Annual Green Springs sale on 5/17/08

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I love this sale so much! Last year I missed it, because of French class, but this year I think I'll play hooky.

I know one place I'll head is Rick's Custom Nursery! But I want other suggestions for where to go in the early hours of the sale. I have heard that some vendors sell out very early of certain offerings -- but I don't remember who or what. Does anyone know what worms the early birds catch there?

Here is a link to information about the sale:

It is in Alexandria, Virginia.

This message was edited Apr 15, 2008 10:27 AM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

This was THE bomb...OMG....what fun...very diversified group of vendors as well!!! Sedum/Semp heaven!!

Germantown, MD

YES!!! This sale is TERRIFIC and many good vendors/causes -- I always hit Rock Garden Society and Mum folks - looking forward to newbies too

- Amy

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh darn! That's the same day as our trip to Longwood Gardens!!!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

That's terrible -- I hadn't noticed the timing. It is a wonderful, wonderful event. The gardens at the Park are inspirational, and as I recall they don't use heroic measure to keep plants alive (pesticides, herbicides, etc.), so what they grow is really attainable.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yikes didn't realize that conflict - have sent a dmail to Becky...we may have to bow out of the Longwood Gardens trip...

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Happy, I'm so HAPPY you'll be going to Green Springs this year :))) Hope others can attend as well, would love to meet more folks from DG! Unfortunately we're always so busy I don't have much time to chat. Last year got to meet Chantell and Becky :) I almost missed them because I finally had a chance to visit my favorite booth - Putnam Hill Nursery Melanie (PHN) is a sweetheart and always has some unique treasures :) And then of course, for any Begonia lovers, the Begonia Society's booth on the lawn of the Manor House always has some beauties but you have to visit them early as the best ones are scooped up in the first few hours! My other favorite is always Ed and Gary of Stone Crop Their website doesn't do justice to the wonderful assortment of Sedums, Sempervivums and Dwarf Conifers they sell. And I can't believe they don't have pictures of their unique trough gardens - a little expensive but the most imaginative, enchanting miniature landscapes.

Just a few of my favorites. Be forewarned, get there early! Parking is always a problem but it doesn't stop anyone! We've had lines of shoppers at our booth for the first four hours of the day and no time for breaks - it's fast, furious and FUN, and one of my favorite sales of the year :)


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Debbie! I can't wait. I think I have a class at 10 that day, so I'm be there bright and early and do a whirlwind tour! I need to check when there are breaks in the classes to see if they coincide with one of your local shows!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I really need to find my way to this sale!

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

This message was edited Apr 15, 2008 9:04 AM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ed and Gary of Stone Crop - THEY were the ones I loved!!! Very reasonable prices on their sedums and semps...I was in sheer color heaven, I tell you!!!
Debbie did anyone carry scented geraniums that you remembered?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

If anyone is wondering, here is a link to the sale:

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

How is their prices? (the vendors with rare & unusual plants) Thanks.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I don't know that I saw anything "rare or unusual" - but I might have been a tad overwhelmed...LOL!! The prices I saw on the items I looked at were good though.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Welll, if they were rare and/or unusual, I might go, but it's about 120 miles round trip for me.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Whew....mercy!!! Best thing to do is to call them directly...I'm sure they'll have a list of vendors and what they'll have...I'd do that vs coming all the way down and possibly being disappointed.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chantell, I'm wracking my brain trying to think if there were scented geraniums available. I know one of the vendors who used to attend years ago, The Herbery ? had them, but Pete hasn't been there for the past few years. I know Ed from Stone Crop talked with me about them one year, but I don't think they sold them. I'll probably see him this weekend and I'll ask him and let you know.

