How long can a chick survive?

Woodsville, NH

My chicks were sent the 9th by Ideal and still are not here!!!! I am freakin out! Last year they were here overnight! Am I paranoid and everything is ok or will I be getting a box of chicks that have passed (wording it nicely for the young ones) My post office asked the driver of the big mail truck and he has not even one box of chicks at major mail warehouse lately and I am as rural as rural gets. Ideal said this morning it could be because the airlines cancelation and delays.
So what should I expect? *****fingers crossed BYH, you ordered full size chicks! I am soooooooooooo worried about my two lil blue modern game chicks!
Well I think I will stay up, I know I am in for another sleepless night.

Lodi, United States

That is horrible, LoraK. Maybe someone will take care of them if there are widespread delays.

(Zone 6b)

Mine are supposed to leave the 16th from Ideal. How long is this airline thing supposed to last? I had a scare the other day, when I missed the UPS delivery truck, thinking I might have missed the chicks, but it was something else. I called Ideal to make sure and was quite relieved. They said mine were leaving the 16th and would be here the 18th. Isn't that 2 days? Even though these are my first, I am so looking forward to seeing them.

I certainly understand your concern, and hope your babies get there soon and all in good health.


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I don't understand what the airlines have to do with it??? I thought the USPS had it's own planes or has that changed over the years? I know Fed Ex and UPS have their own planes and don't depend on commercial airlines to send their stuff.


Lodi, United States

I think the PO still ships most of its airmail on commercial flights. I don't know about packages.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Now I'm worried. My babies are due to ship 5/5.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

ask the hatcheries for trakcing numbers. at least you will ahve some way to worry... and have some control over it ;-(

Karen, you and I are so close to Ideal. you can call Amarillo Ross Osage office and ask that they put you "on call" for yours, and be ready to drive in and pick them up. that will save a day, and if the chicks are a little late, the one day could make a difference. anyhow, that is what i would do.,

i am very sorry to hear this grievious news, i hope it is not true.

Woodsville, NH

10 DOA and 2 more in ICU. They are replacing 10 I am going to call them about the other 2 so they can send me them too.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Oh LoraK I just got in and read this! I am so sorry! I sure hope the next ones arrive fast and in good health.


Conroe, TX

Oh my, LoraK I'm so sorry. Leave it to usps to mess up something. Poor little things.

We live in TX and got ours the next day, so Light_for_Jesus you may get yours the next day after they ship so they would only be in transit the one day. I suggest picking them up at the post office as soon as they arrive.

Woodsville, NH

Well I lost 2 more so the total is standing at 12 dead and three are in ICU as I type this. I doubt they will make it, they are feather light and don't want to eat or drink. I keep put drops of electolite for chicks in their beaks and crossing my fingers. Those turken are funny, I have them in a huge dog carrier with a hole out in the top for the electric cord for the light, as soon I as open the door they run over and hop out to see the outside world! I got 2 black and 4 yellowy ones. BYH is getting two of them, probably one of each of color! They are the cutest chicks!
I still think Ideal is a great place, last year I didn't lose a single one and still have them all.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

This sounds more like an issue with the USPS than Ideal to me. I would give the remaining chicks sugar water to give them an energy boost. I'm not certain that the electrolytes do the same thing.


Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Lorak I am so sorry. It must have been devastating to receive them like that. It certainly sounds like a shipping problem. Poor little chickies. I hope the remaining ones pull through.

Woodsville, NH

I fully agree it was a shipping problem. One that is in ICU is peeping and peeping!! Oh what a nice sound!! The remaining ones are still quiet but atleast they are posturing. I noticed when the chick would stretch all out like it was having a seizure it would die shortly after that. I just checked on her and she was drinking!!! Yes! She might just make it.
My hubby already buried the rest. My pet cemetery is getting bigger, I am glad the ground is thawed.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i am SO sorry this happened to you and your chicks ;-(

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh, LoraK, I am so sorry! It is the airline delay's
fault, I'm sure. How could anyone but the airlines
have foretold this would happen? That is so sad for
you and the chicks. This justs adds another dimension
to what we find can go wrong with a chick order. I
think it is extra sweet you have a special place for them.
I sure hope the rest can perk up very soon! ((hugs))

Conroe, TX

That's a good sign if you have one drinking. It must be a strong baby.

north yorkshire, United Kingdom

I just hope all goes well for you . Lorak i will keep my fingers crossed

Woodsville, NH

Well, I ended up losing 15 total. They are going to be shipping replacements asap. Many of the survivors went to their new homes. Some will be until the new ones arrive. Those turkens aka naked necks really are the funniest chickies! And they are winter hardy!
Thank you everyone for your well wishes and good thoughts I appreciate it.

