Fibromyalgia and gardening

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Glad I could help, Birdie. I do understand your frustration. We once purchased a load of what we were told was good topsoil. I guess it was. We have a farm full of the same soil. Somehow we thought it would be different. I'm still trying to loosen up that soil over 10 years later. lol.

And rant way, we need to do that sometimes. I like the quote.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Leaflady, On one of your recent post you mentioned starting Lyrica. I just wanted to say several people including myself have had problems with swelling feet and hands while trying lyrica and I wanted to tell you to keep an eye out for that. I had to stop taking it because legs were hurting they were so swelled and tight. It took me a couple days to realize what was causing it. I am hoping it will not do this to you and that you get relief from it instead.

Birdie, I hate you are having problems with soil. I am not good with that so can not advise you but will keep you in prayers. I hope having a place to vent helped. I wanted us to have a place to share our pain with others that understood. Fibromyalgia causes so much pain and so many other symptoms that others may not understand. I can not tolerate extreme heat or cold and it is definitely hot and humid here so I have to stay in alot.
I hope you all have a good day and try to stay cool.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Scraps, did you even dream that this many people would come forward to help you with suggestions and support? I'm so glad to have this support thread.

Thanks for the notice on Lyrica. I already take Lasix so I may not notice it if it happens. Unless it is enough to make me increase my dosage. Thanks again. I'll be on the watch for those side effects. So far it seems to be keeping the pain under pretty good control until late afternoon. Or until I have to sit down as in driving the van after work, sitting in front of the TV/computer. I need to move Jack's recliner over in front of the TV so I can recline while watching.

Lots going on this weekend. Family gathering in a local park late afternoon of Sunday. I am looking forward to seeing my sister & BIL and her children. My brother will be there with his DD & SIL who have moved back to Sedalia. I'm taking some of the condiments, weiners, 8 ww buns each for hamburger & hot dogs. Sis will get some white buns for hot dogs.

Must get something done. GOD bless and keep each of you. I really mean that. It isn't just empty words.

This message was edited Jul 18, 2008 6:10 PM

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

leaflady i had no idea that there were so many with fibromyalgia or similar concerns. It is wonderful to share our ups and downs with others who understand. People who do not understand the symptoms have no idea how much it can hurt to do gardening or other chores. I appreciate those of you who have supported the forum and myself and the others who need to talk with someone who understands. I have SIL who makes comments about people who don't get out and exercise and stay active. I work some in yard daily and before this disease took over I rode exercise bike 10 miles a day. Now back pain keeps me from doing it. So your kind words mean so much to me. Have a good weekend. I have to go pick out windows for new house with hubby and I know we will wind up getting the cheapest instead of what I want, but oh well, at least he is starting to build me a house I will be proud of it anyway.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Maybe you can reach a happy medium by getting a few of what you want & the rest the less expensive one. But I do understand the situation.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

That is a great idea maybe if he let me pick front window and all others he could do what is cheapest. He wants vinyl and that is good they are supposed to last longer it is just that he wants plain jane ones nothing pretty. So i will suggest that and see what happens. Thanks I haven't thought of that.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Ok what's this com[pst tea stuff? Sounds familiar. My pastors wife has horsed and I have largly provided her flowewrs for her garden, sp maybe I can get con good cow manure and usse some and start some dkind of a compost pile + work on sone worm castings. to go from where you are...lno point ij looking ack and griping about things that cannot be changed,,,sooooAny recepi or info on "compost tea would be gr8....



hey if anyone knows how i can get spell check on here please tell me & in the meantime please read between the lines and errors, cause it is tripling my time trying to correct everything...OK??? Plz B patient w/ me ....wingwaves,,,,Sheri

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

I had some bad side effects from Lyrica and had to stop taking it. I didn't have the swelling in my feet, but after about a week I noticed that I had to start taking naps around 1 p.m.. Then after two weeks I started getting very emotional and weepy...crying over little things. By the third week I could barely function. I couldn't concentrate or focus on my work (I design websites). I felt like I was losing it. It was at that point I realized it was the Lyrica and immediately stopped taking it. Within days I was back to my normal self and couldn't believe how the Lyrica slowly started taking over my life. The kicker is, it did nothing for my pain!

