Need expert advice for Clematis in Central Florida.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Gardenia731 - Sorry to hear about your vine breaking. That's a bummer for sure!

For your MG vine, I would suggest my secret (NOT!) fertilizer concoction ... Bloom Booster (by MiracleGro) and Fish Emulsion mixed together and watered into the ground around the base of the MG vine every 3 weeks during the growing season. Works on ALL plants! Which might be the reason my little bitty Clematis vines are blooming! ;-) I wouldn't have any idea what your MG is unless it blooms. If it does, post a photo on the MG Forum and someone will ID it for you!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Becky!! that does look like a "Jackmanii" bloom...congrats...Jeanne
Morning glorys..grrrrrr...I hate those things..LOL..they take over my gardens..I am constanting yanking out you not find them invasive in Florida?..Jeanne

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Jeanne! Here is a new photo with the second bloom opening. It's cool to see the bloom grow each day. How long do the flowers stay until they wilt???

It's pretty impressive that the first one is still open and now much larger than when it first opened (originally like the size of the second bloom shown).

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh! Will ya look at this! The vine actually has 3 blooms open! Love it!!!

Jeanne - My garden passions are Butterfly & Hummer plants, water container gardening, and vines ... of which one of my obsessions is Morning Glories.

The MGs that I grow are Ipomoea nils ... which I don't consider invasive like some of the native MG vines you find growing all over everything! And many of the MGs I grow are Japanese cultivars which just knock my socks off! I am soooooo addicted to MGs! To take a peek at what MGs I am currently growing, go to my garden blog (diary):

Just click on the individual cultivars listed to see photos. My only complaint about MGs is that the blooms wilt by noon here in my awful heat! But they are afterall ... "morning" glories which means they bloom in the morning and by afternoon they are gone! :-) A fleeting tease of beauty every morning for me! :-) :-) :-)

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Becky..Oh my thanks for sharing your Blog site with me...I think your Blue Asago Willow..looks alot like my MG "Heavenly Blue" which is invasive here!...I adore MG and maybe should consider growing the Japanese Varieties if they aren't invasive...I have one that is a double that a woman sent to me via mail here in Texas from GardenWeb
I can't remember the name right now..grrr...hate when that happens..

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jeanne - Your pink one looks like Sunrise Serenade. Is it? I have heard that Heavenly Blue can become a large and long growing vine. I have not grown that one, but I do have seeds for it! :-)

On the MG Forum, many of us grow MGs in large pots using 3 Bamboo stakes inside the pots that are tied at the top to create a teepee for the vines to climb up. For me they bloom within a month and then go another month or two before expiring. So clean out the old vines and start new ones. I love trying all the culitvars of MGs! The teepee pots looks like this one:

I wonder if you can do that with Clematis, too?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

OH that is so kewl...yup you can grow clematis the same way as long as they are tall enough for the mature clematis' size...YOU are right it is Sunrise Serenade!!...Jeanne
This is very similar with your "Teepee" Idea..what I did was cut the bottom off the green pots and dug a hole and sunk them half way in the ground and filled up with my favourite black soil "Jungle Mix" and planted clematis ..I then planted Begonias around the outside perimeter...and will be going back and planting begonias on top too...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jeanne - That looks beautiful!!! Please post some photos as the vines climb to the tops. I want to see how it looks when the poles are completely covered. Thank you! :-)

I have an arbor and a picket fence that currently has MG vines growing all over it, but living in damp Florida, rust fungus has become a problem, so I am considering Clematis along the fence instead. I'll just grow my MGs in pots and try to keep them sprayed with a fungicide.

Which Clematis have long vines and are quick growing? I have some sweet autumn clematis growing in pots and they are taking off in the pots this year. Only problem is I heard that the blooms put out a lot of seeds and I will have volunteers coming up everywhere, so was wondering what other clematis vines would be good spreaders without such invasive volunteers.

Also, can clematis vines be rooted from cuttings?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Becky..I think you'll find this link informative for cuttings
Cuttings are tricky...Layering is much more successful..
As far as the most vigorous clematis should stick with the Viticellas aka Pruning group 3's
I don't have terniflora aka Sweet Autumn Clematis because I really just don't have the room for such a huge plant..they are said to stranglehold anything in their way and reseed much like my problem here with MG...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

like a broken record , i recommend polish spirit again. very vigorous for fast coverage, but not as invasive as terniflora sweet autumn. also paul farges, very vigorous and must be kept in check, however it layers itself all the time, or you can help it along. paul farges has prettier blooms than terniflora and blooms much earlier in my zone. late may and still going strong.
here is paul farges, which i have at the outermost edge on my 2 acre property where it can do what it wants.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Jeanne & Niobe, How I wish my garden would look as good as yours. Ladies he/she is finally here. Take a look Jackmanii in action. Loving it!

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Beautiful blooms, Gardenia731!

Delaware, OH

thanks becky. that is a pretty jackmanii for sure.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

My tiny Venosa Violacea vine is producing some buds as well. Here is the first bloom. These blooms are pretty small. I am assuming that a more mature vine will have larger flowers, correct?

Thanks Jeanne and Niobe for your great insight and information! I am considering all my options for the picket fence and arbor! I so appreciate your help!

This message was edited Jul 7, 2008 10:16 PM

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Wow...That is absolutely georgous. One more to my list. : )

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Gardenia..very pretty hon...Becky...thanks...I am sure one day you'll have clematis everywhere!...Jeanne

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks girls. I am really enjoying every bloom I get. I htink I have found the perfect spot for Jacmanii. I have 2 yeloow roses and I think they might make a great combination when full grown.

Here is Jackmanii with all of the blooms opened.

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Gardenia - I see you have a brick house, too! Same color as mine. Your vine looks great up against the exterior of your home! They are beautiful. Your vine is so nice and long! I wish mine would hurry up and grow more! LOL!

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi Becky,

LOL! I noticed that too. I love your arch window on the side of yours and the beautiful job you did with the back patio. That is so pretty. U actually gave me a few ideas. ; )

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