Lufkin, TX

Giant tree aloe (Aloe barberae (bainsei))
Classification: Succulents
Family: Liliacea
Genus: Aloe
Species: barberae (bainsei)
The Details::

Spacing: 6-8 ft. (1.8-2.4 m)
Hardy from USDA Zone 9 to USDA Zone 11
Light requirements: Full Sun
Moisture Requirements: Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping
Blooming Time: Early
Bloom Color: whitish
Grown for foliage
Pronunciation: Not Specified
General Description (By BotanyBob)
This tree aloe is the one of the largest tree aloes there are. Western Garden refers to this as a slow growing tree, but compared to the growth of all other Aloes, this one is fast. A 1' tall plant can grow to 15' feet in 4-5 years in warmer climates. The base of this tree can become quite massive, especially in full sun. 50 year old plants can have bulbous trunk bases 20' in diameter.

Though not a great plant for colder areas, this plant can take some degree of frost with minor leaf burn. In Southern California it does well in areas that routinely get down to 26F, as long as the summers are warm (80s -90s). The leaves are a deep green and the trunks start to divide about 5-10' tall, usually dividing again and again, making a large mass of twisted, exotic looking and very attractive leaves and branches.

Does anyone have a cutting I can get??????

This message was edited Monday, Aug 27th 12:03 AM

Valley Village, CA

I'll try, I know people who own this plant. Please keep in touch by private email. I'll try this week or next. Crasulady

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