Okay, here's a crazy idea for the swap

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Chantell, I just edited the first post to add in the names and prices of the ones that have been mentioned, leaving out ones that are out of stock or have been set aside for other reasons, such as the other brunneras that weren't recommended by Debbie. (BTW, I checked and the Jack Frost she also mentioned isn't available.)

Some of the pulmonarias are fragrant but I don't think strongly so. I don't recall seeing anything that I would particularly call a hummingbird plant but that doesn't mean they won't go to them. I think they like anything that has a trumpet shaped blossom.

I'll keep what you're looking for in mind as I look through the plants again.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ah Diane...thank you for assisting my lazy self...LOL. Don't take up your time looking for hummer or fragrant plants...it's all good...whatever the majority are looking for, I'll take a peeksee and see if there's anything that catches my eye!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Could everyone please make a list of what they are interested in and how many? I'll start compiling some totals and I think by sometime next week we should decide whether this is viable or not and perhaps set a deadline for ordering if it is viable.

I'm kind of surprised we haven't had more interest. I haven't ordered from NW but I received some of their plants from a friend a couple of years ago and they were very nice.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Please see my post above. I just added in links for all the plants in the first post in this thread.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey, this looks like fun! DH just found out he'll probably be out of town the week before the swap, will probably be back that weekend but will likely be too jetlagged to want to do much to celebrate his birthday. So... my schedule is clear to come down for the swap! I've been wanting a variegated Brunnera... probably wouldn't have room for more than one, but my mom could use a couple too, especially since I think they're not too tasty to deer. A couple of Hellebores would be nice, too!

You probably can't count on me for a big order, but I can fill in the edges a bit once we know which 6 varieties we're going with. I see more than 6 on that list at the top... unless we're shipping to Becky instead of to Hart, that won't work, right?

If you're counting up numbers, I'm flexible on quantities, but I'd take

1 to 4 Brunnera Dawson's White
1 to 3 Hellebore Double Queen
3 to 5 Achillea Apple Blossom

Shenandoah Valley, VA

What we're trying to do now is see what we can get 25 of, Critter. So far we've had the most interest in the three at the top. The others have been mentioned as things people are interested in. That's why you see more than six.

Take a look at the photo I posted from plant files further down in this thread of that geranium Rozanne. It's gorgeous. Apparently it's been named Plant of the Year for 2008 and is far, far more expensive everywhere else I've seen it since Happy posted about it.

I can take care of the plants until the swap and make sure they get there okay. I don't want to put extra work onto Bec, who will have enough to do getting ready for the swap. I'm not sure how many I can get in the car and still have room for the plants I'm bringing. Should be able to bring two boxes, that's six flats, without any problem.

I would suggest getting at least two of anything you're interested in just in case one doesn't make it. I'm probably going to get at least three of anything. You can always trade off the extras or give them to a friend.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I agree about getting extras... but I didn't count from previous posts, and I didn't know if some of them were already at 24!

I'd take 3 of that 'Rozelle' Geranium... could probably be talked into 5 or 6, especially if H. 'Double Queen' doesn't make the cut. I'd like 'Johnson Blue', too, but I figure that's probably one I can get in trade some time.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Check out hellebore Metallic Blue Lady. There's a good photo on this page if you scroll down. I've been wanting some for so long. See how blue it is compared to Blue Lady?

I think I may start a new thread and get this better organized. This thread started as more brainstorming and some people probably aren't aware that the crazy idea is a mini coop.

I'm going to try to go through this one and do a count. It's easier if EVERYONE MAKES A LIST. Not that I'm complaining. LOL

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I give up, I need lists. That was making my eyeballs melt and run down my cheeks.

Please note everyone, I seriously doubt if Pulmonaria Smokey Blue is going to be available. It's not on the current list nor is it listed as something that will be available in a few weeks.

The ones that are available are David Ward and Majeste, both in very limited numbers, EB Anderson and Little Blue they have more of. I like the fact that robsplants says EB Anderson holds up in the summer heat and humidity. I'll keep checking for Smokey but don't count on it.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

David Ward is the one with the pretty white edge to its foliage, but didn't somebody say it wasn't a very robust plant? I need robust... :-)

I think you had a good idea with starting a new thread. We can all post our order lists, with numbers, in whatever format you specify. If you want, you could direct people to this thread for questions and chatter and keep the new thread for "co-op business" posts only. That might make it easier to keep track of stuff.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

There are three comments on it in plant files. One says it grows slower, other says it's less vigorous, and they rated it positive. The third person flat out rated it negative and said they had tried to grow it twice and it died in the winters. I don't know if she meant it didn't stay evergreen or it actually died. I assume the latter but it wasn't clear.

There's some comments on it in this Google book right on the bottom edge of the page. Can't be allowed to dry out? It won't get that here. LOL

The pulmonarias I do have have been pretty tough and won't die on you if they go through a dry spell.

I love the silver leaves on Majeste but it doesn't seem to be stirring up a lot of interest.

I'll start a new thread Sunday evening.

This message was edited Apr 27, 2008 10:15 AM

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I'll go with whatever y'all wanna order - as long as they are blue :-)

Actually - I'd really like some Hellebores

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

Hellebore Metallic Blue Lady is amazing! I've had no luck with hellebores in containers tho....

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Are you keeping them in shade? I've also found the hellebore plants take a couple of years of not doing much and then they go hog wild. The ones I planted three years ago bloomed last year but hadn't put on a lot of size. This year they're huge and have been covered with blooms non stop since February.

Just got home. I'm going to post the new thread now. We can keep this one going for chit chat.

New thread is here:

This message was edited Apr 27, 2008 10:47 PM

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

sorry, I didn't mean to disappear. Yes, shade. I think I could manage it if I planted them earlier or later in the year, instead of post-Greenspring. If I see some in the fall this year, I might try them again.

That was a pretty impressive mini coop!

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