Okay, here's a crazy idea for the swap

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Was bumbling around online and stumbled onto the NW Perennials and Bulbs site. They have 25-cell flats of double hellebores for $2.50 per plant. The have some other hellebores for about the same price. They also have this gorgeous variegated brunnera on sale for $2.34 each in flats of 25, regular price is $3 each. They also have the blue hellebore I've been lusting after big time but that's just me.

Editing in to add the plants we're looking at:

Several have expressed interest in these. WE HAVE TO HAVE 25 OF EACH. And please keep in mind, when we get to 25, we'll have to close out that selection or decide whether to order two flats of a particular plant. They have to be in multiples of 25.

Hellebore Metallic Blue Lady - $3 each/ flats of 25
Pulmonaria EB Anderson (or Smokey Blue if it shows up available)
Brunnera Dawson's White (based on Debbie's recommendation) -$3 each/ flats 25
Achillea Apple Blossom - $1 each/flats 25
Coreopsis American Dream - $1 each/flats 25

Others that have been mentioned: (deleting any that aren't available)

Hellebore Double Queen - $2.50 each/flats 25
Pulmonaria Majeste - $1.55/flats 25 (very limited avail.)
Japanese iris Royal Robes - $1.35 per 2 fans/25
(no photo on NW but is listed as available)
Hakonechloa All Gold - $2 each/flats 25 (very limited avail.)
Hakonechloa Aureola - $2 each/flats 25
Geranium Johnson's Blue - $1.10 each bareroot plants/25
Geranium Rozanne - $3 each/flats 25

The sizes of the 25 flat plants - 3 inches square by 3.5 inches deep
Three flats per box for shipping so we're probably best off to order 3 or 6 flats
Shipping estimate was 12% of total for UPS ground, more if we opt for faster shipping

Back to the original post
What if we had a little mini coop, maybe limited to maybe 2-4 different plants with the plants to be divided up at the swap? That way the only postage costs would be to get the plants from the vendor.

I don't want to handle the money. It's too darned hard for me to get to the bank with no car and I'm too broke to front the money. But I'd be glad to take care of the plants, label or sort them out if that's needed, make up lists for passing them out at the swap and so on.

Oh, my. They have these pulmonarias for $1.25 to $1.55 each.

So, am I totally nuts?

This message was edited Apr 24, 2008 4:07 PM

This message was edited Apr 26, 2008 12:38 PM

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

i don't think you are totally nuts.....will look at everything when a little more awake.....not fair to be alert at 2am & zombie when the alarm clock is ready to go off!

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

Let me know how this goes. It sounds to me we are kindred spirits.
I am going to try to check out the plants now. Will get back to you.
Well, I went and looked and fell in love with David Ward and Majeste pulmonarias, Brunnera macrophyllas-Dawsons White, Silver wings and Variegata and that fern in the picture labeled Brunnera Betty Bowring. Of course, the entire site had me entranced. I especially like shade plants and they do have some wonderful things. I definitely am interested if you get this going, particularly if any/all of the ones I mentioned are offered.
Hugs, Shirley

This message was edited Apr 22, 2008 7:46 AM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I also like the idea, but it would be hard to settle on which plants to do. From my perspective, it makes sense to get things that are not available from seed and are not easy to propagate. (I've done a ton of co-ops this season.) The hellebores would be nice.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

That's a good idea, Happy. Maybe we could do a hellebore, a pulmonaria and a brunnera?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Anyone else interested?

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

i'm interested :-)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd definitely be interested in the Brunnera macrophylla 'Variegata'. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/31490/

What pulmonaria are you thinking of, Hart? And what Hellebore? I'd love one with relatively upright flowers -- I'm a novice at them, though, so don't know what I should want.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I thought the double hellebores since they're so expensive to buy elsewhere. But it doesn't matter to me. Anything but single pink and red, which are the only ones I have now. I'd love some of the Metallic Blue Lady if anyone else is interested in those. Personally I'd rather get the metallic blue than the doubles for myself. I think we could manage a couple of hellebores if enough people are interested.

I'd love some of the Corsican hellebore too, which grows tall, but it's not available right now.

I like the Majeste pulmonaria and EB Anderson. Robsplants says the latter holds up well in summer heat, which is good. From reading plant files, it sounds like the David Ward isn't very vigorous.