Today, DH and I dug 5 holes...just the holes, because that's all we could tolerate heat wise and physically. Our plan is to plant some shrubs and trees this coming week. We started digging after 5 p.m. and that side of the house is shaded. Our soil, too, is red clay and usually rock solid, but because we had quite a bit of rain earlier in the week, it was easier to dig. Still had to use the maddox first to loosen everything before digging though. Had to amend the soil we dug out with compost, watersorb crystals, and peat moss and left it alongside the hole until we can get everything planted this week. If you can get the top layer of grass off and pour a bucket of water there, it may make digging easier. Of course, you'll have to wait a couple of hours first, if it's anything like my clay soil because the water will seep extremely slowly. Eventually, it will though and should make digging a bit easier.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

BB, compost tea is so easy to make if you have a bucket, barrel(plastic is best), etc. and get a sturdy fabric bag to hang in it. Put whatever you have in the bag. You can add to it daily if you want to. I use grass clippings, bunny & horse poo, kitchen scraps, leaves, etc. Hang the bag in the container, add water until the bag is totally covered, let it set for several days. Depending on the size of the bag in relation to the container you may have to delute the water when you get ready to use it. It should be the color of tea when you pour it on your plants. You don't want to burn the roots with too much nitrogen which will be the primary ingredient.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

thanks for reminding me about waatering the area I'm gonna dig....My mom would do that and do a hole aat a time.
would an old pillow case work for atahe bagfoar the compost tea?

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Pillow case would work. I also took an old sheer curtain, folded in half and sewed up the sides and voila! instant bag. Another use for the sheer curtains, is to fold in half and cut to make two large squares then cover your rain barrels to keep the mosquitoes from breeding in the water.


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Frausnau--Thanks for the gr8 sugestions.....I sometimes, inspite of my very strong faith...get those old "what if" & "if only" "tapes" running in my hate em....all they do is ruin my "present"....I try really hard to replace them with song.......for me that is the best way to stay "up" and full of hope and a feeling of purpose and right with the world and also that I am where I am for a reason that , although, now I don't understand, perhaps a- someday I may & b-where I am today may be the avenue to my helping someone else.........just thought I'd jot down someof the things that bring me strength...the greatest of which is my relationship with Jesus---don't want to know wherre I'd be without that!!
;-) ;-) Birdie =^-^=

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I saw a new Dr today to get 2nd opinion...He suggested Lyrica.......not for me!!.....I obtained the pharmacy "pt info" many months ago when it was 1st suggested as a possible option for me, and have read to many bad reports.!! I personally think that the pharmaceutical cos are in a panic to recoup their $'s spent any way possible and that we are the current , a fibro pts, since , after all it IS fairly new diagnoses,,so that hopefully they can get their $'s back with out too much of a loss. THAT is ONLY my opinion (even though I have read similar opinions elsewhere)...But there are just too many possible miserable side effects for me to ever agree to try it!

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Birdieblue we all wonder from time to time, why me? That is one reason I started this thread. I was wondering if anyone else on DG had this dreadful disease also. I was having a poor me moment at the time but I needed to know how others cope with the pain and fatigue and still enjoy gardening or growing flowers. I have learned that I am not alone and that others do understand. Slowly but surely we can still work in yards and gardens we just need to pace ourselves. I am terrible at that. I feel so slow now and don't feel I get much accomplished but I enjoy the fruits of my labor even more. My flowers are just about all fried at my new houseplace because I don't have water up there yet. I hauled some but just can't keep up. So I had to give up on them till we get a well dug. Maybe next year we will be moved in and I will be able to do more. Maybe we all have this just so we can have compassion for others and teach others to have compassion for people in pain. We may not look ill like a person with cancer or other diseases but we still suffer with tremendous pain and need that compassion from others. Gentle hugs and sweet blessings to all fibromites on DG and everywhere.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Thankyou Scraps for being so aware of the need and for starting this thread.
Oh I have to tell you all, today the UPS man brought the ID "cape" that I ordered for my MIN Poodle. It is Yellow in the top of the back and ssys "Service dog' then below that 'Do not Pet" ....Elvis is Obed trained and wwell qualified to be a Servise Dog ANYWHERE. It is a FEderal Offense to be denied access with your dog (this does not apply to an regular "pet" dog, but he has many titles and behavior certificates, etc. I have taken him with me to 2 drug stores , and I was a little more confident and much less intimidated. The ADA states that you aare not required to carry proof! Also it is against the law for them to ask about why you need the dog. All that needs to be said is that he is a service dog covered under the Federal ADA!
Anyone thinking about following my example needs to thouroughly check out all the laws and be sure that your dog qualifies. The penalty is high for using a dog that is not qualified. Most dog training clubs offer "Canine Good Citizenship tests, which will determine if your dog is qualified. Federal Law Superceedes State law.
anywaay, I am very glad and feel like a great barrier to my freedom to participate in life has been liftd. Elvis is entitled to go on planes, restaurants, hospitals, etc I am so excited!! I will post a pic of him in his vest and maybe even 1 of us together ASAP. BTW:; when he ws 2 he saved my life, awakening me during a house fire...10 min later we couldn't even brethe to get 2 of my cats.
Happy day to all and Sweet dreams tonite with a happy fasce in the morning (thats what my momma said eveery night to us

