For all us PNW from Jeff Foxworthy (smile)

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

this was emailed to me awhile ago and its ohhh so true for us! enjoy!

The Pacific Northwest According To Jeff Foxworthy

You know that you're a Pacific North Westemer when:

1.. You know the state flower (Mildew).
2. You feel guilty throwing aluminum cans or paper in the trash.
3. Use the statement 'sun break' and know what it means.
4. You know more than 10 ways to order coffee.
5 You know more people who own boats than air conditioners.
6. You feel overdressed wearing a suit to a nice restaurant.
7. You stand on a deserted corner in the rain waiting for the 'WALK' signal.
8. You consider that if it has no snow or has not recently erupted, it's not a real mountain.
9. You can taste the difference between Starbucks, Seattle'S Best, and Veneto'S.
10. You know the difference between Chinook, Coho and Sockeye salmon.
11. You know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Issaquah, Oregon, Yakima and Willamette .
12. You consider swimming an indoor sport.
13. You can tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese and Thai food.
14. In winter, you go to work in the dark and come home in the dark while only working eight-hour days.
15. You never go camping without waterproof matches and a poncho..
16. You are not fazed by 'Today's forecast: showers followed by rain,' and 'Tomorrow's forecast: rain followed by showers.' 17 You have no concept of humidity without precipitation.
18. You know that Boring is a town in Oregon and not just a state of mind.
19. You can point to at least two volcanoes, even if you cannot see through the cloud cover.
20. You notice, 'The mountain is out' when it is a pretty day and you can actually see it.
21. You put on your shorts when the temperature gets above 50, but still wear your hiking boots and parka.
22. You switch to your sandals when it gets about 60, but keep the socks on.
23. You have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain.
24. You think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or tourists.
25. You buy new sunglasses every year, because you cannot find the old ones after such a long time.
26. You measure distance in hours.
27. You often switch from 'heat' to'a/c' in the same day.
28. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit under a raincoat.
29. You know all the important seasons: Almost Winter, winter, Still Raining (Spring), Road Construction (Summer), Deer &Elk season (Fall).
30. You actually understood these jokes and will probably forward them.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Jeff Foxworthy is a hoot! Thanks for sharing!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I love that list!!! I've seen it before and just had to email to everyone that I knew with a sense of humor and that knew how many of those fit me! We also had the list hung at work for quite a while.... I think that one of the folks at work liked it so much that they took it home! In fact, I think that I'm going to print it off again. Thanks shokami.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I fit on mostly on, all of the above. thats to cool
Thanks for sharing it,

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

your very welcome all!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I enjoyed each one and pridefully claim my description of myself above. Thank you.

Mountlake Terrace, WA(Zone 8a)

Yep. That's me.

Funny thing is that back in the late 80's I was crowned as the most like a Native Seattlite at a party.

Poulsbo, WA

Funny list. When I moved from the South to the Northwet 22 years ago,
I was afraid an alarm would go off if I threw away anything that could be recycled.
I now feel stupid carrying an umbrella in Seattle, instead of wearing a parka with hood, even tho I am dressed for work.
I was recently back in the south and snickered at what was called a "mountain" there.
I not only can tell the difference between different asian foods, I can usually tell my asian students what country they are from (considering that I only had one chinese friend in Arkansas, and that was rare).

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm sure that Northwet was not a typo?

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Nice list, right on target. I divide the moisture levels for gardening as the following at this time of year:

Pouring buckets where splatters of rain bounce off hard surfaces with at least 1 inch rebound= stay indoors and 'why don't I have a greenhouse?'

Moderate rain: rain jacket and boots should keep me pretty dry while turning the compost which is mostly under evergreen cover anyway = go play in compost piles

Light rain: you'll be wet if you stay out for a couple hours, but it shouldn't slow you down much= just get out there and do it!

Drizzle: a mere mist where you slowly get soaked over a period of hours while moving about the yard pretending you've seen the sun in the past week.

I am sick of June and it's only the 5th! Please pass July!!!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm ready to be too hot!!!

We should be careful. Poor Ladybuggfan - we just got done telling her in a thread that it doesn't always rain here. LOL

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes Willow we are Northwet, no typo. but is funny.

I heard on our great weather ? station, that when where in for cooler temps this year and less rain, I had to laugh, this is the first time my drive flooded in 5 years. sombody is smoking somethin. LOL
And it an't me

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

LOL. Somebody is smokin' something is right. We were supposed to be in for less rain this last winter. Ha!