I like the brunnera variegata and the Dawson's White. Dawson's looks like it has more white on the leaf but the variegata is cheaper.

Anybody else? Anybody volunteering to do the money, please?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll handle the money if you handle figuring out the orders. But it doesn't seem as if we have a lot of interest from the group! I guess I could order 10 of each, but I'd rather order 5.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I am, I am!!

I just came back today from my "walkabout" in the "heartland" - excellent trip - harrowing drive!

I'll get to reading and posting on the swap arrangements now - had to take a nap when I came home - driving 860 miles in one go is a "tad" stupid and I was beat, but happy when I came home at 7.30 AM this morning - took a nap, felt better, got some dinner and had to get straight to work!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

You drove all night long????

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Uhu - shore did - Chantell sent me a message about smacking me upside the head or something! :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Maybe I need a better header for this thread. Could we change it to read "The Chippendales will be at the swap!"

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - ahem - possibly a good idea - anywho - just let me know what plants y'all decide on - I am game :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Here's the feedback in watchdog http://davesgarden.com/products/gwd/c/1817/
I also added the link to this thread on other thread..hope that was ok, Diane. I'll peek at their site tomorrow...I've got to get to bed....tired...
Ok...couldn't resist...Pulmonaria Smokey Blue - how pretty is that?!?! Are these tolerant of sun?

This message was edited Apr 23, 2008 12:17 AM

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Thought I'd jump in here with my two cents :) I've grown every Brunnera NW has listed with the exception of Betty Bowring - LOL, that looks like a picture of Ghost Fern??? Anyhoo, the Silver Wings in the garden is somewhat unimpressive - yes, it does have a small amount of silver on the leaves but basically reverts back to the plain ole green, Brunnera macrophylla which is beautiful in the garden, plus over the years I've found new babies where it has self sown :) For the variegated ones, you can't beat 'Dawson's White'. From what I've seen, there is no real difference in leaf color, however the 'Variegata' has a problem reverting back to plain green. Although 'Looking Glass' (a sport of 'Jack Frost') is nice, you can't beat 'Jack Frost' - it's my absolute favorite Brunnera in the gardens. There's a new Brunnera that I'll be looking for next year, 'King's Ransom' http://www.cnb.nl/greenteam/newplants/english/cultivars/np429.htm - available only in a couple of places, not cheap, but hopefully the price will come down next year http://www.greatgardenplants.com/index.php?pageId=162

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

Debbie, thanks for the info on the brunnera and hart, you too for the info on the one I liked being not so hardy. That's always good to know before you buy. I'll be really interested in which plants are finalized to be choosen.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm with Hart. My interests are in any blue Hellebore. I've never done a co-op before. I'll trust you guys to tell me what ta do.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I would be interested in the Blue hellebore too....Gita

No more than 2, please.

This message was edited Apr 23, 2008 12:56 PM

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

I would be interested in:
5 Pulmonaria Smokey Blue 1.25
3 Hellebore Metallica Blue Lady 3.00
10 Coreopsis Rosea American Dream 1.00
10 Achillea Apple Blossom 1.00

Forgot to add numbers I wanted

This message was edited Apr 23, 2008 11:24 AM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

So -- I'd get 5-10 (prefer 5) each of:

Brunnera: Brunnera Dawson' White sounds great. I adore Jack Frost. I bought a bunch of them earlier at a co-op though, so I don't crave more, but I'd be willing to buy another 5 -- it is a great plant.

Pulmonaria: I like EB Anderson. Smokey Blue sounds nice. It is highly rated on http://chicagobotanic.org/downloads/planteval_notes/no17_pulmonaria.pdf, and seems relatively mildew and slug resistant (note that it is spelled Smoky Blue on this site). The pulmonaria are not very vigorous in my yard -- they just sit there -- so I'd opt for anything with a reputation for vigor.

Hellebore: Blue Lady sounds like a winner.

I'd be ok with the Coreopsis Rosea American Dream and Achillea Apple Blossom, but wouldn't want more than 5.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

We have to have 25 of anything we order. We really need to keep it to only three or four different plants, maybe five absolute max, because there's only going to be so much room in the car. I have to have room for the plants I'm bringing.

