DC area - Spring Swap, May 24th - foods and drink

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

What can ya bring?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Brie en Brioche

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Shy of a surf -n- turf request....tell me and I'll have it in hand

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Bec--se my suggestion on the Swap thread......

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Yum -- what time? (Late, I hope; I have a class until 1:20.) Are we looking for dinner food? Lunch food? Drinks?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yeah, Becky, give us an idea of what kinds of things you're looking for.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok what is this about???? come now you can't leave me out...LOL

Bedford, VA(Zone 7a)

Is pasta salad ok?

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

What I am not enough to bring...LOLOLOL Only joking.... can I bring cups or plates or anything you all say?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I think Becky said (on the other food thread) that she is providing all the plates and cups and "silverware".....

OK! Since it was MY idea to make this an International Smorgasborg-----I will bring my hand-made and baked Latvian Pirags.....YUMMMY!!!!! Will bring my ancient bun-warmer (remember those?) to keep them warm--the ONLY way to eat them....great with a cold drink.....like a beer? Definitely finger food! Like--2 bites each.
I only make these once a year--for Christmas. Freeze a lot of them. It is a HUGE effort! I just set aside a whole day when i do this--and that is after all the ham and bacon and onions have already been diced fine--also by hand-------I will spare nothing for you all......

Becky--you cruise around my Homeland area. Ever have these?

Hmmmm---I also mentioned a while back that i will bring some Lithuanian Viryta. Now--I KNOW none of you have ever had it!!!! It is--like--their National Drink! About 80-proof!
Sweet and smooth going down.......It is a Honey Liqueur---You WILL know the whole outline of your stomach when it gets down "there" after the first swallow!!! It will be like a heating pad on the inside....... after the second swallow, you will feel it all over.....

Bec--it is YOUR call! If you'd rather I DON'T bring this elixir, let me know.....I KNOW you will like it--but maybe some others may object. Then, of course, they don't have to have any of it. I can just tell you that this is QUALITY STUFF!!!!!


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - I love both ideas - Pirags AND the booze - if y'all wanna bring international - I am all over it :-)

Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

oooooh, my throat started hurting over the night & that elixir sounds wonderful!!!!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

All I can say is "yum!"

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Bec, you'd better let the local fire department know we're all going to be running around with flames shooting out of our ears after Gita gets done with us. LOL

I can't decide what to make. I could bring country ham biscuits (traditional Virginia) or make something German.

I found the best recipe for Swedish meatballs recently but they'd have to be kept warm and I'm not Swedish.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Please don't everyone get pressed about it being specific to your heritage...I believe Becky mentioned that some where. Make whatever food (ethnic or not) that you enjoy - I'm sure the rest of us will as well!! I think the idea is plain and simple Diversity...so ALL is good!!! This will be fun...no one stress over it...I'm (as is Becky) so NOT about stress...LOL ^_^ Hugs!!!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, yes - what she said - no stress y'all - I'll order some platters from Teether's - fruits and cheeses - I'll also have a huge cooler, the pop-up tent and seating - Gita, you have tables??? I'll also provide "silverwear" and napkins/plates/glasses - Chantell - can you convince your lovely daughter to bake us a cake???? With purdy flowers? LOL

If the weather turns on us (cross fingers it won't) we will of course stay inside - since I live on a cul-de-sac I have the green area next to the parking spaces to set up on, we have some visitors parking - those who come later might have to unload and go in search of visitors parking spots :-) Again, weather permitting I'll even bring out my old boom-box for some tunes :-) If something needs to be kept warm I have extension cords - I am sure the neighbors will allow me to tap into their outlets :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I also have a good sized cooler I can bring...and yes, I ask the sweet child re the cake.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I could bring my 2 card tables. I also have a Costco 5' folding table.
Space wise--I am at the mercy of good Ole Sally! As she always drives. But I think it will work--as the tables all fold flat and can have other things stacked on top of them.

