hours a day outside for months, I finally just gave up
and started working in the rain. I just have to get my plants in, even if half of them rot.

Skokami, if you send me the largest file you have of your logo, I can make the head
match the body, if you want. I teach photoshop, and it would be very easy, 5 minutes.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Yes they are mine. I figured they had had enough water and cold.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I agree neo! parts of my yard have excellent drainage, but the other parts that only have good drainage I'm actually beginning to face that problem. The soil drains, but hasn't actually dried at all so it's looking to be a problem! I've actually seen plants with mildew out in the woods. I don't think that I've seen that before.

This weather is so bizzare that we're all in complete bewilderment about what's in store for summer. My co-workers and I have narrowed it down to two options. 1) it's going to stay cooler than usual and rain intermittantly all summer, plants will rot, and major landslides the following winter because of it. option 2) by the end of June it's going to turn around and a mixture of warm and hot heat waves cause all the lush brush to dry and and have lots of wildfires in august and september. That's our thoughts on it.

This message was edited Jun 6, 2008 4:23 PM

Poulsbo, WA

redchic, I am prone to believe that the planet is actually growing cooler.
There are definitely two camps, but the scientific journals that I have been reading,
so cooler, not warmer. Whichever it is, there is definitely climate CHANGE everywhere.
I thought the PNW would be a great place, if there's global warming, but if it goes the other way,
webbed toes and moss in the hair is no long a foxworthy joke, but a real nightmare.
WA and OR already top the list for suicides, next to Alaska.
And all we will be able to eat is lettuce, no take that back. The slugs will be three feet long,
with teeth (from eating genetically engineered veggies) and there won't even be spring crops. ;)

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Do not be dismayed, this to shall pass. Speakth the old lady who been here 68 years.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

It will definitely pass! But, I think it's definitely one for the memory books. I do know that I never want to see a slug with teeth!!!! if that happens I will carry a salt shaker with me at all times!!! Or maybe a salt shaker of Sluggo??? hmmm..... Either way cool or warm, it's going to be interesting to see how it all plays out!'re 68 years young! And have found a great way of getting your tomatoe plants to adapt.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Actually I wasn't born here so I'm older than that.

Poulsbo, WA

Ah, you're an alien species, and the umbrellas are really for phoning home. ha!
You mean your birth records are lost?

Union, WA(Zone 8b)


southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Oh, yep you definitely worded it that you had been "here" 68 years. Weird how our minds play tricks sometimes with what we read. Hopefully you've liked every year of it here.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)


Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Yes I have. I'm a Hoosier but I wouldn't want to live there.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Me neither!

Poulsbo, WA

ok, remember I'm from Arkansas. so what's a hoozier?

Union, WA(Zone 8b)


Union, WA(Zone 8b)

And I grew up in Poulsbo. Lived on Virgina Point.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Neo.... have you seen the movie Hoosiers? (i'm sure the state is propably tired of being remembered by the movie) You should watch it. I don't think that you have to be a sports nut to like it. I visisted arkansas for a couple of days once. What I remember the most is that it was just absolutely pouring outside and other than the people in their cars, I was the only person outside for as far as I could see down any of the streets. It wasn't cold either.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Love the dragon logo and didn't even notice it was two-toned.

Love the umbrellas and here's a source for seconds/overruns if anyone wants them in bulk or even just a few. Dahlia enthusiasts use umbrellas to get the perfect shading on certain varieties or protect them from global flooding from the sky.....

"If you are interested in ordering umbrellas to cover your dahlias,
contact Prov@ItsRaining. com. Minimum order of 2 dozen umbrellas for
these seconds and over runs. I order around 100 most years for the
National Capital Dahlia Society. If it ever rains around our area
and the umbrellas are not all covering the dahlias, I have even used
some of them to cover non-dahlia humans.

The golf umbrellas are now $3.50 each, smaller folding $2.65 each and
we have an assortment of the large patio umbrellas at $12.50 each.

These prices include UPS shipping. "

Alan Fisher
from Central Maryland, where we are suffering through a second
consecutive day of drought.

Alan A. Fisher
ADS Membership Chairman
1 Rock Falls Ct.
Rockville, MD 20854 USA
AFisherADS@Yahoo. com

One hears so many theories of global cooling/global warming. By the time our lives our done, it will be what it will be. We'll all be in fleece or bikinis, OMG, basking in the glow of 80 degree days or standing with swords to fight off the 3 ft slugs with teeth LOL! Doris Day was right all along....

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Katie, you will get a kick out of this since you lived here. a week or two ago I had posted something on some other thread about how much and often I water certain plants on the days when it's 90 or even 100 deg. out (I was not stating this as a fact for other regions nor did I say that it was that warm every day). Somebody had the "thought" (not the term I really want to use) to tell me that they looked up Eugene (and implied all of the PNW ) weather and it was usually only low 80's, not 90's and that it didn't relate....that's a brief summation of it anyhow. I was very tempted to reply that a website couldn't relate actuality and that I don't actually live IN Eugene, but I chose to not say anything because it would've been something that I might get in trouble for.