The Smokey Blue isn't available right now.

So far it sounds like these are having the most interest:
Brunnera Dawson White (thanks for the tips, Debbie!)
Hellebore Metallic Blue Lady
Pulmonaria EB Anderson unless Smokey Blue pops up as available

Dragonfly, I have Achillea Paprika that I haven't added to my available list for the swap yet. Maybe that will help you scratch your achillea itch? LOL

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

those three sound good to me

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhh Diane - Achillea Paprika?!? Got enough to share?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I don't have tons, but yes. I have a bunch of stuff to add to my list. If you'll let me know in the haves/wants thread it will save me having to read every post to figure out who wants what.

I love the Paprika. It was one of those Some Enchanted Evening moments where I saw the flower from across the garden center and had to have it. LOL The color is really pretty. It starts out red and eventually fades to a softer red and then pink.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I just called NW Bulb to get some info on shipping. She said figure about 12% of the order total for shipping. They are packed three flats per box so that would be a bit higher if we order, say four selections. Might be better to go ahead and order five or six flats.

We can order now and they will hold the plants until closer to the 24th before shipping. Otherwise we would have to see what is available later.

I guess I should say I would take the following if this is the three we end up with:
3 Brunnera Dawson's White
5 Hellebore Metallic Blue Lady
5 Pulmonaria EB Anderson

This message was edited Apr 23, 2008 2:20 PM

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

the 24th of what month?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The swap is on May 24 isn't it? I'd be bringing the plants to the swap so no one has to pay double postage to get them.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

6 flats? How tempting!

How about Hakonechloa All Gold or Aureola (or both!)
Geraniums (Johnson's Blue, $1.25 or Rozanne, $2.00)
Liguaria The Rocket

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I just noticed they have Japanese irise Royal Robes for $1.35 per two fans in lots of 25.

I love ligularia so much but Happy, Weber's has huge plants for about $5-$6 in their half price sale every June. I mean huge. And it's not available now at NW. If you can't get to the Webers sale, I can get you some.

I have to run. I'll check on the other stuff later. First we have to get enough people involved to be able to order that many flats. Spread the word, people! LOL

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Ok, scrap the Ligularia. But isn't anyone interested in the Hakonechloa? I might get a whole flat by myself!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I just sent you a d-mail about the hakone. It needs acid soil or it dies. I sure killed the very nice one I had fast with my alkaline soil. Since you have alkaline soil too, be sure you work lots of peat in where you plant it and give it garden sulphur a couple of times a year.

The hellebores and pulmonarias btw tolerate alkaline soil very well.

The Johnson's Blue geraniums are available in bareroot plants, $1.10 each in batches of 25. The Rozanne is only available in the 25-plant flats, $3 each or 72-plant flats at $2 each. Personally, I'd rather not have such teensy plugs as come in the 72-plant flats. They're really tiny.

The Hak. All Gold is available $2 each in 25 plant flats. Hak. Albo Striata is available, $2.25 each. That sounds like a tougher plant - it tolerates more sun than the gold and grows faster.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Well, I think we need to pause our dreamings until some others speak up!

If you are interested in any of the aforementioned plants, please speak up and let us know how many you would buy. If we get a critical mass, we can move forward!

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

i'm still up for some of the original 3, but have to watch getting any extras.....

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Of course! The flats are only 25 each, so hopefully it won't be hard to find takers.

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

yep....i know i'd like several each

with gas prices it's much cheaper than driving around trying to find various plants :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Happy, great find on that geranium Roxanne! I just got around to actually looking at some of the plants and my goodness is that ever pretty. Everybody's raving about it too - blooms all summer, fills in nicely. I'd definitely get some if there are enough people interested.

Look at this.

I was wrong about the hakone grass. The aureola is available. It's listed two different ways so I missed it when I looked before.

I don't think there's a huge hurry except that some of the plants we're looking at may sell out and we do have to allow time for the plants to get packed and get here.

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

ok, some geraniums.....i need to stop liking stuff!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Can someone please list (I'm being lazy - plus at work) which particulars we're looking at? I do like that geranium Roxanne!! Anything on our "hit list" with scent or attracting hummers/butterflies?

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