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Birdie,Oh that is so wonderful for you that you can carry elvis with you everywhere. I would probably forget the poor pooch myself. I have been so forgetful lately. I drive 30 miles or so to walmart and wonder why I am there and forget the list too. My brother was with me today and said do not forget your medicine or I would have had to go back.
About starting the thread it was a big step for me I usually just read them so I took a chance and started it and have truly enjoyed the contact with others and their challenges with gardening etc. I have learned alot from all the forums. I hope you are all having a good day.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I have been reading the "I Can" Thread - and find it very uplifting and encouraging, are any of you checking in on that one?
There is an entry today that was particularly helpful to me

Prayers and good wishes to all

Remember that a glass can be either 1/2 full or 1/2 empty---it is always our own decision

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I have been taking Lyrica for a bit over a week now and am not at all certain why I feel the way I have felt for the past 3 days. It has helped with the pain. But I feel so run down and tired. No swelling in my extremities tho. But to be honest I have really pushed myself the past 3 weeks and it could be just the fibro telling me it is time to back off this weekend. I came home from work/shopping yesterday evening and just sat in Jack's recliner all evening until bedtime. I did get up to take care of the birds and cats & dogs, fix myself some easy supper and take nighttime meds. I was in bed by 10:30 and asleep in no time. 2 of the dogs woke me up at 5:30 for a potty break and I just left them out. I finally got up and dressed about 9:30 or so. All day I have mostly just sat in the recliner & rested. Laid down for a bit once but couldn't stay down. I did go back to Gabapentin this morning just in case it is the Lyrica. I'll see if I feel better in a day or so. If I don't I'll know it is just a bad fibro time. Even if I do feel better it could just mean I have gotten rested up. I've had a headache most of the day. Barametric pressure one I'm sure. I took a nasal decongestant for it and put a hot water bottle on my head and the heat/vibrator collar on the back of my neck while laying down. That seemed to help somewhat. So that is my experience with Lyrica so far. I still have lots left to experiment with.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello leaflady, I did the same thing I took it for a week and then skipped a week and tried again. I felt it helped the pain but made feet swell. I hope it will work for you but one never can tell until they try different things what will work. I think trying for a while and taking a break will help you decide if that was what was making you feel run down. Here is a gentle hug to make your yucky day better. God bless.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Scraps. I often do the alternating weeks when switching from an old med to a different one for the same purpose. Thankfully I had just refilled my Gabapentin a few days before getting the Lyrica so I have a month supply to fall back on. It was working, I just thought I could take fewer pills. And I did, but I couldn't totally give up all the other pain meds as I had hoped to be able to do.