Lodi, United States

Hi LoraK. How many were in the original order?

Woodsville, NH

Just under 40 like 38 or 39. All the "hardy" ones made it, the NH reds, the turkens, americuanas *sp, the largest of the marans etc. It was the small ones like the silver spangled hamburged, banties, and even the black australorps and white faced spanish that died. I really think it was too long to go with out food, the DOA's were all smaller chicks and the one that died after that were the smaller ones of what survived. I think the whole think was a fluke, just bad timing etc.
The woman at Ideal said she would have the extras added for heat marked so I don't get confused. I will hopefully be able to rehome them ASAP along with 3 older marans roosters (a month old) and whatever else hatches for marans roos. I think I the first one that hatched is a roo! I hope all the others are not.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, dear, i hope the ones that made it do well. and the next batch coming in too!


Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

What's heat marked mean?

Lodi, United States

I think LoraK meant that they were extra chicks, put in to help keep the others warm, and they were marked in some way (color spots etc) so that they could be distinguished from the ones she ordered. Right, LoraK?

I am so sorry LoraK--a 50%+ loss is very upsetting. Interesting about the larger chicks having better reserves and surviving.

This message was edited Apr 14, 2008 10:30 AM

Woodsville, NH

Yes your are right, they are going to mark the extra chicks (roosters of course!) and write on the invoice who is has what color. That way if they send the same kind of chick I can tell the roosters from the pullet since only one rooster was ordered, a white faced black spanish, so anyone who wants eggs next year can have some! I don't want to give someone who ordered chicks a roo instead of a pullet.
They only straight run were the silver blue modern game birds which I thought were different so I ordered a couple. Those two were DOA and were DOA for quite sometime.
It was awful. I hate seeing things suffer. Everyone who made is thriving!!! All fat little chickies! One is smaller than the rest, she is mine anyways. You can see all the food in the crops of the naked necks! They are the funniest lil chicks!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

We can't wait to get some naked necks! We had one once.... DH named it and it died. He doesn't name many animals anymore ;-(

You know [remember?] I am on your list for eggs from the Spanish chicken next year!

Would love to see pics of the silver blue. I am loving our OEG in the self blue and in blue wheaten...

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I just got back from Tractor Supply. They were suppose to get their chick order in and ready for sale on 4/13. It hasn't arrived and they don't know why! The clerks didn't know what hatchery they were coming from. I cringed when I heard that they were MIA remembering what happened to LoraK's chicks.


Woodsville, NH

Oh yes! I remember. I put your screen name in my notebook. They will be seperated from the rest in late winter so I get pures. I am already gathering names for next years Ideal order. I should have ordered 20 australorps, everyone that heard someone else got they wanted them too! One woman order one, a NH red and wanted a buff orpington but none were available so I ordered her a Plymouth barred rock, Ideal said they were great layers so of course I ordered an australorp and a barred rock. I think I will be selling my black Australorp to someone. She really wants one and she bought some of the marans I hatched, plus I have those cuter than heck naked necks!!! My neighbors are going to be laughing even harder at my carnival of chickens! Hey I just coined a phrase! CAC, Carnival of Chickens!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I like that! May use it later this year, so don't trademark it....

Woodsville, NH

I also like Circus of Chickens too!!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yeah, nice try, i am using the Carnival, you just TRY to change my mind LOL

Woodsville, NH


Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

It's funny that you mentioned TSC not having their chicks in. I called the one in CT around 12:15 and the manager said they were supposed to get theirs that morning but hadn't heard from the post office yet. He hoped they'd be in by today. I forgot to ask who their supplier was.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I wonder if the ones for this general area are shipped in one massive lot and then distributed out from there? This delay makes me very sure I don't want to buy anything from their shipment! I wanted to peek in at the ducks :-(


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

"pekin" ducks?

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

LOL I would be doing the pekin ! Really wanted to get a better idea of how big my baby geese might be. I'm guessing twice the height of my chicks? Does that sound right to you?


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

don't know. but when ours hatch i will take a picture for you!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Thanks tf! Are they due soon?


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

I asked our friend who works for TSC if the chicks would be in yesterday and he said no, Thursday or Friday. I also asked him if they were getting them from Townline and he said no, a hatchery in Ohio. So, most likely it will be from a kind of local hatchery where they are coming from.

If you go to TSC, just ask where the chicks are from. They will tell you.

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