DC area - Spring Swap, May 24th - foods and drink

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Susan--as soon as I read your description of the symptoms--I knew you had detached retina problems. This is nothing to take lightly! Go see an eye specialist.....Seriously!!!!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Susan - keeping you in thought and prayer

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Susan: I agree with Gita -- not just an ophthamologist, but a retinologist.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I have seen a doctor who specializes in the retina . He told me that my retina is doing fine and all is good so far and the floaters are still there and it brought a few friends the second day but no new ones since... Trust me I am on top of it. I only have two eyes and I want to keep both of them... It's kinda weird having what looks like a worm and a mosquito's floating in the center of your eye.... I have floaters before but nothing like these....
Hope every one is have a wonderful MOTHER DAY.... YEAH MOMSSSSSSSSSSSSS....
I will keep you up dated and like I said so far so good...

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have had "floaters" all my life! Lots and lots of them! They are a pain in the butt--especially when reading a book or looking at something light--like the sky. Sometimes I lay in my bed looking at my white ceiling and "play games" with my floaters.......cheap amusement....:o)

They look like little, curly/bunched/transparent little "worms" all right. Some are just barely curved--some are almost tangled up with others--some are just wisps of little pieces of transparent "things". You can NEVER really look at one--because as soon as you try--it moves away as your eye tries to follow it. The only way they will stand "still" is if you stare at something in the distance and DO NOT move your gaze. Of course--then you are NOT "looking" at them.......As soon as you do--they slip away....

If you blink really hard, and hold it for a second, and then open your eyes--they seem to have moved, and sometimes changed their shape. Trying to focus on one is useless--as it just moves down...down....away from your field of vision. I guess your lens has limits to peripheral vision.

One of the Eye Dr.'s I have been to said they are "not to worry about" as they are there b/c when you were still a Fetus, some cells broke loose and will forever be floating around in your "vitreous humor" (fancy name for the "gel" inside your eyeball).

Here's another "game"........and totally fascinating.....Lets say you are looking at a bright light, like your bedroom lamp. Then you turn it off and, immediately, close your eyes. What you would see (for about 10 seconds) is a dark field with a bright, red spot in the middle (the point where all the optical nerves enter your Retina), with reddish lines (your blood vessels) radiating from it. What a great "self-X-Ray" to see see the unseen!

The Eye is an amazing thing----Do you know, as you look at anything, it "flips" every image upside down as it passes through the lens? That is how it registers on the Retina. Then the brain "flips" it back right-side up and makes you see the image OK.
Ahhhh...The marvels of the Human Body!

Yes, Betty!!!! I know all this too! Medicine and the Physiology of the Human Body/System also has fascinated me for most of my adult life.....I have quite a bit of knowledge in this field as well......

Now--ALL of you go and start crossing your eyes----poking your eye-balls---playing around with your "floaters"-----squinting at bright lights----etc......Whatever floats your boat!!!!! ...Hmmmm...all those "floaters" might help! DISCOVER the "Inner YOU!"...


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