Flowering today

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Shari, I haven't visitted our forum 'tropical' lately, now I'm back to look you up and wishing you Happy Birthday. Happy birthday dear Shari, happy birthday to youuuuuu.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Kim - so good to hear from you! Thank you for the birday wishes - you sing beautifully! Gorgeous picture!

Randy, sounds like you had another wonderful day! Shopping with Jerry and the gang must have been a blast, and what a coool new plant!!!

Yokwe all!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I love the Alocasia Rj. Is it A. amazonica?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I don't believe so, I just checked for the tag and there wasn't one..I'll ask Rita if she knows. The leaves are 1.5 Feet long, so if it was an Amazonica, would be a huge one. It doesn't have the glossy waxy leaves that the amazonica's have.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

alocasia argentea

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I like the Alocasia's and one with leaves that big would be welcome in my garden. Now where can I get me one of those?
Its raining here so I'm going to post one taken in early march. Its my "Blue Moon" rose, and so far the onlt one that hasn't succumbed to black spot and mildew. ^_^

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Awe gosh I missed your birthday Shari? a happy belated Birthday to you ...I hope it was great ... did you do anything special?
Those EE are very nice ...they look a bit tender ...do they need special care?
Sue how did you get that Smiley face in there? ...Blue Moon smells so good ...a great rose!
77 more pineapples ...excellant!!!!! looking forward to another "cutting " celebration! :)

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london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, Lovely flowers you are all showing.
Sorry I missed your Birthday Shari, hope you had a Happy day.
It was snowing here yesterday, really don't know what the weather is doing these days!!!! but the forget me nots are back so it must be spring.

Chrissy the smiles ....... press down on the shift key and press 6_6 and the smiles appear!
Have a good day all.


Thumbnail by terriculture
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Is there a menu of goodies we can do like that?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Rj, I don't know if there is a menu of them!
Honesty flowering today.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Those are beautiful..thank goodness for spring.

It's crinum season right now..all kinds blooming..this one is just opening.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
london England, United Kingdom

That looks pretty, can't wait to see it fully open.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Thanks Chrissy and Terri - I had a wonderful weekend! Those flowers all look so beautiful! Snow Terri???? Geesh! Poor you! Randy, my crinum are also blooming, so even though our weather is so different - if they are gonna bloom, I guess they all do it at the same time. Interesting.

Sue - that rose is gorgeous!



That was supposed to be the smiley...can't seem to get it to work.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Aha! it doesn't show up on the screen until you post! ^_^ ^_^

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

That's your limit. You know Dave said not to over do it or he would take it out. Shame, shame, naughty, naughty.

You poor thing t snow? ...I know here in Tasmania it can snow right up to Christmas time every now and then ...tasmania is said to replicate England but I don't think you get up to 100F in between do you? stay warm!
How did you discover the Smileys? and I also see cute little hearts and musical notes as well ...is there a link that explains how to use these ornaments or they special to a particular computer? and will folk really get a smack if they use them LouC? ...
Sue you have been keeping secrets :)
Rj you didn't know? ...I don't feel quite as silly then ( because I thought I was the only one that does not.
^_^ chrissy

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

RJ, I think you must be a full month, or maybe 6 weeks, ahead of our plant show.
Many of the things you have blooming are just now pushing their heads above ground here. For instance, the crinium, does it completely die down in the winter?
Also the passion vine. Mine are just now waking up.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

No, I didn't know any of those little gizmos...taking time to figure those out is taking time I like to spend you know where!

Yeah, Rita and the gang were remarking on how much a couple hundred miles made such a huge difference. The crinums are evergreen here. I have some planted in the front beds, then the rest in pots..I cycle them to a retaining table for "out of season" plants where they spend the year until they bloom, then they get moved to center stage - the deck. When they're done blooming back to the retaining area.
I also landscape some "holes" through out the permanent landscaping in the back garden - This alows me to cycle plants from the retaining table into those places by just setting the pots in the holes, giving the appearance that they are in with the permanent landscaping..and just keep changing out the in season bloomers easily.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Crucifix orchid in the morning sun
Happy Belated Birthday islandshari.
Chrissy, Terri and I learned the smiley face at the same time. Maybe we should try different things.
Like (&)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Ok, well that did nothing!
Guzmania spp
I'm going to try ^%^

