Flowering today

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, new to the forum, post nice flowering pics here. One a day per person is probly enough! LOL
My first is Blue ginger, (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/1238/
We are just coming into Autumn and so things are beginning to slow down. My climate is subtropical and it gets down to about 5 degrees celcius in winter. SSSOOOOooo, I will be needing to see your flowers while mine are sleeping!
Don't forget to name your flowers so I can look them up. A link would be good!

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Hi Sue, nice to see your blue ginger. I would like to know the secret to this plant. I have several but they do not appear to be totally happy and have bloomed only once. I have them in mostly shade in a medium dry spot. Any hints?

Here is what is blooming in Naples Florida: our plumeria season is just starting.

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KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi Sue!!

Both of you have me drooling here! Luuuuuuuuv your pics!

Clarence, NY

Hi Sue! Your ginger is beautiful. I have this thing about purple and blue flowers. I'm pretty new to this website too. I can tell you these tropical people have a pretty tight group and really know their stuff. Some of the pics from that nice Hawaiian lady blow me away. My flowers look like weeds compared to hers, and they are the same species! They really got me going when I saw pics of their Empress trees, so I finally joined up. I planted an Empress about two weeks ago. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. And I'm the only one on the island of St. Croix who has one!!

I have a Frangipani in bloom too, Dutchlady. Sad to say I'm heading back to N.Y. in a few weeks....


This message was edited Mar 24, 2008 12:25 AM

Thumbnail by DebSTX
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha, and welcome Sue! I love "blue ginger" and have a couple of pieces going myself but they are not in flower yet this year. Isn't it the prettiest blue when it's in flower? So glad you joined us!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, nice to meet you.
Dutchlady, I think the blue ginger needs a bit of sun to flower, I have mine in late afternoon sun and its only been in for 3 seasons, so this is it's first flowering season and it has about 6 spikes. I love your Frangipani. I have a couple of varieties but don't know the cultivar names.
Thanks Pepper. I have seen your posts here and there, and I know you have lots of yummy stuff!
Debbie, I didn't know Paulonias were called empress trees! There are a few plantations around our district, as apparently they grow very fast and the timber is good for something. I saw one in a ladies garden and it was beautiful. Almost like a tree full of Wisteria. Good luck with yours. (I might have to get one too, now) Another very beautiful Frangipani
Braveheartsmom, thanks for the welcome. I hope more will join in and show me your lovely plants.

My Frangipanis will soon be finished. The leaves are beginning to rust and drop! The flowers are still blooming but becoming sparser. This one is right at nose height, and I stop and smell it on my way along the garden path. Yummmmm!

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Lovely to see other people's plumeria blooms! So sad to be going back north when they are just starting....

I will move the ginger to a sunnier spot and see how they do.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi Sue! I love your blue ginger. I have a spiral ginger that is waking up from the winter and can't wait for it to bloom. Do you have a name on that frangipani? It's lovely.

Debbie and Dutchlady, pretty plumie pictures. I wish I was that lucky to have blooms, but mine died from the frost. I have little seedlings and some cuttings coming, which I probably won't see blooms until a lot later. :( But thanks for the pictures.

Clarence, NY

They have plantations of Empress trees in Australia? Wow, Sue. I can't even imagine...
It's so cool to meet someone from Downunder.

Well, Karm, guess we're in the same boat. You lost your Frangipanis, and I'll soon be leaving mine. Bummer.

Here's a pic of my big, huge, fab Empress tree. (oh yay)

Thumbnail by DebSTX
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey Karma, no I don't have a name. There are such alot of different colours and not alot of difference between some others, but heaps of different names. I just love them all.
Deb, LOL, your tree is looking great! Apparently they are fast growers, so show it to us again next week! LOL :)
Pink Dwarf Canna, and no, no name.

Thumbnail by weed_woman

DebSTX ... I think you are going to need a bigger garden ...they will dwarf your home if they are happy ...Hi Sue who do I have to kill for a bit of blue ginger? someone said they like blue/purple ? some here from Summer gone
Jacaranda tree ...hanging over my balcony

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This too

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maybe these

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oh and those

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Of course these would all be considered weeds in the Tropics ...but for we tropic dreamers they are wonderful and give a "tropic feel" to the garden

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And they go so well with pink!