Burlington, WI(Zone 5a)

Hello everyone! I am new here at DG. I was looking through and found this thread. I too have fibro and like so many others, don't know how to pace myself. Gardening is the worst, cause I never want to quit. I could stay in my garden from sun up to sun down. I find myself soaking in epsom salt bathes a lot. LOL
I take Naproxen morning and night for pain. It does take the edge off.
Moonbaby- If you can go to a doctor and get a prescription for pain, for fibro, and have him give you a generic form of the med. You can have it filled at a Walmart or Walgreens for under $10. There are also a few sites you can go to for help. Such as:
Hope this helps. Everyone have a great week-end.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

hello Pearly, Glad you dropped in. I always hate to hear that someone else suffers with fibro but it is good to share some of our problems and blessings with someone who truly understands. I would love to spend more time outside but know that I will suffer more if I do. This heat and humidity kills me. So I can't wait for cooler days. I love flowers and they give me a reason to smile even when I hurt. I love to share with others so I pick some and watch someone else smile. I too soak to relax my muscles and hope one day to have hot tub so I can truly soak. Well, have a good day and nice to have found a new bud.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Welcome, Pearly. Scraps was looking for someone else who has fibro and has found lots of us. I think there are more who have yet to come out of the woodwork.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

War, WV(Zone 6b)

Thanks Pearly! I am going to look into those sites!
I'm learning that the muscle spasms I have are from the fibro. It happens a LOT and prevents me from doing certain things. It is hard to get around and find new ways you can do what you want to. Of course there are things I used to be able to do that I can't now. (like lift a lot) LOL
Since most of my gardens are more verticle than Horizontal it makes gardening challenging. Hopefully I will be able to get some help with this soon.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Everyone with fibro understands what a challenge is and have them constantly. I think some days it is a challenge just to make ourselves get up and move around because any exertion makes our muscles hurt. But we have to remember to move more each day to avoid the dreadful stiffness that comes from not moving enough. Pacing ourselves and gradually doing a little more each day is better for us. I suffer from depression worse in the heat it seems and I have days with very little energy. I have to force myself to move. Then when good cool days are back it hurts to work in yard. So I understand the suffering and pain all gardeners with fibro suffer. Finding ways to lessen the strain on our muscles is very important. Anyone with ideas on easier gardening methods that make life easier are welcome to share them with us. I liked the tabletop minature garden on the Tiny gardens forum and hope someday to do something similar to have a small area to work with that would be easy from a chair. We are in the process of building a home right now so that will be on the back burner for quite awhile. But I think it is a marvelous idea for someone that is unable to move around much. I would include a link but do not know how. Sorry for getting long winded have a Blessed day.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Scraps, how about making the minature table top type garden a part of the house you are building? If it is planned in and built right into one side or end of the structure it will happen much more quickly. Start thinking about it and planning it now and present them to your DH so he can be thinking how to do it while building that part of the house.

I couldn't function at all without Gabapentin, Parafon Forte, etc. for the muscle spasms. And pain killers for the stiffness and muscle aches and pains. Without these meds I would probably be bedfast and maybe in a facility since I am a widow.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

This message was edited Jul 28, 2008 6:04 PM

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hey that is not a bad idea leaflady I like that. I will mention that this evening if I can remember. Another problem I have is memory.LOL Gotta cook supper now.TTYL

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Boy...memory problems are challenging for me also! Do many of you struggle with memory issues too? I just figured it was me, till reading your mention of it , Scraps!
I think this thread is VERY inportant. I am presenting some of the info that I gather here to my Drs.., since I am learning that many of "my" issues are "common" to least those of us entering here! I do so wish that we could get a larger group for input, etc.
Please, guys (gals), lets get this bugger figured out. If the medical world can't find the answers.....I do believe that together...WE can bring them a little bit closer to finding SOME answers for us and also the many "quiet ones" who suffer in silence "out there".
Birdie (Sheri) ;-)

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Sheri, here is a link to a fibro online support group, there are many people discussing the issues here, perhaps it will help?

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

What kind of "pain killers" do you take? I have found nothing over the counter but Ibuprofen (Advil) will give me some relief. I've tried about 3 or 4 prescription meds without success and except for the Lyrica, I can't remember the names of the others (I have the memory loss issue, too).

Almost gave myself a heat stroke on Saturday. Definitely suffered from heat exhaustion... headache, nausea, dizziness, muscle & joint pain, etc. Wound up in bed all day Sunday. As usual, I overdid the yardwork. Sigh!


St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

JoAnn, time to set a timer! I feel silly when I do, but it beats heat stroke.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Joann, that was close. I agree, a timer is needed. Or a nonelectric alarm clock. It is so easy to get too hot.