My brother lives in Philomath Oregon and they are still having to plow snow on Mary's Peak, which is not far from them, in June. Unheard of!!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

can you believe it snowed again here just this week! Not at my elevation...(thank goodness), but down to about 4000'. we ended up having to chain up to get to where we needed to go at work.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

They I think guess like we do, Looks good so far, on wait I see that black cloud coming, head in wait to pass go out again, sun comes out for a hour or two, fun in the sun, O no black cloud again this time not going away, stay in house.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

What?? It snowed in Eugene? That is wild. So you had to put chains on your car to get to work in June. That's something' to tell your grandchildren about.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Yeah - I know nothing's 100%, but with their doppler radar and special programs and the amount they've paid for them, they make it sound like there's much more predictability than there is. Of course, I'm grateful that they tell us when the high winds are coming, etc.

They seem to do okay with the day-to-day weather predictions, just not the whole season predictions.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Tillysrat, i love your commentation there! I agree completely!

Sorry, I didn't make the snow thing clear. Fortunately, oh sooo fortunately, it didn't snow in Eugene!!! I would've been so raving mad at nature!!! It snowed down to around 4000' elevation. Eugene is only between 700-1000'. Few! We had to chain up because we were traveling over a 4500' pass for work. We took off the winter tires right before the 100 deg heat wave a few weeks ago. :-p go Figure!!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Still, close enough to Eugene to be considered Eugene if you were travelling there for work. What's with the coast range in Oregon? I haven't heard that we're having snow up here. Sounds like Oregon may be colder than Washington this last week. (Though I wouldn't say it was warm up here).

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

100º to tire chains in just a few miles! Isn't that the NW at its best?
Katie59, I was also about thinking of the glowing reviews we gave Ladybugfan, but she needs the truth about June here! (Hope she can handle the truth.) At least we have no tornadoes, hurricanes, damaging winds or hail the size of baseballs. Yet.

I get peeved at June here each and every year and there's a reason for it. April taunts us with sunny days, May has some heat and sun, (I know I wore shorts one day,) and then June brings back the wools sox and fleece jackets. Please, couldn't we just crack the 70º mark one day soon?

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I'm not sure what the heck is up! We've been on average around 15 deg. below average for the last two weeks and I swear that it has drissled all day for 12 out of those 14 days. Most days we've been between 55 and 60 deg. somedays there's only been 10 deg. difference between the high and the low for the day! :-s How has it been up your way? I think that it's actually been fairly close to the same crap!!!!

Wow, that is a normal June for you Poochella? Yuk! I'm really dreading the crud every single day! we usually quite with the snow stuff in April (even in the high elevations) and by June we're definitely between 70 and 80! Usually though it pours for and entire day or two in a week and is bright and sunny for the other five.

This message was edited Jun 5, 2008 8:50 PM

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

It has been 6 or 7 degrees below normal. And you're right - it seems like the high and the low haven't been that much different.

I am so far behind everyone else. I do get sun in my little meadow in the woods, but not all day sun in any particular place. So I still have "dead" shrubs surprising me. And the cool-weather plants: grass, wetland berries, ranunculus are 2 feet high. I've only watered some potted things a couple of times in the warmest spells we've had. Other than that, there is no sign that summer is on its way.

I know I'll complain about about the heat here at some point, but I do need to feel like it's at least been here.

It's very windy tonight and really looks a lot like late September.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

wow 2' high ranunculus! that's almost scary!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Okay, maybe 1 1/2 feet. But still very high with huge leaves.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

We're behind too here Kathy: it could be October from the feel and looks of things, except the lovely light green on the deciduous trees and shrubs, the waning rhodies, the perennials in bloom.

Yes, it's a typical June, Redchic. What ticks me off is that dahlias (90% of what I grow) need warmth and sun. I plant them and then it's cold and dark for another month. Everything else is growing and prospering well in the moist conditions.

I am on the hunt for retirement locations and Eugene is sounding appealing right now with mere mention of 70-80! I can handle two days of rain per week, no problem.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Hey Annie - the Willamette Valley is awesome and anywhere there would be a great climate for retirement.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I agree: you make a list of plusses for Willamette Valley so I can convince DH that OR is not the spawn of the devil. He has some undefined bias against the entire lovely state!

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

BIG soooooo sick of this drizzle and rain!!! when did we even have a spring to speak of? nada here. a tease of less than a whole week combined of nice weather then back to yuck! i ownder what summer (if we even have one) will be like.