Gee wouldn't it be nice if we were always in the low 80's!!!! Although right now that sounds really good.

I think I must be a PNWer. Add this to the list: will garden with umbrella in hand. I came home today to find most of my irises on the ground from so much water, and the alliums, and the liles bending low. I spent an hour in the pouring rain staking them because I just can't see them go to complete waste after all the effort I've put in. Now I'm so cold I need to go get in the bath to warm up.
I'm concerned about the climate change, too. The term 'global warming' is a bit misleading, since it really doesn't refer necessarily to how warm it gets everywhere. All I know is that I am feeling like I need to start growing my own food, and I chose this year to put in vegetables. They are sitting in the ground rotting. At least my tomatoes and peppers are in the greenhouse and are doing well. It's my opinion that we are in this economic thing for a long haul and that this is simply part of a larger and more profound change that is taking place across the globe. It's not going to be fun, but it will be okay. I'm planning to start stock piling dried beans, rice, etc. to have on hand as back up. After the earthquake here a few years back, people were advised to be more prepared for emergencies. Guess I feel like it's time l listened to that.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

i think that's a really good plan.

Mountlake Terrace, WA(Zone 8a)

The only good use I see for umbrellas, is when one is working outside and want your hands free and work area covered.

Get a golf umbrella, and some PVC pipe that will fit the handle. Make a stake out of one end leaving it long enough for how high the umby needs to be. Maybe you want a screw with nut across to keep the umby from being swallowed by the pipe.

I used to have to work outside with computers, yes, in the rain. It worked great, and all the other guys in my work group thought I was weird for liking umbrellas for work. I never told them my secret, and let them think I was weird.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Good one AD, and all along you were the smart one!

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Shokami - I'm wondering how Heidi is feeling about having another dragonfly in the nursery business? I know I got a bit confused reading the thread - I thought you had linked up with her business. But that just might be me at too much distance.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Never to far away. I think with this sort of a set up, it's sort of like we're all in the same area... with different time zones!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Redchic - first off, why is it that some people feel like they know everything and it's their job to correct people? And secondly, how would this person every know what kind of weather you were having? Yeah, as much as it's tempting to respond to people like that, I find that I'm better off if I just ignore them - I think other people probably have much the same reaction as I do. Still, I fantasize about responding with something like, "But you don't really have a brain, so what you just said doesn't relate either, does it?" What a doof.

Annie - thanks for posting about the umbrellas. AD may not think covering your dahlias is a worthwhile reason for an umbrella, but then he hasn't yet seen the work you've put into your beautiful flowers and the amazing results. And, as Pix said, this rain has knocked everything down before we've even had a chance to enjoy it.

Good umbrella idea, AD. I need about 20 of those posted in various places around the yard.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I agree! And I'm pretty sure that you may have figured out who the person is. I think that you just ran into them on another forum about 20 min. ago. Your reply was very well composed!

This message was edited Jun 7, 2008 12:06 AM

Eugene, OR

What a fun thread!! Blokes in boler hats, bikes, umbrellas of many uses and my most favorite of all....Dragons! Love the logo, good luck with the business. Willow, my first thought was Pern. Been a faithful reader since the beginning.

Redchic, tonight they're saying back to normal by Thursday. Here's hoping. Gave in and went out in the wet this morning to plant my tomatoes, managed to get them in before it got too serious. It was worse in town this afternoon, it poured a few times and when we got home it was dry. Now I'll probably have to water in the plants if it doesn't rain tonight. You can't win.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

that's for certain about not winning!!!! but, I'm sure keeping my fingers crossed for thursday!!!!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Gas and weather, it all is a mess

Shok. love the Dragon, It maybe a hard year, This is the weirdest so called spring I have seen on the peninsula in Kitsap Co. I commute on the ferry and drive thru Edmonds and Lynnwood to get to work, looking at the yards as I pass, they have things blooming and here on my side they are still working up to it. I have seen over the 20+ years that I have been here cripple this area in winter. This morning woke up to no power, another tree fell over, this is not are normal June weather. Last year I was In fear that my plants would not get enough water. and now we have to save them from getting to much.

As the world turns

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

these are the days of our plants lives!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

The world of Dark Shadows

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)


Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I'm not posting much these days, PNWer's, but I am reading everything (or as much as I can). And enjoying everything immensely!


Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

laurie...... the other dragonfly is a nursery (i believe). i do garden "maintenance" i dont sell plants i install them and clean up yards. that and were a looonnggg way from each other so theres no competion whats so ever!

neofarmer........ that would be great. i just have the printmaster deluxe edition. it can do alot but its limited. if you send me your regular email, by dmail i can do that! thanks!

wait.. wait........ what is that???? its a funny blue stuff peeking out of the clouds!! what can that be???? and omg... there are shadows!! LOL

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Blue stuff??? what's that? I'm so jealous!

I'm happy to report that, at least at this moment, it is not raining!! It's overcast, but I'll take that.

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