Mimosa plant

Worcester, MA

I have a mimosa plant and don't know anything about it's care - soil, sun, when to transplant and to how mucch of a biggerr pot, humidity etc. Any help will be appreciated.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Is this your plant? http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/2573/ Plant Files should have some ideas on its care. But there are other things that have the common name mimosa and the care for them would likely be different.

Worcester, MA

I think it is the right plant. thanks. do you know anythingabout them. i started one from seed in Dec. and now it's only about two inches tall. From what I read in the plantfile it looks like it should have grown more.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

They're not a huge plant to begin with and you only started it a few months ago so I wouldn't worry about it. Have you fertilized it at all? Generally with anything that I start from seed, once it has its first true leaves I give it fertilizer at 1/2 or 1/4 the strength that the directions say. Or if you still have it in something like a cell-pack that's very small, it's possible the roots have run out of room and you need to move it to a slightly larger container. Or if you planted it in a largish container to begin with, then it could be spending its time growing a bunch of roots to fill up the container a bit, then it'll work on top growth.

(Zone 6a)

I've started them from seed before and they can be quite slow. I've always killed the seedlings before they make it outside or soon after. I did buy the plant once and it grew great in a northeast window and even flowered, it was misted regularly with water which it liked. However I moved it a few feet back from it's spot infront of the window to a shelf where it promtly died. They don't like to be moved around much once they're in a good spot.


Worcester, MA

Thanks. i feel better about my slow growing baby. What kind of soil does it use? And it can be in full or partial sun? Good to know about he not moving. i've already moved my new one about a million times -oye!. The little one is in a two inch pot which seem roomy at this point. i did fertilize with a houseplant food once. How oten do you recommend? i use KLN with my new orchids, do you think that would be good to add to other plants?

(Zone 6a)

I just use regular seed starting mix and when it's time to pot up to a bigger size I'd just use Miracle Grow potting mix or something similar. Try to stay away from cheapy brand soils as they are awful....spending the extra money on a brand like ProMix or Miracle Grow is worth it.
If your Mimosa is inside I'd give it lots of bright indirect light.
I'm not sure about the fertilizer but I'm sure somebody else will come by to help you out with those questions :)


Worcester, MA

Thanks, I agree about the soil. That's wha I buy unless I mix my own.

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