I can also offer you a good-sized cooler and also a 2gal. Thermos Jug--like--it has a spout to dispense the liquid at the bottom, if you wanted to make Ice tea or lemonade or something like that. AND--lots of lawn chairs--if you run low.

Do you have an approximate count on how many people are coming?

One request------Since I am bringing this "killer hooch"--do you have any small, shot-sized glasses? Maybe plastic ones will work--but NOT the bathroom ones. Remember--the drink you mixed me at Jill's (a margarita--10x as strong as usual)--melted the plastic on the inside of my cup in about 20 minutes.....Haaaaa.....Haaaaaaaaaaaa......And this Viryta is at least 80 proof!

Hey--for those of you that were not at Jill's plant Swap last Fall--Here is Becky in action..........

This message was edited Apr 24, 2008 2:23 PM

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is Gita (Moi), Becky and Bobbie (Miata) after a few......ahem......

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh Gita - you're bad...you're given newbies the wrong impression about us...LMBO ^_^

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Great, tables are taken care of then - I think a couple of coolers will be enough? I do have "real" shotglasses - tons of them - I'll ask my chair & tent supplier how many chairs she has - I think she said 20 :-) I have no idea how many are coming - maybe I should do a head count? LOL I tend to go with the flow - the more the merrier!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Bec---NOT clear what your last Post meant?????

Do you--or do you not--need my card tables????????????? Cooler???????
My "pea brain" needs "specifics".........^_^....It cannot deal with "vague" suggestions....:o(


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - ok yes, I NEED the card tables - probably a cooler as well - IF she has 20 chairs I believe we have more than enough seating - I'll let ya know :-) Brīnišķīgs

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I have a large cooler - so depending on how many you think we NEED....well just let me know. I'm just wondering how much space Sally's gonna have.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok I am sorry I post it here and did not read... :-( Hey I am not driven so hey I will try anything once... well almost anything... Becky... You blend girl... All the faces I remember... I can't wait to see you all... Everyone was so nice to a newbie.... I am having swollen eye issues tonday so I am off to try and read and bit and watch CSI if my tears stop...LOLOL I got shot up with enough stuff today to stop this but NO not me... I have to be diffrent...LOL
Hugs to all,

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Bec---You crack me up with adding those Latvian words!!!!

Kapec ne? (don't know how to make a "long mark"......) Palidzi man!


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Susan, I hope your eyes are better today.

Gita, are you and Bec going to wear Latvian native dress for the swap? LOL

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Ahem, me thinks NO - now I could don some Norwegian outfit - might be a tad too hot - that reindeer pelt gets HOT!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I would imagine it does. LOL Hard to come by those pelts around here too I would guess. Good thing you can get them at the source. ;>)

Am I ever glad we don't have to worry about keeping the reindeer out of the daylilies!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

HEY!!!! I could wear some of my beautiful, Latvian jewelery......Will that suffice?
The old ethnic dresses were all made out of wool and all the socks and sashes and wool skirts and stuff-------Forget it!!!!

Bec-shall we do a demo of some folk dances??? Maybe a "do-si-do?
Frankly--I am too old for all those Polkas! Need some cheek-to-cheek stuff at my age!!!!

On the more serious stuff--it would be interesting for you, or me, to talk about some of the old, pagan beliefs of the "old folks". The whole Summer Solstice celebrations of Yore--The John's Day celebrations and Bon-Fires and traditions and all that stuff....

ooohhhhhhhhhhh! WRONG MONTH!!!!!! That would be June!!!!!!,,,Sorry!
Would you still want o add this to "entertain" people at this Swap?

Gita ^_^

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I would LOVE to see the Latvian jewelry. I just love ethnic jewelry.

I wonder how they stood wearing those wool and reindeer pelt clothes in the old days in the summer? I never quite got the point of lederhosen either. Leather shorts with knee socks? What season is that comfortable in? Argh.

Maybe we can get some of our Pa. folks to bring an oompah band with them. LOL

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I am feeling much better now... After the shot she had to call me in another medicine to take for the next week... All itching has stopped... Thank God... Thanks for asking....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Polkas! An oom-pah band! Shall I bring my horn? LOL

Susan, I'm glad you're doing a little better.

