Need expert advice for Clematis in Central Florida.

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

I purchased several clematis that were for zone 9a. I was wondering if anyone close by could give me some advice as to how to grow these vines in my area. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Living in hotter zones we can't grow our clematis in alotta sun..what is important is to locate a place in your garden where the soil will stay moist...I have mine in Morning sun and afternoon shade..or part sun...some in filtered morning shade and afternoon sun..but regardless I have a sprinkler system that ensures they get their much needed drink...Plant your clematis about 2-4 inches deeper than they pot they came in at a slight 45 degree angle towards what you want them to grow on..I put bonemeal in my planting's imperative you keep them moist especially during its adapation period..I am always going around sticking my fingers in the soil to didn't say what size containers your clematis came in..that is important to know to advise...Jeanne

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Don't put bone meal in the hole if you have doggies in your yard. I've had a few roses dug up when I did that!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I have the same situation and recently purchased 3 clematis liners. (Ernest Markham, Jackmanii, and Venosa Violacea) I potted them up and saw that their root system looked pretty good for how small they were. Mine are currently in full sun for most of the day. Should I move them to morning sun/afternoon shade? They all seem to be producing new leaves.

Delaware, OH

ditto on the bone meal with dogs and also wild life such as racoon or fox!

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone,

They were all in 4'' pots. I am going to plant them today in containers since as per instructions I had to wait 3 days prior to transplanting. I have a few very large oak trees that receive morning sun and partial afternoon sun. Let's see how this works out.

Thank you for letting me know about the bone meal. I have 2 dogs and that would have been a disaster. Wish me luck! Hopefully next year i will have some beautiful pics to post thanks to all of you. : )

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Hopefully you will have some wonderful photos to share. Be patient though. 4" pots can take quite awhile to become beautiful vines.

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Update on my Clematis. I haven't repoted the plants yet but had to add a very long bamboo stick as they seem to be growing about 1/2'' a day. I placed them outside today to get a lil FL sun and I watch them through out the day to make sure there is no wilting. TG so far so good.

I will repot the larger once this weekend but the smallest ones should I keep in original 4'' pot or replant them also? I am a lil skeptical to move them. They look like they are doing really well in their original pots. Need advice.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Plant your little liner plants into one-gallon pots and make sure and keep them moist..what I do it dig a hole and drop the pot in and pull the soil back up around the pot..which helps to insulate and keep them moist..then in about 4-5 months pull the pots up and if you see roots starting to come out of the bottom..they are strong enough to be planted directly into your gardens..I find fall a wonderful time to plant clematis in our warmer zones..the temps are cooler and I have rather wet falls and winters which make my clematis happy..they re-emerge the following Spring with such vigor...Jeanne

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

A quick lil update... Niobe has 2 flower buds and so as Goodwin. I was so excited this morning. The rest of them are doing really well. Can't wait to take pics.

Jeanne, last week I replanted them into a 1 gallon container and they have grown so much since then. Thank you for your advice.

I water them every 2 days and have placed some pine shredding around the pot to keep the hot sun to a minimum around roots. Otherwise the rest is in full sun from morning till sundown and they seem to love it.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Gardenia..You are more than welcome hon...did you bury your pots in the soil like I said?..Enjoy the blooms and then pinch the vine back to about 2-3 sets of leaves..this will let your clematis stop growing its vine and to start focusing back on growing a bigger root system so you can plant them into your gardens come this October...Jeanne

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

I am so excited to post this pic. This is my first bloom on the Jackmanii Clematis. Well, I actually have two blooms but couldn't capture in the same pic. Still waiting on Niobe, which I am hoping it opens sometime this week.

JeanneTX No haven't. I am in the process of cleaning out an area where I want to set her up but just haven't had the time to do it. Thanks again for all your help.

This message was edited Jun 1, 2008 9:53 AM

Okay, I feel like a fool. This is Niobe also. LOL!

This message was edited Jun 4, 2008 1:09 AM

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Oooh! Congrats, Gardenia! I have a baby J vine! I guess I need to pinch mine back because they are really vining like crazy and they are still so small. :-) Thanks for the advice, Jeanne!

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi Becky,

Actually I have not pinched any of them at all. I bought them from Wayside and they came in pretty small but since I took Jeanne's advice of replanting them in a large container they have taken off.

I also purchased Niobe, which has one lil bud that looks like it is ready to open too. Will be posting once it does. If you dont mind let me know how yours are doing too. Good Luck!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

How big were yours, Gardenia? Mine were bought as liners. Very small plants in 2" tall pots. All had an amazing root system for such teeny vines. Mine, too, have taken off. No blooms of course ... but ya just never know! LOL!

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

I bought several of them and they all came in different sizes. The jackmanii was maybe 6''-10'' tall in a 4'' pot, same with the Niobe. Amanda Marie 3"-4" tall but one of them die down and I just notice 2 new leaves on it.

I also started some from seeds but I can't remember the name of it. It is something like Tangutica....LOL! When I go out and look at the label I'll let you know the right name. If I have time today I will take seperate pics of them so I can follow their progress.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I'll try to take some photos of my little babies, too and post here. Very, very cool! Mine are out in this intense sun and heat, too! None have wilted as long as I kept them watered a little bit each day. I do have the pot shaded by other potted plants to keep the roots cool.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

HOW BEAUTIFUL..Can't wait to see more are doing an awesome job!!..How glorious your gardens will be!!..Jeanne

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)


Well, call me crazy but I think Niobe and Jackmanii are looking very much alike. What do you think? No complaint they are beautiful but they look exactly the same to me.

