How long can a chick survive?

Woodsville, NH

I have my fingers crossed about the replacements. They are shipping out tomorrow!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

hoping for a quick delivery!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I did ask Granny but the clerk didn't know.


Woodsville, NH

Even my grain store doesn't tell me where their chicks come from. Its like a well hidden secret LOL When I went do to my local place she kept her hand over top part of paper listing the hatchery! I don't know why, I could never get the pricing they get.

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Fortunately, the person I spoke to is the one who ordered them. He goes to our church, which is a small country church, and so I was able to get that info from him. So, I guess I am lucky.


Woodsville, NH

Thank goodness for your luck GG

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Very lucky!


Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

The only problem is that he ordered a variety of chicks. So, I am going to have to guess which are buffs, and which are RIRs, and hope I get buff hens and RIR roos.


Well, at least I will be able to get brown layers by checking earlobes.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

I called TSC again today and she said that they were being shipped out today. There must have been a miscommunication somewhere down the line since the manager thought they should be in yesterday. At least they're not lost in transit.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Yes but why are they missing from the two TSC's closest to me?


Lodi, United States

Granny--you won't have any problems telling the Buffs from the RIRs. The Buffs are just the classic little yellow chick. My Delaware who is basically white, looked more like lemon chiffon--pale, pale yellow. The RIRs were very uniform colored. I had no problems telling my 5 breeds apart. I guess it depends on what else he ordered. Now as for IDing roos and pullets--Good Luck!

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Well, if I get 6 of each, I will probably have a few hens and maybe a couple roosters. I can deal with that. my DH wants the buffs for meat chickens and I want a RIR rooster for possibly mating with mine to create a slightly larger chicken than the Aussies. And I won't ever have another Buff rooster.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I hope your new shipment arrives quickly, LoraK.
All safe and sound.
Molly, maybe your TSC manager or order person
just didn't get their order in at the same time as other

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


It's possible but I found the same at two stores some 35 miles apart! The orders went in way back around January. They've been advertising these chicks for at least 3 months now. Doesn't take that long to get an order in (especially a really large one repeated each year!) and delivered. Hope they've arrived by now. I haven't gone back yet to check.


Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

What I think is wierd, is that they can't tell you why
they are delayed in getting them. I would think that
if they were so uninformed, or closed-mouthed, they
would understand people might go elsewhere to get their

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

it is very weird!


Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Well, I got the call from TSC today that they got chicks in. They had straight run White Rocks and Gold Sex Links. Pullets were Barred Rocks and Partridge Cochins. I didn't want any of those, so I ordered 15 Buff Orpington straight run through our vet supply who has an order pending at Townline. They will be coming in on April 29th. And the cost was 1.80 per chick. So, needless to say, I am going to have a Buff rooster. I hope I can pick out one that doesn't go mean on me.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

as soon as you figure out which is the rooster, hold him every day. carry him around. he will always know that YOU are the chickenMama!

i would ahve jumped on those barred rock and partirdge cochin pullets!

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

I know. But they are not in my plans. And besides, cochins are not good here. Too many feathers on their feet. Right now we are in the mud season. And because my chicks free range in the evening, mud is not good. The Aussies I have like to go into the woods, up the hill to the field, around to the garden, and on the side of the house to where there is sand to wallow in it. They're are funny.

I will try with one of the Buff roosters to keep him tame, but if he gets mean, I will not wait to cull him. I would rather have an Aussie rooster than a mean one.


Woodsville, NH

I used my dremel tool to grind off a red silkie roos spurs today. I never had to trim a spur before. After repeated warnings, pushing away with my foot and caring a stick Red had his spurs ground off. He pulled this last summer but had stopped over the winter. I used the dremel with a stone on the macaws nails. Its quick and blood free. I was surprised when there was no quick in the spur. I could have used dog nail clippers. Oh well, gave him more time to think about what he had done. I humilated him, I walked around with him. He needs to learn his place or he will be culled when we have the meat chickens processed. It will not be an easy decision, all my chooks are pets, except of course the meat birds.

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Thank you Lora for the info that there is no quick on spurs. I am getting Buffs on the 29th (straight run). I am hoping to keep a rooster from them in addition to one from my hatch. Having had a mean Buff roo, I think we will be cutting spurs on both of the roosters. They don't need them anyway. We don't raise fighting cocks!! And, we don't want them fighting, either.


Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

And I thought I heard Granny would be getting no
more BO roo's!LOL. Ya just can't stay away, huh
Granny. Does anyone know how far into the spur
the quick might grow? I want to catch Davey and
give him a clip and file. Since Blanca has been gone,
he has been very respectful. Not once has he even
charged. In fact, he gives me a wide berth. I think he
put 2 nd 2 together and came up with one less mean

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Well, I guess I lied. Now I just found out that my order is back-ordered till May 5th. It seems everyone is trying to get Buff Orpington chicks this year. Must be the "chick of the year".

