Milkweeds: How many and which ones are in your garden??!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Don't see where it would hurt to try seeds now. Not sure what your temps are, but my milkweed will be just going strong about that time.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Other than the tropical I don't think I would start it with it being so hot in August, now is when my perennial milkweeds are starting to look shabby so it may be a touch hot for them.

I've been cleaning the pink milkweed seeds and found a lot of milkweed bugs in them so I put them in the fridge to 'chill' them out lol It worked and the pods were easier to clean too without all of that fuzz flying around lol I still have to leave them out for a while to dry more though.

Don't forget to save your 'fuzz' for the Orioles from the milkweeds :) They like to use them in there nest and something else, I made a comment a while back about using drier lint for the birds and it isn't good for them, keeps the nest too wet and something else that I can't remember I know we used to talk about saving that for the birds just wanted to remind people not to use it, wish I could remember who told me that and exactly what they said but it makes sense :)

t, that's not my garden that's konkreteblond, it is awsome isn't it! I haven't had time to figure out how to get my pictures on here yet but they look so fuzzy, I'm not very good with cameras lol

Los Fresnos, TX(Zone 10a)

Does anyone have Milkweeds that I may have? I want all the Milkweeds listed in PlantFiles and all the others that ecsist.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Danny, you are too funny. Do you want all 200 kinds of milkweeds? Whatever for?!? Maybe you should try the seed trading forum. Perhaps they would give you a lead! Or contact the guys on this site: They are from TX I think.

I just harvested some seed from the A. tuberosas and some currasavicas today. Maybe I will see if I can get some of the tuberosa started for planting out in the fall. I'm not too hopeful, though.

We went to the park today and found the Common Milkweeds with big beautiful pods that will be ripe in a week or so. I know they aren't so great for the garden, but I have to say they looked pretty in the 'Native Garden' around the Ranger station. They planted it with Coneflowers and some bush that I know not the name of.

It's interesting. Four years ago you could find very little on line about Milkweeds and how to grow them. Now there is lots of info. Here is another good site from Monarchs across Georgia:

Los Fresnos, TX(Zone 10a)

Yes I want all 200 or more types. That way I can say I have Milkweed/Monarch Heaven! The Monarchs would love it and so would I! I have an acre backyard!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

We will want to see photos when you get your 'Monarch Heaven' up and growing! Good luck!

Los Fresnos, TX(Zone 10a)

Thank-you. You can help me by giving me cuttings or seeds or plants of Milkweeds that you find. I will send pictures! My Monarch Heaven is small right now only containing Asclepias Curassavica both colors and Calotropic Gigantea the purple one.

Los Fresnos, TX(Zone 10a)

Soon i should have Asclepias Incarnata planted in the ground(I had it in a pot). I will also hopefully have Asclepias Syriaca and Tuberosa, and maybe Sullivantii. I have 2 cuttings of Asclepias Tuberosa coming to me soon and Asclepias Syriaca roots, cuttings, and a plant comming soon and a few seedlings that I have, and a Asclepias Sullivantii seedling.

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