Found my brother's reindeer pelt when I was helping my dad put away blankets last week. DB brought it back from a visit with friends in Norway, I think.. Dad swore DB was going to be taking it home next time he came over, no matter what my SIL ("no dead animals in the house!") said... I think he said he was going to make him take the fleece, too. Should I admit that it was I who gave Mom the fleece? (Hey, she'd been wanting one for her newly refurbished spinning wheel... and I bought a blue ribbon winner at the San Juan Island County Fair! Dragged it all the way home from the west coast!)

OK, back on topic...

Cream cheese & pepper jam isn't ethnic at all (I think it's probably midwestern suburban USA, LOL), but who knows, maybe I'll get around to making chutney before then (also good with cream cheese on crackers). How about bread with pesto butter? Not very creative, since I brought it to Hart's last spring, but it was good. Maybe I could do some different olive oils for dipping, instead (roasted garlic, rosemary, pesto). I've been seriously time-crunched lately, so I don't want to promise to do Mmmeatballs, but I'll try to get to them. (Regardless of the recipe's unknown origin, the sauerkraut and sweet-sour flavors make them German, IMO, so they "count" as ethnic finger food!) Alternately, I could go Tex-Mex and bring tortilla chips and good stuff to dip & scoop with them.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Hey, I have a fleece on my ottoman in the living room!!! My critters love it - they sell them at Ikea. :-)

I love cream cheese and pepper jam!!! I think it is a great idea!! Anything y'all want to bring that tastes good will be great! I just got my hands on another tent so we'll definitely have plenty of shade - I am also going to buy an outdoor fan for my deck (I am working on creating a little "Eden" for DH & I, and sometimes it does get a bit hot out there) - so we'll have that in case of it being too hot.......I was contemplating a cheese platter - BUT - if it gets too hot I am thinking sweaty cheese is so not appetizing....fresh fruits can be kept fresh and cold with ice :-) I'll get some different platters from Tetheers :-)

I have just reached a new low in laziness - instead of going upstairs to my office I brought my laptop to the couch while I am watching TV and surfing! LOL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

It's good pepper jam, LOL... made it with my own 2 little hands! Want me to bring a yogurt dip for the fresh fruit? I've got some great vanilla and some fancy Vietnamese cinnamon... either or both would be good stirred into plain yogurt with a little honey.

Hey, it also occurred to me that I just got my new dehydrator -- that might be good for producing a few finger foods! We'll see how far I get with it. :-)

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I have had your pepper jam - I "won" the doorprice at your house and it had the jam in it!! Love the stuff! And yes, the yogurt sounds heavenly for the fruit :-)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey, I used one of those Ikea "pelts" as a crate matt for the puppy when I transported him home - he was in puppy heaven!

Like Critter, I cannot commit to making one of my ethnic delicacies as they are really time & labor intensive and I'm too stretched these days as it is. The brioche is relatively quick & easy, so I'm still leaning that way. I love pepper relish & cream cheese nibbles -- yum, yum!

This is going to be F - U - N!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


With all the people coming you need not buy platters of this or that. I am sure there will be plenty of food! Remember at hart's? We could have fed an army! So many dishes and deserts never even got eaten.
You are already providing tents and plates and cups and all the necessary things--Let us all bring the "goodies"......

NO polkas! Gita

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

no polkas? but... but... *sniff*

I agree, we'll have plenty of goodies without buying platters. I'll bring the pepper jam & cream cheese & crackers (ethnic or not, LOL), and I can bring either tortilla chips & dips or bread with pesto butter, whichever sounds good. If somebody wants to slice up some fruit, I'll be glad to bring the dip for it. I have plenty of big cake plates & platters for arranging goodies on, too, so just LMK if you need something like that for whatever you're bringing.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

I am traveling so I dont' want to bring something I have to cook so someone please tell me what to bring and I will... Plates, cups,platters,chips,dips,whips??? Oh did I say that...LOLOLOL

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