Chit Chat... Everyone welcome. Part 22

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Those are strange looking leaves on that salvia, Elaine. Stop yawning. : )

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

I love those salvias too. I got a tray of the red ones for $1 too for the hummingbirds. This pink one is full of seeds. Will save some and also take cuttings.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I like the tall growing salvias the best. : ) Tall and bushy.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Magi,, I would love to come play your course... I play (not work at it) golf. I don't take it seriously. It is a good chance to see flowers and enjoy being outside. The "narrow tree-lined fairways" lets me know why you find all those golf balls. I promise that mine are usually not very long but in the fairway. My DH is another story. shhhhh

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Yep Lucy I think the answer will be do it myself in future .

Poor camellia getting chopped, I was tempted to get one of those today in walmart but actually had great enforced control, they skipped on the leg irons and just had me in cuffs keeping me away from them!. Another day , maybe I will outwit the non gardening family droids

Hope your cats do o.k. I lost one of mine at 19 years old, just have a 9ish year old now.

Zolfo Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

OK guys i am off to bed nite and sweet dreams . Elaine see ya soon.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Magi,, also if you spray fertilize on brugs and the sun is very hot, it will burn them to a crisp. I learned this the hard way.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

me too. Have to wwwwwwork in the am. not very hard though. need to look up that flower.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, Fleur, you sound just like me, my DH hasn't thought of leg irons and cuffs yet, tho. : )

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

mm I don't know which one it is either but it is pretty

Re: the golf we always say it is the left handed golfers that send the balls our way!. We have had to replace windows/screens several times, occupational hazard I guess.....
You will have to visit sometime

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Nite Linda and Elaine, you 2 have alot of fun. : ) You can tell me about all your adventures, if you get time to, every night. : )

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

night... we'll be on line until monday. then will be out in the boonies ( flowers just jump in my buggy when I go to the garden center, so it isn't my fault) That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Elaine I did that once with the mite spray never again,the cure was worse than the affliction.... now I just get under them with the hose pipe and blast the underside of the leaves, no problems and no chemicals.

lol Lucy , don't give him any ideas!

Night Linda and goodnight all, I must also get to beddy byes.....

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

How long in the boonies?

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Nite, Fleur. : )

(Arlene) Lakeland, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to stop and say HI to everyone. I was told this is the chit chat room. Hi Ms. Lucy! I am fairly new to this DG and I am enjoying looking at everyones' pics. Hope one day my yard looks as good yours.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Hey there, Gardenia. Glad you came on over. As you can see we just talk to be talking on this thread. lol Kinda trying to keep up with each other, and get new ideas for what we want to do next.

Just jump in anytime and chat with us, show us pictures, or just tell us how your day has been.

Don't you just hate when it gets dark, and you have to come inside? I could be outside 24/7, if I had lights out there. : )

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)


So sorry to hear about your kitty. We lost our 16 yr old 2 weeks ago. We got him just a few months after we were married so he was truely part of the family. Still have my 9 yr old Beastie and my Mom's big orange critter but miss our Coconut.

I always kept cat nip growing in the back garden for him.

Jeremy - at least you aren't cooped up in a windowless office all day. I spent all week inside while it was absolutely beautiful out. Today, my day off, it is POURING. I'll never get my garden in at this rate.

All- I am getting so many great ideas about what my garden can/will be. I just heard I have a magnolia blooming in my front garden. I thought that was what the shrub was so left it when I pulled others out. My tenant has been putting in quite a few hibiscus - all differrent types.

I do want to try a succuleant area. I think I may need to work at Lowes after I retire & move down!!!!!

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Welcome Gardenia-

I'm rather new also and this group is the best!!!!

Happy Gardening.......................

Paul I believe your frog is a spring frog. He is the kind that is good to eat, at least some people eat them, not me! He would have to be a lot bigger tho!! Lorine

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

yum yum

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Fleur - can you provide the link to the eBay page where you bought the corms? That way we can see the flowers. My only thought is that they may be Ranunculus or Anenomes. They both grow from corms that look similar to what you have.

Phicks - I'll show your amphibian photos to some of the reptile people that I work with at the zoo. They can probably give you common names, genera and species.