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Sue come on! one pic is not enough ...show everyone around your lovely garden :)

london England, United Kingdom

Beautiful flowers everyone!

Clarence, NY

You Aussie girls are killin' me. Yeah, it was me who likes the purple and blue. Jacaraunda is one on my wish list. Is that a skyvine, Chrissy? I planted two purple glory trees, different species. I just hope the caretaker doesn't kill them off while I'm gone. I have tons of Bouganvillea, if that is what I am seeing.

Thumbnail by DebSTX

I love my boges!!!!!

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All this ahead of you over there and over England way ...we are heading into the cooler weather now ...

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Sue where are you ???
Coooo ~Eeeeee!!!!
Well I am off now and I hope Sue will be back to show you her stunning garden ...
happy gardening

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

Chrissy, did you want a piece of blue ginger? Is that the message you were trying to get accross? Hey, I was trying to start off slow and ease my way into it! If I show them all of the garden right away, they'll all be jealous and never want to talk to me! This way, I can string them along for awhile, and stretch out the ohhs and ahhs. LOL:) I'm just the newbie here!
pic is Justicia

Thumbnail by weed_woman

No they would never get sick of you Sue or your garden ...bring it on and like I said what do I have to do for a piece of that blue ginger? my justica is flowering too but it needs flippers we are so wet here ...

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New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Debbie, can't you take your frangipani with you?

Oh my gosh chrissy, your garden is to die for. So much color! Your justica looks a lot different than Sue's. Are they just different species then?

I've seen glimpses of Sue's in the cut flower forum. . .I believe it when chrissy said you have a lovely garden. More please!

No that isn't Justica ...it was raining and mine were too wet ...so I used a picture from last Spring ...my garden is altogether too wet after months of rain! .This was my Spring! ...I just wanted to get you ready for yours :)

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Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hetty, In my garden the Blue Ginger always look raggedy this time of year. They never start blooming until October and then they are stunning. They are in the Tradescantia or Wandering Jew family so maybe a bit of shade but not too much and I would say they have average water needs.

Thanks; I think I know just the spot where they will move....

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

We have a beautiful pink camelia in bloom!

Love all of the others everyone! My plumies don't even have leaves yet! I'll sure be glad when they do bloom!

Aloha and Yokwe Y'all !!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

hey yall!i was just lurking as always.... yall have seen me here before... ardesia, i think you're right about the ginger, because there were some at the crown plaza (in shipyard on hhi) this year. part of the bed was in the partial shade, and some got a lot of sun. the ones that did best were in the shadier part.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Ardesia Texasgal and diehrdsouthrnr, (do you know how long it took me to write that last name?) LOL
Vriesea carinata

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi weed_woman, love that name, it is so appropriate. I think we are all weed people. :-)))

Coffs Harbour, Australia

We can't be gardeners without pulling weeds eh? I have green buckets hidden in most of my gardens because I pull them all the time, so in the bucket they go. When the bucket is getting full, or if it rains, I will empty into the green waste collection bin. Do you ladies have that service where you live? Its great, it all goes to the waste facility where it is composted into mulch, soil, and well, compost! They sell it back really cheap.
It used to contain alot of weeds, but they have recently improved their techniques and it is now weed free.
Weeds, weeds, weeds, what can i say. They are also the source of my income, because people pay me to remove them.
Cosmos on the tropical pathway

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Hi everyone more colour purple for you ...this is a common plant here and it is called lilly pilly it has lovely fluffy pom pom flowers and these fruit ...great for making jelly and bringing in the native birds ...

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The blossoms a few weeks ago

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Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Ahh Sue I do live in the tropics and you thought that I grew nothing but salvias lol Surprise.

Turnera (morning stars), Flowers open up in the mornings, gorgeous plant and flowers allllllllllllllllllll year round.

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Pentas are tropical and attracts butteflies.

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Albelmochus is a relative to the hibiscus family.This is the red flowering one.

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

And this is the closest I ever get to the Birdwing butterfly, hovering and going for the birdwing butterfly vine.

Thumbnail by annette68

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