How long can a chick survive?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

as you can suppose, WANT and HAVE aren't anywehre near each other in my dictionary...

if we had silkies, it would have to be pet quality so they could free range with the other chickens... Deb had LOTS of good info on that site you posted, i recommend EVERYONE read it, whether you like silkies or not!

I require ANYONE buying a chicken to come pick it up! But NOBODY is allowed in the henhouse. the chicks for sale have a separate pen right by the driveway...

i have imprinted newborn foals. i am sure all the attention Freckle gets he will be mine forever LOL. but i have had just as good luck handling week old chicks... it's the quality of the time you spend, not the quantity ^_^


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

that looks good. i can't find his before picture??? another thread?

are you putting a new cast on?

Woodsville, NH

Here is his left foot from the bottom, he has too much "toe" and extra flesh for them to have totally straightened out. They are so much better because of his shoes.

Thumbnail by LoraK
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

is this the guy you did foot surgery on? looking good, i think! his skull looks cute too!

Woodsville, NH

His right foot. Unfortunately I was on mental overload when I discovered he had webbed toes and three of my marans had curly toes, one was so twisted I had to cull him. I will repost the pic of the marans in a shoe. That site is where I found them! And they WORK!!

Thumbnail by LoraK
Woodsville, NH

Here's a marans pullet in a shoe. It is unbelievable, I cannot find which two had curled toes. Two days in a shoe and they are great. Yeti is another story, I was just hoping for him being to function as a normal bird and so far so good. He charges and runs like the others.

Thumbnail by LoraK
Walpole, NH

Wow, his feet are looking great. Nice job! I can perfectly understand your frustration! Glad he's doing so well! TF, how come you dont allow people in the hen house? Is that to prevent transmission of germs from other peoples chickens to your own? I live in a town that is known by this company famous for starting chicken buisness, first refrig. truck, ect, called Hubbard Farms. The people who work there with the chickens are not allowed to be in contact with any other chickens due to this. My mother is friends with a lady who works there, and she cannot come over to my house. I dont know if imprinting is exactly what happens, its just the easist way to describe it. My chickens were all held on a regular basis as chicks, and they are all so super friendly that I just linked the two together. When I get home from work, when they hear my voice they all come running. I love it. If I'm out in the yard gardening and they are out with me, most of them will follow me around the yard. I only know one other person who has chickens, and hers do not do this. So I going to stick with handling them alot as young babies!

Woodsville, NH

Don't get me wrong I am more than happy to meet people, I make it a day trip. I met a bunch of people last weekend. Some at a location close to my parents and the ones that were arriving later met me at my parents. This weekend I am dropping some off on my way down and the rest are meeting me at my parents. My parents are in their 70's and my Dad just went thru another operation so its a win-win situation, they get chicks and I get to visit my parents. And with any cash I get I am sure I will be buying lunch!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i remember my 70 chicks following me all the way down the drive to the dumpster and back up. DH, just a "friendly hired hand" at the time, would laugh his buns off! one thing is to be their boss. correct bad behavior, trying to eat bedding, etc. one chick would call to me in the middle of the night if there was any trouble... when they were chicks in the house... they still come running to my voice and the sound of my vehicle coming down the road... they always want treats!

yes, for biosecurity reasons. people just aren't listening though, so i am gonna have to post a sign...

Lora, unbelievable! I am gonna have a brand new roll of tape for the next hatch, but leave them in there 24 hours and maybe i won't need it!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Lora, you are just too nice....

Woodsville, NH

Get the thickest tape you can. My marans gals always greet me, the silkies and sebrights are lower in flock so they stay behind them, they do dart in for their share of the treats when I give them some. Enough time on the computer its time to clean my house arrgh, I need a hired hand!

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