I take 1 300 mg. Gabapentin(neurotin)for muscle spasms, 2 Tramadol(ultrim)for pain and 2 generic excedrin morning, noon, and suppertime or so and 1 Gabapentin at bedtime + 30 mg. Restoril(tamazapam), 10 mg. carpadopa/levadopa, mobic, 1 generic excedrin, and 2 enteric coated aspirin. Morning and night I take 1800 mg. of calcium, triple strength Glucosamine/Chondrotin/MSM, and a multivitamin. I have Percocet I can take if the pain gets bad enought that the other pain meds aren't controlling it. I carry a 2 or 3 day supply with me at all times. Some nights I resort to a tylenol & some herbal tea if I just can't get to sleep. A TBLSP. or 2 of brandy in some juice will also make sleep meds (or any narcotic pain med) work better but for me that is a last resort.

I worked in the yarden for a few hours this morning and afternoon with a break for lunch and lying down. I used the riding mower and my Poulan wheeled weedeater to clean up some bed edges and the inside of some beds. I pulled a few weeds and layed down magazines pulled into thick slices and newpaper and covered them with grass from the lawmowers. Holly mowed the whole lawn and the grass was very thick and wet so there is lots to rake up and use to hold down papers around plants. We don't rake most of the time because we let the rotting grass feed the lawn, but this year we have had unusually thick grass so I'm raking some of it to hold down the papers. I don't think I'll go back out this evening because I have to work tomorrow and I don't want to get too tired. I've already done my shampoo and shower so that will deter me somewhat.

GOD bless and keep each of you. Don't get too hot and stay hydrated.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

I can't believe you got out in this heat. It was 100 here today with heat index of about 105 or so. Was it that hot at your house? I also can't believe all you accomplished. I am not saying I don't believe it just it is something I can't do. Wow you are a go getter compared to me. I hid inside today and took it easy. I had bad night where I couldn't sleep. I was trying not to take as much sleep meds and it messed up my sleep. I feel too hung over in the morning so wanted to reduce it. I am going to have to go back to dr I guess to get it back on track. It is so annoying trying to get meds at the right levels. I know you girls understand. Speaking of women with fibro, do any of you know a man with it? It seems rare in men. I wonder if hormones make it worse for us?

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I have a son and a grandson(not the son's son)with it. No official diagnosis because the son refuses to even mention it to his doctor and the grandson's mother refuses to acknowledge the problem. I also have another daughter whose DD and possibly her DS have it. My DH probably had it but refused to look into another health problem since he already had diabetes and many of its problems, phlebitis, hemochromotosis, and osteoarthritis. I'm positive my poor father had it. I can look back and see so many of the signs & symptoms of it. In a nutshell, I know several males who have it. Most had it as small children as I did.

It didn't feel all that hot outside and I only did 30 min. periods most of the time. Then in for a while and at least 8 oz. cold water. Yes, it was a VERY good day for me. Unusually good. I love those days and they come so seldom. It is also a blessing that I am not sick as all get out today as a result of yesterday's efforts. I thank GOD for that. I do think stopping about 4 and taking my shower so I wouldn't go back outside made a lot of difference.

Not sleeping makes fibro so much harder to live with. I pray you get your meds straightened out. I seldom try to make any changes in my sleep meds anymore. I know what usually works and how to make it work better when it doesn't work properly.

Burlington, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Everyone,
I had a bad morning. Soaked in the whirl pool tub, took some meds and used my back knobber. Started easing up in the afternoon. Anyhow, I did not know if you all knew about the back knobber. It can be a life saver. It is a large "S" shape massaging tool that you press on any muscles, to loosen them up.

BirdieBlue: I had to laugh when you asked if any one struggled with memory issues. Some days I am so bad, I'm just happy that I can remember my name and where I live. LOL

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

A sort of accupressure device from the picture. Interesting. I'll have to think about that one. I have learned that a vibrator on my shoulder right after I injured it was a bad mistake.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

huh? me ? I don' remember anything about memory. Now, lets see, where was I ?? OH yes, trying to remember what I was gonna write about....dern it all, and phooey...............ROFL..........well ya gotta laugh, don't ya?........the alternative is too expensive, what with the cost of tissues, etc.