OH HEY!! i started my own small garden maintenance business! woo hoo for me! paid for my liscense today. my whole sale nursery job was biting big time.... no one is buying so my boss isnt to happy either so needed to make more moolah... business is sooooooo slow. almost through with my first big job and have started one other and jsut got another acct. today. her yard is huge! mostly weeding and trimming but probably will end up getting a few plants to upgrade her yard. a bit boring. if anyone would like to take a look at my little website here is it. still under a bit of construction.....

Eugene, OR

Hey Redchic, just saw the latest weather report. Snow level might be down to 3000 by Monday and the lows are low 40's for another week. I'm with you, enough already! I can't even put my orchids out yet because the nights are too low. I want our normal June weather, a little gloomy but warmer.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Except for the elk and the umbrellas I thought this was a londoner (except we only take our mountain bikes on the train not mountains, and they have briefcases on the crossbar carrier). You haven't seen anything so funny as a city bloke, in a suit on a mountain bike with an umbrella!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Oh my gosh Sally! That's almost enough to make me want to quite my job! (outside 365 days) But, I'm happy to know in advance so as to be well prepared both mentally and with amount of clothing. Was there an end in sight in that weather report?

Thanks for all the kudos of the area katie! I wish that we were living up to all of that at the moment!!

Laurie... that's too funny! I've never seen a mountain bike with a brief case or a suit on it! if you get the chance you should take a picture and post it here!! But, I do wish more city folk would do that around here!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Good luck with all of the shokami! it Sounds like you have a lot going on.

I forgot to ask you earlier Poochella..... But, for what does your DH have a bias against Oregon? Like all states, it has it good and it's bad. But really, we're all part of the PNWest!

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

oh laurie.. i bet that is a sight to see! well more rain on the way for us folks (at least here) dark and grey....i have so much weeding and some other plants i got that need to go in. sigh........ i guess we should be thankful that at least were not in a drought. and that were saving money on our water bills! lol

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

The sun is on its way down south. Juneau cleared up last night before sunset and now is shining brightly.
I too enjoyed the businessman in a boler hat peddling his bike while holding an umbrella. I often stand out in the rain now that I live in montana to remember the many moments of being in the rain all day working in the garden in Seattle. I miss the fresh burst of plant, soil and Sound in the air. The rain is rare in Montana when it is warm.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Shokami, congratulations on your business and new accounts. Sorry to hear the nursery business was slow and wonder if that won't spread further as the economy is going. I better go buy a plant to support my local nursery!

Laurie, I would tip over trying to balance the bike, hold the umbrella, and steady a briefcase simultaneously. It does paint a funny image though. Three cheers for the coordinated Brits!

Redchic, I do not know why DH is so opposed to OR. What I've seen is beautiful! When I ask him, it's always the same answer: he doesn't like their "tax system." We'll see if he can come up with a better list of 'cons' in the next few years when we decide pros and cons of a move.

Sofer, you're more hearty than I. I walked the dogs this a.m. and came in a soggy mess. No way would I want to stay out all day in this. The weeds can wait for a dryer spell. Good to hear the sun is out in Juneau- blow that sun this way!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Annie - make an estimate of your purchases this year and what you've paid in sales tax on them and see if that doesn't tip the scales in favor of Oregon a little bit. In Oregon, when you buy an item for 159.99, you actually pay 159.99. It feels pretty darned good.

And then there are average temps - a little bit lower than ours.

The ocean is much closer (less than an hour) and much more dramatic. It's an internationally renowned get-away these days.

Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

thanks Poochella! by all means EVERYONE go support your local nursery! lol because of this horrid weather and no spring the nurseries and growers are suffering, people just arent planting, when the nurseries dont sell, the growers cant sell either. (the brunt of their greenhouses are mostly full) its a landslide effect. just called all my clients for delivery and everyone said no, nothing this week and last week was pitiful sales barely covered my wage, commission and fuel :( sigh.......... from what i'm told by the local nursery folk, sales are down 20-30% this year.

ok i get off my soap box now! :)
here is the logo for my new business... i think he's cute! :)

Thumbnail by shokami2
Coos Bay, OR(Zone 8a)

yeah i know the head and body are different colors... i tried to match them.. but i chopped the head off one dragon and put it on the body of another. but on the website and business cards you cant tell. soooooooooooo.. yeah lol :)

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Your logo if great. Would fit into a "Pern Dragon" book of its own. (She could be Pernella). I like that the head is darker. Do you have decals of her?

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I love that literal picture of Dragonfly - that's great.

Yeah, we are desperately in need of an economic turnaround. Just need something to believe in. I think things will improve when the sun comes out. I was at the nursery near me recently and the weather was 1/2 decent. It was jam packed.

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