Mandevilla question re: pruning

Nassau County, NY(Zone 7a)

I see what ecrane is telling you about not having a warmer place and he makes sense.
I suggested cutting a little bit to see if you saw some green there and obviously you have not, so sorry.
I had one in my garage last year and died, did not come back from the roots at all, everything was dead, but, you are saying that you have other plants there that are thriving. So maybe you have a chance and hope so. Try placing it in a warmer place and see if you get growth. I am still keeping my fingers crossed for you, yes indeed, she was gorgeous in the summer. Tip next year, try insulating her or putting lots of mulch, I am sure she may survive that way. You and I are in cold cold climates so i understand what you are going through! Frustrating right!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I just cut mine down to about a foot and bring it inside by spring it is perfect to bring back out and it blooms all summer it take minimum 12 to 15 weeks after trimming to get more blooms so make sure you trim it in the fall so you will have spring and summer blooms

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I'm glad you posted, it reminded me that I wanted to tell everyone that I took the mandevilla into a warmer room. So far no sign of life. It hasn't been long enough to say if it's alive. There isn't any green and it's cut to about 12" - so it's not looking good.

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