Carol's progress

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha all,

Just taking a minute or two during work to let you know about Carol. I got a return E-mail from Jennifer...Carol is doing well, the surgery was sucessful! She is in a lot of pain, but did get up and walk Saturday. Carol is expecting to be discharged from Queens today, so I am going to try to call - hopefully I can catch her before she is discharged. I will send our love from all...

In my usual rush at work, will keep you updated...


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Jen - thank you so much for letting us know. That glorious moon last night gave me a real opportunity to include Carol in our healing meditations, sure hope it helped...couldn't hurt! If you catch her, please pass along verbal hugs from us all - the real thing would probably hurt too much.

Thanks again,

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Okey - dokey, just spoke to Carol!
She was in Kaiser hospital - not Queens. She says that she is doing well, but has a lot of pain from the area that they had to take the graft from, and is on pain medication. She really appreciated all the love and good thoughts from everyone. She is hoping to be released from Kaiser today and then she is off to Ted's house, although she is kinda thinking she might go home on Wednesday. Her sister is going to be there to help her out and they are planing on spending time painting (no, not walls!).

She has a message for Christi "stop messing around, get this done".

Feeling better by leaps and bounds daily, and is SO thrilled that she had the surgery done. She sends her love to everyone. She hopes to maybe be on the computer to catch you all up sometime later this week...

Aloha all!

Edited to add: She was so sorry that she wasn't on the computer to get Randy's reaction from her package, must have been something really special, Randy!

This message was edited May 19, 2008 9:47 PM

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Thanks so much Jenny!!! Good to know that she is doing well. Very good to know.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank goodness. Oddly, I have thought of her all day. Almost to the point where I have no choice. Can hardly walk. I know she wanted to go her friends but is there ever anywhere better than our own beds when we aren't up to par.

Thank you, Jen. You are such a good, good friend to all.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

So glad to hear that Carol is doing well! Give her our best! Aloha!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Good news,and 2 thumbs up for her,and wish her a speedy recover!!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Great news!! :~)

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Send our best!!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

With all of us pulling for her, how can she help but get better?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

GOOD! YES...there is a lot of pain and YES there are good drugs and people to get you thru it!!!!!I look at the surgery part as just one part in the process..... We are there, Christi!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm in pain all day, every day now. At least you now have a light at the end of the tunnel. Good for you! Hope the pain meds take the edge off while you going through the worst. REST, REST.

Thinkin' bout cha.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I can only advise you, Christi, to do as MUCH as you can before surgery to help make it successful: build up your CORE area and your CORE strength (a physical therapist is a great help there and will set you up with HOW. Loose weight! Build up your arm strength as well as you will be doing a lot of pulling up on your arms. Take your Calcium, Zinc, Vit. B under the direction of a nutritionist and don't eat foods that may encourage bleeding. You get the picture! I wish I had been more religious in my Core Body Work... The surgeon can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.... Personally i have gotten OFF any foods with more than 3 ingredients that are not natural and NO High Fructose Corn corn fed beef, only organic chicken, lots of fish (who needs all those left over antibiotics and hormones from beef and chicken when you need your body sensitive to the ones you are given?). A good nutritionist can help.

Enuf mit der lectures...

My one stand up/sit down at the computer!!!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you,darlin. Today I am having a garage sale and I am about to die. 97 degrees and too much on my feet.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'll come nurse you Christi

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Promise. May be sooner than you think. My plants are definitely a concern. Appt with
Dr. next Thursday to discuss surgery. Am soooo miserable tonight.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

"Oh, Beulah, peel me a Percocet.....". So...a bit more pain and then it gets better...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

In the back or the bone graft? Bless you heart. Imagine we are all holding your hand.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)


Christi...send me you # and I will call you....

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Man-o-man! Wish I had had this much support when I had some serious surgery a while back. But lucky me - I had my DD, and would not have made it without her! Now, I realize that "we" are not the ones under the knife, but with so many good, positive thoughts/prayers, etc. its just gotta help! Wish we could spread the pain around, amoungst us all to lessen its impact as well...but - Just as with John in Cayman last year, and getting Katiebear better...we are as positive as we can be, and that ain't never bad!

Yokwe to all! Well done Carol!!!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

yes indeed...all of the wonderfully positive thoughts and love wafting at/over/to/under/around are marvelous. My sister is coming from Montana for a week to help out...

One thing that has been harder, I think, than the pain is the surrendering! To have one's life shrunk into a an area about 30" in all directions, no bending over, no reaching without support...this has been so hard!!! To have a bunch of stuff in my mind that needs to be done...then prioritize it, then find a time when DH isn't doing something 'do not disturb' be organized in that way AND to question everything i want/want done: it is really necessary? when? what can i combine that with? How many times it is OK to ask for it? Has it become nagging yet?... I am used to being very independent...and that is hard.

And the good side of the coin is that he realizes (as do I) just how much stuff I do around here withOUT realizing it....

This is defintiely a learning experience!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey, girl. I have the experience of always asking Mike to do this or that. I absolutely hate it. He is very kind and tries to do all he knows without my asking. If he sees me lift or pull or reach, he has a fit. I realize that at this stage you are more limited than I. However, that will change soon as you heal.

