What's the weather like at your place?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


The White marsh HD has oodles of 1 gal. red knock-outs for sale. I think they are even the doubles....Price??? Hmmm....maybe $12.99 or maybe $9.99.....

I have NOT gotten to spraying my roses at all yet! It bugs me every day! I tend to think of things--and then find something more "immediate" that has to be done.
I have oodles of "Messenger" from a co-op 2 years ago. I really should use it up! This year--I also never got to spraying "Lime Sulfur" on my Roses.....AHH! Procrastination!.....

I have also seen signs of black spot here and there--but I am really good about cleaning up all the debris in my Rose beds when the new season comes....

Happy gardening.......Gita

Highland, MD(Zone 7a)

No black spot but I have one rose that always gets powdery mildew. As host of my mini roses have been ahem pruned by the deer which did not make me happy. But they are loaded with blooms again so maybe that was a blessing.

I have so much I want to do but my yard stays wet for days when it rains, I have so much shade that it makes it hard to get back out. I need mulch in one bed to fight this horrid weed that is in there now. Ugh!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Thank you!

I need a bunch for church!

Blessings on your garden,

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Did you notice that on Sunday the temperature is forecast to hit 97???!!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

They're saying 101 for Frederick... and 100 on Monday... do I want to re-think this notion of wandering around Longwood Gardens Monday afternoon? LOL

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

I just posted a question on the coneflower forum and guessed at the names of the flowers I was describing, saying that it was too hot to go out and check the name tags. Well that looked soooo lazy, so I took that sentence out. I just looked at the weather on my desktop and it says 'temp 93, feels like 101' Sorry, that IS too hot to go check and I am lazy-LOL.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I have been outside doing this and that and just now mowed my lawn. It is so humid, that I look like I just stepped out of the shower! My hair is dripping wet--seriously!

Turned my A/C on yesterday. Will keep it fairly high (about 77-78*) just to suck the humidity out of the air.

We should all be used to this--WHAMMO! Just like that--one day it is 100*! Next week we will probably have 45*......:o)

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Gita, You need a shower and a cool drink as a reward for mowing. I get so red in the face when mowing or digging that I scare people. We turned on our AC too. We about froze all winter trying to keep the heat down, usually about 68-69. Now we're trying to keep the AC, like you, around 78, with 77 as the big treat at bedtime. Wahhhhhhh.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Heat in your house to you is low at 68-69??????????? I would be way too warm in that!

I try to save $$ as well and usually keep my thermostat in the Winter on 64. At night--it goes down to 62*. Once I am under my comforter for the night--I am as snug as a bug in a rug! If only my footsies would warm up.....That takes a while....
It is hard to tell, as my T* indicator on my thermostat does not, exactly, match what the thermometer reading is just above it. They are about 2* off from each other...but, I know that.

I HAD TO mow my lawn today--as it was too lush--and they were predicting more rain tomorrow. Gotta do it in the time-frames that are between rains! I DO believe the humidity had to be at 100% today! Nothing dried off!!!--not my hair, not my skin, not the water on my patio floor--not the seat on my porch swing from yesterday's Monsoons! Wet--wet---wet......

All showered now--in for the evening. I feel clean! My skin can breathe!

Just for you, Idy---a cute "ditty"...created just now.

I am sick of rain,
It has become a pain!
Cause everything is wet
And all I do is fret.

When I walk--everything squishes,
And I feel like I could cry;
I keep secret my wishes,
That all this would just dry!

Then, in a week or two
When everything is sere;
I'll be going "boo-hoo",
And wishing the rains were here.

OK! That's my instant "ditty" for tonight!

I have done this before----on a whim--------Now--it is YOUR turn!
You can write a short "ditty" right here--and right now. Just DO IT!

Come on! Give it a try!!!! Share!


McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I have been without power for two days because of the thunderstorms, and possible tornados (forcasting still can't make up their minds on that one). Our power just came back on last night around 10:30. Thank goodness I have air conditioning in time for the heatwave this weekend.

Highland, MD(Zone 7a)

Cute Gita! I push mowed my acre this am, grass was so wet, had grass everywhere and by the time I was done, I was soaked, it was plain gross peeling off my clothes!

Those storms were something else, we had as many sticks and limbs down as we do for the whole of winter usually it was a mess!