Buttoneer, anything special you're looking for? There are plenty of rare and unusual offerings as well as many things you might be able to find at a really good garden center. There's just a tremendous assortment with so many vendors but since I usually try to scout out as many vendor's booths as possible before the show begins, I've got a pretty good idea of what is normally available. Just let me know :)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahh Debbie - please don't be wracking your brain - this is not a NEED just a want. LOL I appreciate it though. ^_^

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, I am looking for dischidia, (cousin to the Hoya), Myrmecodia (ant plant), brain is numb right now. My DH doesn't want me to go to it because of the gas prices & I spent too much money last weekend on my B-day. Urgh.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Does Rob's carry any of those Buttoneer? They're located up in PA some place...I think.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chantell, any particular "scent" you're looking for in the Geraniums? I can keep my eyes open for the next three weekends and if I happen upon any, I could pick it (or them) up for you and bring them to Green Springs' sale for you. Can't promise I'll find any but just let me know which scents you're looking for and top dollar you're willing to spend.

Buttoneer, my, you do have unusual taste! Had to look up the two plants you're looking for since I had never heard of them. Tough to find the Myrmecodia anywhere for sale, but lookey here, Barry at Asiatica Nursery has a whole page of Dischidia!
Their plants aren't cheap and people have always complained about their cost of shipping, but since you're in PA, maybe it wouldn't be as bad. Also, if you sign up for their e-newsletter, you'll receive notice when they have open houses. If I remember correctly, last year there was one in June and another in September.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I have been to Asiatica. They have several open houses & have bought some mighty interesting, but high-priced plants t here. I had a lovely Myrmecodia I got on ebay and it lived for a year & died. They will sell it again there. Thanks for your help.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Debbie - mercy, as if you're not busy enough!! Always so thoughtful - you are!!! Jill blessed me with 3 or 4 kinds of rose so I'm not ISO of any more of rose scented...I have an order coming in from Hobbs Farm of the following: Spanish Lavender, Hansen's Wild Spice, & Blandsmusk. I have an odd taste in scents, I guess...LOL. I like spicy - I think they had an orange clove type one...I'm going by memory here (sad, I know) - chocolate mint, cinnamon ...I just like those strongly scented (is that a word) ones. I'm El Cheapo so I look for smaller plants with a smaller price tag...LOL. Those I ordered were $5 and under - but in 2.5" pots.
And this is to anyone going to any garden sales: if you run across Orienpet Lilly Silk Road and/or Lilium regale bulbs or plants would you get the vendor information for me please? As I put in the other thread...I will break down and just order these come fall if I don't get my sticky paws on them before hand...LOL

This message was edited Apr 23, 2008 3:22 PM

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Buttoneer, yes, unfortunately Asiatica's plants are expensive! I had so wanted this particular plant but refused to pay $35.00 they were asking for it last year for it PLUS the exorbitant shipping. A good friend visited Asiatica last fall and sent me the plant as a surprise :)) It's the teeniest, tiny little thing still, but at least it's living! I can't wait to get it planted in the gardens.

Ok, Chantell, got it! I'll keep my eyes open. I think Brent and Becky's Bulbs will be exhibiting at Lewis Ginter in Richmond next weekend - maybe they'll have the Lilies you're looking for? Just took a peek, looks like they have Lilium regale (5 for $17) but not the Orienpet you're looking for. If they're at Lewis Ginter, I'll check out their booth - might just have to pick up a few things for myself :)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Doin' the happy dance here!! Becky had said she'd go with me to the Richmond one!!! Yipeeee!!! Thank you again,'re such a blessing to all!!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Chantell - if I remember correctly Lazy Z has a great selection of geraniums - and they were at Green Springs - I think...or they might be in Richmond - and yes, I am more than willing to go to Richmond :-)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Chantell and Becky, so excited you're coming to Lewis Ginter! You should probably email Brent and Becky to see if they're going to be there. Some years they are, some not and I couldn't find anything on their website. If they are, you could ask them to bring what you want since they won't have everything they sell at their booth. Bring your $$$$ with you, Ed and Gary of Stone Crop will be at Ginter also :) And, I'm pretty sure I remember Rhonda of Country Gardens who sets up right across from us usually has some scented geraniums. I think she'll be at Maymont this weekend and I'll try to remember to ask her and make sure she brings some to Ginter :)

If you've never been to Ginter, make sure to plan plenty of time to visit the gardens - expensive admission but OMG the photo opportunities! We're always so busy we haven't had enough time to visit the gardens in years, but the woodland gardens were always my favorite :)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Debbie - is there a fee to just get into the plant sale? Might have to tour the gardens another time....ugh!!

