The "Jungle" is now in session

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh,oh,oh,oh,oh! How could your garden possibly be more grand than before! Will have to get Becky over tomorrow to see everything. She left her rubber plant in the bed this last winter and it lived. Bout all you can say for it at this point. But in our zone...that is a big deal. Every single plant you shared has new growth. Just not blooming as yet. Made the recipe and fed everything last weekend. Have had 2"s of rain this week. Still no buds or blooms. What can I do?
Don't remember seeing the horse.

This is the deal. Next vacation week. Come here and let's play gardeners all week. Surely we can make something bloom by then.

However, I have a colocasia with two blooms now. I was so surprised and pleased.
Take a picture tomorrow.

Your garden is a national treasure.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Absolutely fabulous Randy!!! That shell ginger around the mask would make a fantastic book cover! One of my tropical books has just the ginger on the cover - and your pic blows that one away!

Its when you post pics like this that I wish I lived in Houston!!! Just gorgeous!!

Howdy Christi!!! Hugs!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey there! Sure wish we had some way to contact Carol, or someone who could give us a report.

Have a real oddity in my part of the world. The colocasia has been in the same spot for 3 years. It has 2 large blooms and another just beginning. Not ordinary happening here. Sending a couple of pictures.


Thumbnail by LouC
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)


Thumbnail by LouC
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, got my pictures mixed up again. ignore the first one.

This is what I intended to send first.

Thumbnail by LouC
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)


Anything you can tell me about this. Should I plant the seeds? I have always purchased a bulb.

Thumbnail by LouC
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hi Sweetie! As far as I have been able to figure out, the seeds are sterile, or VERY picky about their pollinators. I have never been able to get one to grow from seed, so now I just enjoy the look, and if I want more plants I divide the roots/corms. Maybe some of the others can give you better info.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Christi, looks as good as the ones they have in the Iao Valley, I think Randys green thumb has rubbed off on you...

Randt, your garden is always a delight to "walk" through! Plants are gorgeous, and the garden art is to die for.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Looking good come I don't remember that fountain?

Thanks Jenny and Shari...TJ from Dallas came by with his wife Ashley yesterday and picked up the last of the brugs from the old brug forrest. They really enjoyed the garden, and I said...
See what you can do when you don't have kids?! LOL...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

The fountain is in the corner bed near the deck. Right outside my computer desk window. I love it. The birds are in it all day every day.

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