Our internet was out for two days, then today the power was out for a couple hours! Now more storms maybe, great!

Ok Gita let's see....

The sun it is a baking,
my plants they wilt and sigh.
I hear them crying out
"please save us from the dry!"

Then the rains they came a pounding,
the winds they blew so hard.
My plants they were screaming,
"our blossoms will be marred!"

Now the sun is shinning,
the air so still and wet.
My plants they all blooming,
the weather didn't get them yet!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

There once was a gal name of Gita
She just didn't like all the heat-a
She got wine with ice
Said this is so nice
And with DG my pleasure's complete-a!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Idy--So cute!

Should we start a trend?????..Heee....heee.....
Come on!!!!! Someone else make up a "ditty"!!!! I DARE you!!!!! You can do it!

My Friday contribution..........

On this DG Site--
we are all friends
It is a great place to go;
Our chatting never ends

But-in this very way--
our friendships grow,
And no matter what,
We sure go with the flow!

We talk about our Gardens,
As if they were our life....
We seldom share our burdens
Nor the days filled with strife.

We all have loads of issues,
And problems galore---
But--just pass out the tissues
and they will be no more!

AHHHHHHHHHHH! The power of imagination!!!!!!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

oh, so mine's NOT cute? smirk

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

AH, Sally! We cross-posted!!!!! LOVE your "ditty"!!!!!

You are hereby, officially, a member of the DG Creative Society!
Do you remember the first one you posted about me? It was really cute! Post it again!

OK! A rebuttal for you---!!!!!

There once was a TALL Gal named Sally,
Who loved gardening in the mud.
But every time she leaned over
She fell over--
with a thud!

She thought her Garden was glorious,
As it was always so green;
Then, as she fell over--was furious--
To see it was all full of weed.

She signed up to go to a Swap,
To get some more cuttings to plant,
But as she came back,
And when she unloaded her rack,
The neighbors all heard her rant!

The pots once so green,
Filled with plants to be seen;
Were now all bare--
with nothing to share,
As her dog had eaten them all--
Just to be mean!

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! HAAAAA! I just love this!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

chuckle chuckle! That is too true! except the dog isn't really mean!
I don't remember a previous one Gita, sorry!

I know a sweet gal named Chantell
She loves every plant with a smell
But says "Mercy! this rain!
It's really a pain
My poor Plumie is going to %ell!

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

The choice of limerick rhyme schemes for these bits of doggerel is... intriguing.. No haikus? Shakespearean sonnets? Nor odes? Maybe I better put up or shut up. I'll get back to you...

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

In Pottstown PA did claypa
a stately pleasure dome decree
where Schuylkill the mighty river ran
through suburban sprawl measureless to man
Down to a toxic harbor

So twice five miles of concrete ground
with section eight apartments girdled-round:
There were lawns bright with fetilizes
where blossomed nary an incense bearing tree
here were forests ancient as high-rises
enfolding sunny spots of weeds

But oh! Best quit while you're ahead!
The planning commision doth hear!
No icy cavernous castle for you my friend
And, "Yo, you can't park 'ere"

Guess I should have shut up instead.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

This is brilliant - y'all are brilliant - I can't for the life of me rhyme (or reason) when it comes to "ditties" - I "speak" in pictures!

Now for the weather - I just went outside to water on the deck - oh my, is it HOT!! We went from tornadoes and thunderstorms to 100°F - not fair!

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

at 4:00: 92 degrees, and the heat index is at 104.

And it feels that way. I went out and pulled quack for a couple of hours. I thought I was going to melt. It's just awful out there.

My trees are all 3-4 feet high. Please grow!


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

This girl named Elf,
Was not quite herself!
Went out to pull some Quack....
Outside--it was HOT
And she did not--
Want it to ever come back.


Highland, MD(Zone 7a)

I've met a lady name Gita
who likes a cold beer with her pita.
She works at HD
she wants her plants free.
and she says
I'm so happy to meet cha!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

OK claypa if you insist of raising the level... I'm warning you, I won 5 dollars in elementary school once for a poem...
tee hee Gita and ldy !!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OH, Bec!!!! Sure you can!!!
Talking in pictures is sweet! But writing things down--is neat!
Now--this is a "couplet"--NOT to be confused with actual "poetry"......:o)

Give it a try! Just a small four-liner?????? HUH? I know you can do it!