We have had a garage sale these last two days. Oh, Lordy, am I ever tired tonight. Always vow we will not "collect" so much stuff ever again. HA! Cleared out the motorhome in an effort to get it ready to sell. Another, HA!

You are about to get d-mail.

Everyday is better than the one before for you. Worst is over.

Love ya,


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yes Carol, I too recognize that "surrendering" dilema. I once was chatting with some visitors while being "laid up", and eventually someone noticed that my voice was sounding very hoarse. I wouldn't even ask someone to bring me a cup of coffee or a glass of water! Ridiculous!! My DD berated me severely! And then it finally sunk in. I had taken care of them - and found my identity in that. It was now their turn to care for me, and by insisting on my independence, I was denying them the opportunity to show their love and concern for me. It was selfish. I finally realized that my identity did not depend on what I could do for others. I also needed to overcome the fear of being "a burden". Tough to find a happy medium, but guess I managed it - my family still volunteers to either live by me, or come visit. Ha Ha. I agree - that part was much worse than the pain. Just remember...this too shall pass.

How well do Thelma and Louise immitate a St. Bernard? Real wine in the cask??? Sounds like a plan to me!!!

No choice but to take it, so may as well take it easy.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yep...when life gives you lemons, make a Margarita!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I resemble that remark!!! Ha Ha!

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

I thought it was "when life gives you lemons use them to stuff your bra!" From all of the lurkers that feel like we know you - Glad you are recovering!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

With enough Margaritas down, I might try that trick. hhahaha


Oh my goodness what has happened to all of our lovely Tropic kids ...(I have been in too many places sorry, new Angel forum in Australia ...thrilled at that ) dropped in when I saw 77 on the the board ...I feel terrible hearing of this pain I wish I could reach you for a big hug everyone ...the heat too ...awe poor loves ...prayers and loving vibes to you all from across the ocean...can't bear to think of any of you suffering.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

We're all falling apart! Tropicman has had back problems too! Carol is the bravest of us all! She decided to do something about it!

Carol, hope you are still doing OK!

Oh no not our Superhero too ...I can't bear the thought of it ...I feel very guilty ...please take good care of yourselves everyone are all so precious to everyone ...Winter is here now so I will have more time's been almost a year already since I was welcomed into the warmth and friendliness of daves garden and the very special group of Tropic living and loving ... it has been one of the greatest experiences of my life ...I love you all. So please get well,

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Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Carol, where are you? Hope your sister is in residence now. Haven't heard from you in a week. We need to know how you are.


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Chrissy, while you are having "Winter" we are having presummer days sometimes up in the mid 90's! Fortunately we had some rain a couple of days ago, so it's back down in the high 80's....Humidity is back full can hardly breathe out there. It will be summer in three weeks....I think it is going to be a HOT ONE!Hurricane season starts tomorrow.

I am having to water every couple of days again. Oh for cooler weather....already!

How is it we are never satisfied????? HAHA!

We miss hearing from you Chrissy! Take care of yourself as well! Keep in touch!

I will ...we didn't have a Summer this year it just rained and never stopped ...only 3 days in the whole Summer made it to 80F ...we usually have the kind of temps you now have ...and while I did not miss the heat ...we sure missed some blue sky remained mostly grey and dark ...I thought you may suffer the same fate, well not suffer because I know 90's is suffering ...but what with the crazy things happening weather wise know that the famous cherry blossoms of Japan flowered a whole month early this year ...crazy stuff like that I just wondered how your Summer will go.Hopefully it won't be too outragous ...hope it will ease up and be gentle. Our Winter commences as of the 1st of the Month ...I don't know why because I am more into the Solstice ...but Winter arrived instead of Autumn (Fall) this year ...two frosts already ...unheard of at this time usually anyway stay safe warm and as healthy as possible ...just keep on keeping on

This message was edited Jun 1, 2008 12:37 PM

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Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Chrissy, we had the unending rains last year. Lost a lot of plants because they were for exriscape. Don't think I spelled that correctly. It has been very hot and humid in the Dallas area already. Too soon for what is called "normal". Jeanne is used to humidity in Houston (228 miles from here). Dallas is just now getting with it.

Sounds so funny that you are going into winter as we are experiencing hot, hot, hot.

Take care, dear.


You too dear LouC ...and everyone ^_^

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Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hello all of my dear crazy friends.... Yesterday with my sister here I walked the whole 1/4 mile road from the house and back to the hour nap and feel terrific!!! Joy (my sister) is a lot of fun and we are starting painting in the afternoon and chores in the morning. She is going to help me photograph plants for my revised catalogue...AND do some other projects....we eat a lot and play and make messes which she has to clean up (Oh, I can't bend over!!!!)...lots of naps!!! I am weaning myself off the heavy drugs...onto much more fun ones!!!! We are off today to the Sunday Market for a couple of hours...and then home to nap!!! and play and paint and have fun!!!

Love to you all...happy June 1


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Happy, happy day!!


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Carol, 1/4 mile walk and back, WOW, you did fantastic! I know you are enjoying having Joy there with you! Sounds like fun!!!! DO take care of yourself! So glad that you are doing well! That is wonderful!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Ain't it grand when someone else has to clean up the mess!!!!LOL

Take Care and have fun,and remember the bigger the mess,the more the merrier!!!LOL

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