EFG - nice find on the bargain blue flower. Rather than a salvia, it could be a Skullcap (Scutellaria)

Break is over. Got to get back to work at the zoo.


Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Morning all,

Jeremy, I emailed the seller and asked if I could borrow the picture for id as they only had them listed as blue daisies. Reply back was Anemone.
Anyway I found them,GWYA:2006-25,GWYA:en&q=Anemone+blanda

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Phicks - my compatriot reptilian cohorts at the zoo think that you have:

1. A young Cuban Tree Frog (which was my first impression, also)

2. A gecko with cataracts (seriously!) or just the way the flash hit the eye of the gecko. They can provide you with the name of a good reptilian opthamologist if you want to take the gecko in for cataract surgery.

Glad to know you found out what corms you have, Fleur! I can only add, good luck with anemomes in our climate. Although they are rated for Zone 9, I don't think they like our humidity. Same with Ranunculus from my experience of planting a lot of them that never grew. You might try planting the anemone in a pot and keeping them indoors as a house plant in a sunny window where they can stay cooler and drier (A/C units generally remove house humidity, so that may help).


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Jeremy I will try that with some of them, the rest I will stuff under one of the citrus trees and see what happens.
See you had got a mention in one of todays articles :)

Anyone know which Cordyline this is? It says Cordyline Cor.Bryans on the ticket and I know tickets aren't always right . I can't find it in the plant files.

Thumbnail by fleurone
Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)


South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Paul, you are gonna have to get a faster service for your internet. Sell some of those snakes, and rats. lol : )

Somebody is gonna have to help me do these chat threads. Hmmm, Paul? lol

Molly I got this Daylily from you. do you know its name? It waas labeled Dbl. Tour Time but I know it isn't that one. If you don't know that is fine I have other Noids. Thanks! Lorine

Thumbnail by
South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Here is the new thread, come on over.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Rene, That certainly looks like Purple Rain Dance.

3 seasons ago when I bought 500 DL's from a nursery at a special price, they were all supposed to be "Named" The workers doing the digging, dividing and potting up were not aware of the importance of keeping the DL's straight.

I have a row of "Double Tour Time" but your bloom certainly confirms it is not. And Purple Rain Dance would be the one. None of the rest of the DL's from that nursery look like this one.

I was selling the DL's but never a cultivar that was never confirmed visually of the bloom and plant size.

If you have any more that are questionable, I will do everything I can to confirm the plant.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

It's a beautiful cordyline, Fleur, but I can't find any mention of a cultivar 'Bryans'. Maybe post a photo in the I.D. Forum. It may be a new introduction, but it would usually show up somewhere in Google.

As for the mention in the bargain plant article today, the famous quote from the theater is, "It doesn't matter what they say about me, so long as they spell my name right!" (i.e., any publicity is good publicity). LOL


South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

I got the nicest compliment from my DD yesterday and I don't think she realized it. She also gave Jeremy, JaxFlaGardener a compliment.

I am going to apologize in advanced because this may be long winded and I definitely don't have the flair for writing that Jeremy does.

Yesterday I went on a wonderful tour of Unbelievable Acres in West Palm Beach organized by jnana. It was amazing. I really enjoyed myself. When I got home I made dinner for my family and 3 of my DD's friends from college. At the dinner table I was telling everyone about my wonderful day. One of my DD's friends said "well DD gave us a tour of your garden today". I was thrilled. My daughter had actually taken the time to show her friends around my garden. She must think it is something special hence I took it as a wonderful compliment.

Then my DD then told her friends about all the "really cool" gardens I had taken her to like the one in Jacksonville. That would be your's Jeremy. I think if a 19 year old considers your garden "really cool"it must be a compliment.

I am very happy and proud that she notices and cares.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Have your DD call the city nuisance abatement crew to put in a good word for my weed patch! LOL Still no word from the inspector on that bit of aggravation. I'm not sure what the lingo d' jour is for young people, but I think if my garden were considered truly magnificent, it would be "the bomb." LOL Have the young people chosen a new fad in clothing. I can't make it out if they have. There was goth (very recognizable), and then a brief return to the sixties and hippy styles (not really successfully done from what I recall), but I can't make out any current trends.


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