All you have to do is think of the first line--and then make the other three lines "fit"....


Bec is from Norway
A Land far away.
But this is her home--
From which she won't stray.

She holds great Swaps,
She's the Hostess who's tops;
The tents were so neat,
T'was great in the heat!

The people--they came,
With plants galore!
The food was amazing!
We all wanted more!

We ate and we swapped
This was not to be topped!
Thanks to Bec and Chantelle--
This event was real swell!

See? No problem! It is a great exercise in finding words that rhyme! Thus enriching your knowledge of the English language.......I am sure you DO NOT need it!


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Do you need to post a poem to post your weather???

I didn't want to post a poem
But I said to myself I'll show 'em
So this is it
But it's not filled with wit
and in the end it was kinda dumb
97 degrees not as humid as yesterday but bad enough

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


NOPE! You can post your Poem---even if the cows come home!!!

You did a great job on yours! Loved it!

Keep them coming!!!!


Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

oh how I wish I could get to a swap
to meet all my e-friends and chit chat non stop
I've missed at least two
but don't want to miss anymore
need to fill my trunk up with swap plants galore!


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Noobie---YES YOU DO!!!!!!

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita....I know, I know. :o) I am going to make a flower bed on the end of the outside of my garden and fill it overflowing with herbs and flowers. Now to get my hands on some used bricks and some flowers.....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I have to get your lemon balm to you- would you dmail your addy and I'll bring it tonight if youre not busy? thursday.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally's bringing Lemon balm
So "noobie" will stay calm....
She's all excited...cannot stop,
To get something from the Swap!


Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Claypa, An ode only a Philadelphian can really appreciate! YO! Actually the harbor is undergowing a great recovery, and there were lots of sailboats on it today. Lots of skullers on the S. too. Guess there's a good side to Japanese steel.

2 days of tornado cleanup has put me very behind in planting. A large smokebush/tree fell over onto a young crepe myrtle. We righted it back up, staked and tied it. The roots were still attached on the one side. I hope it makes it.
Almost all of my 5' tall lillies were uprooted. I staked most of the ones that had any parts of roots still attached. Many were full of buds and sheared right off at the base.

A 30' Maple Limb broke off and landed inside of my apple tree and knocked a cast iron birdbath onto my peonies. It had to be sawed out.

Three Rhodos planted in April were completly uprooted.

My cast aluminum glider, secured to the ground with a 30" peg, blew into my hosta bed, crushing several and uprooting others. A Cast iron bench blew over onto roses, breaking lots of limbs.

I filled 4 - 8' pickup beds with downed branches. But, I avoided the Power failure that began across the street and don't have to call the tree or fence repair like so many of my neighbors. So, all in all it's been a great week!!!

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

You have my sympathy for your garden losses. It is heartbreaking to a gardener to see things so lovingly tended being destroyed. I admire your ability to see the upside. I don't know if I would do anything but fuss about my losses. At least, you kept your power. I can't think of much worse than working outside cleaning up the mess and then coming inside and not being able to take a shower/bath and sit in the a/c catching my breath and getting ready to do more battle. Were you at home when all this occured?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Amazing what the wind can do. We have lost tree parts in the past but been very lucky knock on wood. Crossed fingers on your pushed =back=in-place items.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Wyldeflower & Sally, No I was working. This was the 3rd tornado in 3 years. I really don't remember our area having so many before this. I have visions of coming home to find my 100' swedish spruce crashed through my deck and crushing that glass side of the house. Two summers ago, my neighbor's giant limbs tore off all of my house wires and gutter. 6 days with no power, phones, cable and heat at 95. My office also had to close for 5 days. I had to go to the mall to bring down my body temperature. After cleaning out the 2 fridges, It was really hard to force myself out into the garden in the August heat. I try to cut all of the dead limbs out of the trees so that when one comes, the damage will be less. Actually, I enjoy all weather and marvel and it's power! Thanks for the good wishes.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Now we know how you picked your screen name. lol
But really tornadoes are no joke, but at least you are well. Hope the weather settles down for you.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

That's a good one lady!

A survivor!

Thumbnail by stormyla
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

A Casualty! RIP

Thumbnail by stormyla

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