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Just an FYI - DeBaggio's in Chantilly has a very good selection of scented geraniums.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Kim - sadly I know...LOL...that's what started the whole fixation (along with Jill sharing hers with me). Just trying to find them in smaller pots so the price is a tad lower...signed, El Cheapo

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - yes, she was quite the sight walking around rubbing EVERY scented geranium in the place :-)

On another note - I found a "Little Red Flyer" wagon to use at the sales - I was so exited - Chantell really wondered if I was nuts, so exited over a child's toy (ok, so I lived in Norway - we didn't have the cool stuff y'all grew up with - you should see my Mr. Potatoheads LOL) - now I just need to find a used one to plant in!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ran out of fingers... Truth be known it's hard to keep up with Becky - she bought the wagon to pull me around in....
Come on...picture THAT if you would...poor, poor traction for WEEKS ROTFLOL ^_^

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - so the truth finally came out!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)


No fee to get into the LGBG plant sale, OR the restaurant inside the main building (yummy food served cafeteria-style, and they have WINE!!!). Fee is for the gardens themselves, but they do offer reciprocity to members of other horticultural groups/gardens. For example, I belong to the American Horticultural Society, as well as the FROGS (Friends of Green Springs), and either card gets me into the gardens for free, as well as (I think) a 10% discount at the (huge and wonderful!!!) shop.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Soooo excited!!!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

LOL, I was rubbing the Geraniums this weekend too! Only found a few and most weren't labeled :( The booth that had them was Virginia Vistas and they'll be at Lewis Ginter! Since they didn't have the scent you were looking for I totally forgot to check the price but I don't think they were more than $5.00 and they were big, fat and healthy! I was able to get away from the booth twice during the day, bought a couple of Hostas that we don't grow as well as a few other small plants. My favorite purchase of the day however was a small pottery birdhouse - expensive but figured I'm worth it! LOL As soon as I get it unpacked I'll take a picture to share with you, I love it :) Here's a link to her site My plan is to hang it from the copper arbor I started last month - maybe this will give me the incentive to finish the darned thing!

Barb set you straight - no fee for the plant sale or parking :) You two are coming prepared! Just hang on to that "Little Red Flyer" - LG always has shopping carts for customers but they're grabbed fast and people are always looking for more. If you're "EL CHEAPO", you'll want to stay away from the gift shop - lovely gifts, but oh my - expensive! They used to give the vendors two free passes to the gardens for the weekend but these past few years they haven't - guess we're all too busy to take advantage of the freebie so they stopped. However, I'll try to remember to ask one of the coordinators if we could have a couple - tell him we might have an opportunity to check out the gardens - NOT! And then I could just pass them on to you and Becky - no promises, but I'll try :) Can't wait to see you there!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

RCN: I remember from Green Springs every one (except me) with their Little Red Flyers. Do people bring them from home? How does everyone manage to have one?

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Wow--Green Spring is not far from where I live!! I knew they had fall sales but hadn't been aware of the spring sales. I can imagine they are a stampede. I went there during an August sale and there was plenty of gorgeous plants to scoop up and run out with without rubbing elbows!! Still, I'd like to see what they offer in the Spring!! I missed the AHS sale a couple weeks ago. Thanks for the heads up, Happy!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

happy - no, Becky nor I ever had should've seen us trying to lug stuff around...THAT'S why she went ahead and got one. Although it did help keep my purchases to a min...LOL Can only hold but so much, ya know?!!
Debbie - you're great...thank you so much!!! If you decide you'd like some of those pill container after all just tell me prior to 3PM Friday and I'll bring it with me. We even got one of the biggies in (if someone takes more then one set of meds per day) just let me know. $5 is right up my alley on those geraniums!! LOL So much better if I can the shipment I rec'd recently didn't quite smell like I thought they would. They were healthy little plants though!!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

hmm ... so you're saying that I should bring my garden cart to lug stuff around for this sale? (no red wagons here though; just a green plastic thingie)

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