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Aechmea fasciata

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

So, Don't try those cause they dont work, O.K?
Kahili ginger. (Its the last one, a bit late so a bit pale)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Enjoying all the lovely pictures of your flowers, it's always so nice to see what you all have going on in your gardens, mine seems to always be the same...Especially enjoying the English spring flowers Teri, I haven't see them in years!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I love the attempt at the "smileys" more than the actual thing. Hilarious. The blooms are lovely.


london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, Luckily the snow only lasted the day, and no damage was done!
Funny about the temps Chrissy, if we have a warm day in the summer with temps in the 70's people start saying things like, 'it was a scorcher today' and ' we must be having a heatwave' !!
Sue, love your Aechmea, such a pretty colour.
Thankyou Bhm, I don't have much in flower yet, but things are on their way up!
wallflowers today......

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh I love that last one Terri! Did anyone else spot the little bird in the bush?
It must be good to see everything waking up from winter!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL, I was too enamored by seeing blue sky in England...lol..
just kidding Terri...

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm with you Randy....LOVE that blue sky, Terri! Gorgeous!

Hope everyone is doing well. My red amaryllis has scaped, and the bud should open in the next day or too.

Question....why would my peach double hibiscus start blooming singles....all that have bloomed so far are single......They had been double for four years.....not enough acid or what?????? HELP!!!!! I want my beautiful doubles back!

Don't worry 77 it is just sporting a little ...I don't think it will revert, I have a grafted one so just in case check yours is not a grafted one shooting from the understock otherwise it will be ok. Throw some cow doo at it ^_^
Loving the English Spring flowers t and 70 is considered a mild day here ...105+ is considered Summer usually Dec /Jan/Feb this last Summer we thought we had been transplanted to England wet wet wet and struggling to reach mid 60's to 70. Nice to see things are warming up for you.
Loving everything ...I am very fond of the cruxifix orchid Sue ,I have pink ...purple and red ones ...sadly no flowers due to grey skies all Summer ...maybe now but it is still raining almost every day.
#_* chrissy

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

I wanna say happy belated birthday, Shari!
I am sorry that I missed it, but I knew it must have something to do with you when I went to the Orchid nursery and brought home two more babies!
May all your wishes come true and all your flowers bloom!

ascocentrum garayi

Thumbnail by goofybulb
Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

cattleytonia "why not" blooming especially for you, Shari!
In my lunch break I will start a thread for all the tropical forum, to thank you for being such a nice group.


Thumbnail by goofybulb
Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

the same, but more open today!

Thumbnail by goofybulb
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Gosh those are pretty Alexandria, will be checking back in to see your photos? later on today.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

uh huh...another interesting kind of plant that I have to check out now goofybulb...that's cool looking!

Terri here is the crinum opened now.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone.
Sue, It is lovely to be able to go outside again!! Another little birdie was following me around the garden this morning!

Rj, guess what? we had blue skies again today!!!! I do think your crinium looks so special and delicate, really beautiful. I wonder if they will grow here, from a bulb isn't it?

Texasgal, I'm looking forward to seeing your Amaryllis, is it outside?

Chrissy, It was a glorious 52 here today! not that warm for you I know, infact you would probably be putting your cardie on. haha!

goofybulb, Hello again! Your flowers are very unusual . Love the garayi and the cattleytonia reminds me of a freesia. I don't think I have seen those before, Thankyou.

Here's a little robin.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Blue sky, ok a few clouds!

Thumbnail by terriculture

Oh gosh my threadf went *poof* hi t awe a dear little bird!
I was saying in the missing thread that it is a cool 57F at the moment 7.30 am...but it will get up to 70F today ...the sun is out to tease the poor sun starved plants (which are huge from the rain but many have not flowered ) so far no gingers or criniums have flowered for me this grey Summer only the belladonnas.
Rj love yours ...doubles wow!
goofybulb love that name ...however your bulbs do not live up to your name ...very pretty.
Well off to garden in the sun ...have a great day/night/arvo
here is the blossom of an " Ice Cream Bean " tree

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