Lena, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello All, I had a good day and that was such a blessing for me. Leaflady I guess it was contagious that energy you had yesterday. I have a dear brother who is 2 years older than me that is an alcoholic but he can be so sweet sometimes. He really has a big heart. His wife of 11 years left him for a woman about 20 years ago and hurt him very badly. He drank occassionally then but now it is constant. he comes over some to help me in yard and we laugh alot and take more breaks than we work but we get alot done. We also go visit our mom in nursing home alot. Today we visited mom.I cut grass and he used weedeater and l cooked big supper of fried chicken for the men and boiled for myself and DD with Butterbeans, squash and fried okra. That was huge for me. I never fry if I can help it because of the standing and constant attention it requires and my bad back. Then when hubby got home we went to houseplace and worked. DB and I toted lumber to hubby and he nailed it together. All that to say what all I accomplished today. Isn't it strange how God works in our lives. Yesterday I was amazed at all Leaflady got done. I have been suffering in this heat and just zapped of energy. God Blessed me with energy today I know because I only slept 4 hours and could not normally even walk on that little sleep. The less I sleep the stiffer I am. Fibromyalgia stinks! But my God is an awesome God. Love you guys! Have a Blessed Day! I know it is possible. Because I had one today. Nothing dramatic happened. My back hurt some but I got alot done and it felt good to be of some use to my spouse.

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Neurontin was one of the other meds I couldn't think of and then there was also Requip for Restless Legs Syndrome that I took, but side effects from both of those made me stop taking them. Will have to see what the doc says about the others you mentioned. Some meds I can't take because of on top of everything else I have diabetes. sigh....

Sometimes the pain is so bad I can't stand to have anyone, let alone anyTHING touch my body. There's nothing I'd love more than to have a whole body massage someday. The whirlpool tub sounds wonderful, too. I don't have one, but sometimes I'll soak in a tub of hot water with bath salts. Does wonders for me, but I have friends who say it makes them feel worse.

I'm the eldest of 6 siblings and while I'm the only one who has been officially diagnosed with FMS, I believe my 1 brother and two of my sisters also have it. Unfortunately, the brother has had so much back surgery to "correct" his problems that now he's in a wheelchair and he's 12 years younger than me! I believe initially, his back pain issues were due to FMS. At one point he did have some vertebrae problems, which were legitimate reasons to have the surgery and he wound up in a full body cast for months. Poor guy, he had just gotten married when that happened, too. The only other person in my family that has FMS is a cousin on my father's side, so I guess that's where the FMS genes came from.

Well, I'm off to dig a few holes while it's still early in the day.


Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Whirlpools do sound like fun but after doing some research a few years ago I'm leary of the amount of bacteria that may be in the water. I know they are suppose to treat them like a swimming pool but the heat of the water is a real breeding ground for many of the bacteria. Of course I realize they were mostly talking abou home ones. I suppose if one were to go to one in a 'club' they would take more precautions.

Most days I don't think I could even handle a chiropractor much less a massage. I do my own muscle massages when they hurt. I know how much pressure I can put on them and not do more damage than good. There is a book at the thrift store I'm buying on Monday about accupressure. It looked quite specific as to where to press for what. Didn't have time to look it over really well. But for $. 25 I think it will be worth it to bring home.

Scraps, I'm so glad you had a good day yesterday. This morning I slept until almost 9. Today I'm just doing laundry, cleaning handvac filters, maybe air cleaner filters, etc. Little things that need to be done. I did cut 3 large dog blankets down into more managable sizes. That will make folding them easier this winter. The old dog who needed the extra padding is gone now so I don't need such heavy mats. They are just old heavy bedspreads cut into pieces that I fold up and lay down. Usually the dogs mess up the careful folding quickly. I got more damaged laundry baskets at the thrift strore(free of course)and will use them for the blankets and put large plastic bags over them. When I picked up 2 of the large pieces I could tell the older cat who has been lying on them lately must have developed some urine incontinency problems. They are in the washing machine now. Lots of older animals get that.

I'm taking lots of short breaks today. Even tho I'm not working hard.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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