Now, you have to remember, I am willing to bet that I will be able to get a rooster of another breed from someone around here for free. There are a lot of newbie chicken owners here this year. But, we shall see.

Lodi, United States


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Who are you getting yours from Granny? My chick order includes a straight run of 10 Buff Orpingtons. Mine are from Ideal.


Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Mine are coming from in Michigan. I am getting them through my vet supply. The first one I got were from them and they were healthy chicks. So, I am not worried about that.

Woodsville, NH

So after the chick ordeal, one chick is not thriving, there is something going on with her leg. I am hand feeding her. I am hoping if I can just get her going she will go ok. If not, atleast I will know I tried. I know when the eggs that are already under my hens hatch they will be on 1/4 wire for 24 hours, nothing is going to get them out earlier with all the shoes I had to put on my chicks, it was insane.
I deal with parrot people, we are a crazy bunch, I had no idea about the crazies that chicks bring out. I set up a new email acct with an automatic reply so I don't have deal with people wanting to know each and everything about the chicks, did they hatch yet, did they hatch yet, did they hatch yet, did they hatch yet, did they hatch yet, did they hatch yet, did they hatch yet, did they hatch yet and then it turns to can you send me a pic. It got so crazy I was thinking of just putting them out in the hen house and throwing in the towel. I know I will never make any money selling chicks, I just thought I would be spreading some joy, was I ever wrong. One woman wanted 3 marans pullets and emailed me atleast 30 about them in a matter of 2 days. And she still isn't convinced I know pullet from roo. Then we had the guy that waited for the marans to hatch, emailing all the time and then when they did hatch had one excuse after another, finally he wanted me to keep them until the were 5 weeks old!!!! WHAT!!!! WHAT!!!! The hardest and mostly costly weeks!! WHAT!!! Then when I said NO! he tried the "oh but the chicks I get won't be mine, you sent me pictures of my chicks" Oh yes the will be, they will be the ones you pay for and PICK UP!!!! Sheesh crazy crazy people as a footnote to my ranting, no one here that I have been dealing with is anymore crazy than me and has was more than happy to drive the distance to pick up their chicks.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

did they hatch yet?u r 2 funny!



Woodsville, NH

ooops no one I have been dealing with on this board is one of the crazies

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i know! vent away!

Woodsville, NH

Oh so its not me its them!!! YES!!! Thanks I needed that. I have meet a lot of nice easy going people. I would never ever cheat anyone, if I think its a pullet, I really think its a pullet, what would I make for selling a roo as a pullet $3? OH MY I am off to retire to the Islands!!! (anyone know some CHEAP ones?) I always offer to buy back or trade for a pullet when I say its a pullet and it turns out to be roo. I have no problem keeping the roos, they will be processed with the meat birds and if I happen to have more than the freezer can handle I know their are people in my town that will love a free chicken or roo! And the marans are big meaty birds! They are a dual purpose chicken.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

LOL LoraK you have got to tell us about this time machine you've got that lets you take pictures of unborn chicks ROFL . I am so glad all we're doing is selling extra eggs off. No chick pictures to send. They either want or don't want the eggs period!


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

lora, i was thinking this thread could be called How Long can Lora Survive?

this is what we get for spreading a little joy...

oh, and i will be taking your advice about the wire under their feet... have a hatch in 11 days!

Walpole, NH

Lora, you prob dont want to see me posting on your thread since I'm prob considered one of your "crazies", but I was curious how your little chick that had the fused toes was doing. Did the shoes work?

Woodsville, NH

TF, you have no idea! Here's a link to place I found those new shoes for my curled toed chicks. She has been breeding silkies for a long time and keep hers in the incubator for 24 hours on the 1/4 wire to help their feet and let me tell you it makes a world of difference. Click on curled toes

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

OMG, i want Lavendar Silkies!!! and they are in TEXAS. OK, 15 hours away, but still, maybe we will meet at a show someday and i'll tell her how i came across her web site...

Woodsville, NH

Janastasio, you may or may not be crazy, its not my call. Like I emailed everyone, everything was overwhelming with the must haves and want them now and my fav why can't you keep them for 5 weeks? I cannot justify driving over 50 miles to delivery 3 chicks. And your theory of imprinting on them when they are only a day or two old is interesting. You should post that as question. I will take a pic of his toes, "the surgery" went well and the shoes really helped a lot to straighten out his feet. He walks like the rest of them.

Woodsville, NH

Great TF and next year or the year after you can send me some lavender silkie eggs!!

Woodsville, NH

Here's a pic of him standing

Thumbnail by LoraK

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