Could Use Some Blueberry Advice!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm setting up a blueberry garden and could use some tips from gardeners that grow blueberries. My soil is sandy so I purchased six bags of humus from Walmart and a sack of Canadian Spaghnum peat moss plus I added some acid tone to lower PH as it stands at 6.5 right now. The area gets morning sun but does have some shade from hot summer sun. I purchased three blueberry plants that are recommended for my southern area from Hartmanns Nursery although they preferred to ship in the fall I told them to send now and placed a fall order for three more of their choice for my area. Thought I'd practice with this order as they are only $20 for three plants.
I think I made a mistake by putting down the humus as it is very compact and moist and may smother the roots. What do you think and what should I do or use? They will arrive tomorrow, Thursday the 17th but I can delay the transplant to properly amen the bed. There will be three plants. Help please as I want to do it properly!

Thumbnail by Tplant
La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

You need to get the soil pH to between 4.0 and 5.5. The recommendation at other sites suggest spending about 4 - 6 months preparing the soil. If your soil is naturally alkaline, you will need frequent soil tests to ensure that the soil remains that acidic. You may find this site very helpful:

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Thank you Bettydee. Very informative but my real question, which is not answered on any site, pertains to the humus? As I said "It is very thick, wet and heavy." I'm concerned if it will smother the roots even when the soil is mixed up? I thought it was a good organic mix but never used it before and was surprised of its consistancy after I spread it. I bought a bale of Canadian Spaghnum peat and wondering if I should mix it in to try to lighten the soil. My soil has a PH of 6.5 which is to high but I will use a liquid fertilizer that is used for my gardenia. Hope this will help to bring down the PH.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

There are various sources of humus so its structure can vary also. I've never used humus, but know that it can be spread on the surface around plants. The nutrients will find their way into the soil. If you have a good heavy duty tiller, it shouldn't be that much of a problem to work it into the soil. Humus appears to be a good additive, but it may be counter productive if you want to acidify the soil for blueberries. Colloids in the humus act as buffers to keep the soil from getting too basic or too acidic.
This came from the Wikipedia's definition of humus:The biochemical structure of humus enables it to moderate — or buffer — excessive acid or alkaline soil conditions. 4.0 is definitely acidic.

I would use the peat and buy some compost and use it instead. You could use the humus on plants that don't require soil extremes.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Thank You Very Much Bettydee! You have been a great help and solved my problems. I'm going to scrape off the humus. I don't have a compost pile and it is not available in any of my nurseries unless you consider Black Cow Manure to be compost? That is all that I have available? Is that OK?

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

A bag of Black Cow may be OK, but any more and you might get fertilizer burn. You could use a few bags of potting soil or mix such as Miracle Grow. See if you can find potting mix meant for use on azaleas. If you can't use the normal potting soil and more peat moss.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Again. Will do!

Greensburg, PA

You might want to do some pre-planning on how you will cover to keep the birds out. Birds like blueberries as much as we do. For example, you may want to put up stainless hardware cloth on the fence (1/2 wire mesh) before the plants go in, so you don't have to work over/around them later. Considering the amount of space shown in the picture, you may not have enough berries to share for awhile

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Good Idea!

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