PS: LOL!!! The reason why they look so mush alike is because they are the same. Lord have mercy. I am loosing my marbles. I could've sworn it said Jackmanii. I guess i have to wait for the others to bloom but so far 2 plants are blooming.

This message was edited Jun 4, 2008 1:12 AM

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Here is a pic when I received all of them. 05-16-08

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

"Jackmanii" is more a bluey purple..whereas "Niobe" is a dark Reddish colour
Here is my "Jackmanii"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Delaware, OH

you may have mis labeled plants, they may be the same! this happens a lot at big box places or specialty growers. unfortunate. niobe and jackmanii do not look alike as the other post states. niobe should be a lot bigger flower, at least once established. i have some 8 Inches across this spring. jackmanii blooms later in my zone and for me, a smaller flower than niobe.

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)


They were tagged correctly I was the dope that made the mistake. LOL! Now Ramona has 3-4 buds and can't wait for it to bloom. Will post pics once they come out.

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Here is Ramona.

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I love "Ramona" so much that I have two of her..and yours is beautiful!!...Jeanne

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Gardenia731 - I bought 3 Clematis liners a few months ago which were smaller than the ones you have pictured. They had a really good root system on them which surprised me when I transplanted them up into bigger pots. They are still small vines currently.

I was moving things around and noticed that the Jackmanii I bought looks like it has about 6 or 7 buds on it!!!! Here is a photo. Can that be???? This plant is very, very small! I can't imagine it having blooms yet! Is this perhaps something else growing on the vine? I have never grown Clematis before.

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Jeanne. I think this is my favorite so far. I can't wait for the others to begin to bloom.

Becky you are soooo lucky. Yes, those are lil buds. I can't wait to see pics of them when they open. I hope your blooms are as huge and Jeanne's. Isn't it beautiful? The one I was telling you that I had several seedlings and no clue what I did with them. I think one of them survived and I mixed it with something else. I am going to have to order more seeds.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Gardenia731 - No way!!! This vine is very, very small. How can it produce buds when it is so small? That's really unusual, isn't it?

Here is the whole vine. That's all there is to it! HA! Maybe this vine is confused or something! LOL!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL....Yup does are buds. I have no clue how you have them already when it is such a small plant but Hey...dont question it and enjoy it when it does bloom. I wish I was that lucky. : )

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Here is Niobe with another flower bud. Sorry just took this right now. The flash takes away from it. I hope you can see it.

Thumbnail by Gardenia731
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Wow! That's a nice long vine. My vine is maybe 8-10" tall. How tall is your Niobe?

Is it a good idea for me to let such a small vine flower? Would blooming take away from the health of the vine? I know it takes a lot of energy for a plant to bloom. With 6 or so buds, I can't imagine how such a tiny vine can bloom. The blooms may be bigger than the entire vine total! LOL!

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Unfortunately I could not answer that question for you. I am new at this myself. Jeanne was very helpful and so was Niobe. I guess you can send them a quick D-mail or wait for them to come around. I haven't touched mine. Just letting them do what they want to do. Someone told me here in florida they are more of an annual but I am going to try my best to keep them alive for a while. I did replant to a larger container as Jeanne had suggested. Once I did they began to grow like crazy.

Niobe on the pick is pretty tall. I would say about 4'. I built a bamboo tipee for them to climb but nothing special. I dont think I will plant them directly in the soil. I want to get to see a bloom on all them before I do. Then if they die on me at least I have a pic.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Becky..I would go ahead and enjoy the blooms and then prune it you plan on planting it into the garden this fall?...Jeanne

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jeanne - Thanks! How big should the root ball be before planting it in the ground? Mine are tiny plants. Being so small, I can't help but wonder if the blooms will be dwarf size as well? I will certainly post a photo here when it does bloom.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Becky..being that we are both in very hot zones..I pot mine up as you did in one-gallon pots that I sink in the soil in Spring and usually they are ready to be planted into the garden come Fall.I pull up my pots and if I see roots coming out of the bottom of my one-gallon pots..then I know that their rootsystem is strong enough to be planted into the garden.Fall is such a wonderful time for planting clematis in our zones because our Falls are much cooler and much more moist..even when they go dormant ..they still continue to grow their roots over the winter time and then come Spring they re-emerge with such a vigor!!...Hope this helps...Jeanne

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks so much for your advice, Jeanne! I am looking forward to seeing the 3 small liners I purchased grow and become beautiful blooming climbers! I love vines and am finally adding Clematis to my collect of beautiful vines! :-)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

And I along with everyone else..Look forward to seeing them flourish in your gardens!!..Jeanne

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

I can't believe this... My "Jackmanii" has 8 lil buds can't wait to see them open. Becky we can compare blooms yours looks a lot fuller than mine though. I'll see if I can get a pic of it today.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Here is the first bloom on my Jackmanii liner. I also see a bud forming on the Venosa Violacea liner too. This bloom started out small and seems to get bigger each day. I didn't know the blooms would grow like that! Interesting to say the least!!!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Becky those are beautiful just like Jeanne's. I had a Goodwill opening up and went to seperate vine from Jackmanii and accidently broke the darn vine. Needless to say I wanted to scream but What's done is done. I hope all the 8 buds I have open up at the same time. That would be a beautiful sight just by looking at yours.

I still have them in the 1 gallon pots trying to figure out where to place them. BTW...I've been meaning to ask you about the MG's I see you have a beautiful collection. How are they here in FL? I have a huge vine but no flowers yet. When can I expect some flowers from those? Any help would be greatly appreciated. THX!

Keep the pics coming... I love looking at those flowers.

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