Brug S.O.S

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

The moon was the brightest I have ever seen last night. Could almost read by its light. Carol, glad you are home to enjoy paradise once again. Obviously you are like our bunch, stop the world to celebrate a new life. Nothing more precious than a newborn baby.

Cannot believe the beauty of this day already and it is only 9 am. Can't wait to get outside.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Late as usual, it's 6 am here and I am sitting upstairs watching the moon shine over the ocean, what a beautiful sight!

Shari, I have no idea about what happened to baby. Like Carol, I have bug damage gallore, especially spider mites - grrr - but I have never seen one go into total shock like that. If the stem looks okay with no sign of rot of any sort, I would not cut it back, new leaves will appear all along the stem. Although I don't grow brugs in pots except to get them started, I have noticed that they appreciate being potted up into ever larger pots or else they just sit and sulk. I am wondering what kind of stuff you might be fertilizing with - could that be the problem? Too much alkaline in the water? Brugs like a slightly acid soil...Good luck kiddo, keep us posted! Perhaps you could ask over in the brug forum, there are some experts over there.


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Good point Jen...I would reckon that Shari's environment is very alkaline...

She could dump her coffee grounds on it!!! Water it with pickle juice!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

the island hopper is Mon-Wed-Fri
Kwa is the second stop, it goes to Majaro first

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Thanks Randy...

I am curious.... Is that flight always full? For the $$$$$ they charge I am surprised anyone goes there!!!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Its so funny to read Mon-Wed-Fri. Since we are on the other side of the IDL it is Tues-Thurs-Sat for us. Ha ha...more of that time warp stuff.

Flight is not always full - but often close to. People going to many islands. The hopper goes to Majuro, Kwajalein, Kosrae, Pohnpei, then Guam. Because of the Trust Agreement and then the Lease Agreement - Marshallese fly free or nearly free - so they travel a lot. People going to and from jobs...the companies pay. Government jobs - the government pays. Its just the visitors and those going on vacation who get dragged along by the purse strings. I HATE MONOPOLIES!! Sorry Randy - but your company gouges the hell out of us!

Nina's best friend gets here tomorrow, and we have arranged for a moonlight sail to welcome her to Kwaj. Watching that moonrise over the water is a sight to bring awe into the hardest heart...she should be a puddle of emotion by the time the boat docks again!
Dancin nekkid! Ooooh! You should be here for our Moon Ceremony! We don't dance nekkid, but we would be more than happy to let you dance with the faeries in the altogether, Carol! Certainly bring more good vibes our way!

Moon shine, and moon shadows, special heartfelt good thoughts to you all. Here it is Good Friday. Blessed be.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Well, yes and no- because it makes so many stops it can be full between
Majuro and Kwajelene simply because there are people going from Honolulu to Kwajalene, and folks boarding in Majuro to go to's a messed up flight trying to load and unload
It goes Honolulu, Majaro, Kwajalene, Korsai, Pohnpei, Truk, Guam
I think it's about the only game in and out of that's why it can be full, and expensive.
I think you will see CO downsizing Air Micronesia very soon, in fact probably just incorporting it completely with Continental getting rid of the Air Mic I.D.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL...that's a Ditto we both just did Shari!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Your spelling leaves a bit to be desired, but then so does my memory...I forgot Chuuk.(truk). Funny!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I know...I had them spelled right the first time and this system ditched the message , and the re-type I didn't care...
The name of the airport is Truk

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sailing in moonlight is awesome!!!! Night after night after night and it never gets dull. I always felt safer with a bright moon (harder to get run over!!! and easier to spot floating containers etc.).... Lovely! one of the only problems is that often, around land, there is little wind to sail by and the motor can get a bit off-putting.

Wish the flight were so pricey....I think more people would go.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

That may be the whole idea. The army doesn't really want people here.

RJ: Doesn't really matter how they are spelled. Just yanking your chain. Chuuk is the traditional Micronesian name. After WWII it became Truk, but in the last decade or so, the native population is fighting to get the name back. All the maps we sell in the Mic Shop are being changed back to Chuuk. Pohnpei is another one. After WWII the name became Ponape, and now people are changing it back. My coconut oil dealer is having all his containers reprinted - huge expense - wrappers for soap, bottles for oil and shampoo, etc. They all said "Ponape Coconut Products", and now will say "Coconut Products of Pohnpei"...meanwhile, we have no product of any kind!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I love it when others get their feet firmly on the ground and stand up and say I am who I am. I will always be. I claim my heritage and my name. Love me for who I am.

Happening more and more to peoples who feel they have been washed down the drain. I salute each of them.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I know you know how it is when you take 10 mins to do something right and it's summarily trashed by the computer!
I was going to ask you if there was a history behind the name Truk. See what I do is pull up the 3 letter codes at CO and it spells out the city for you..I'm going to tell CO to get it right! hehe

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hiya Christi - yes, we are proud of them as well, which is why we try to use the traditional name as much as possible.

Randy, I'm actually surprised that the government hasn't already changed the airport designation. You'd think that would be one of the first things to change. Hmm.

Did you see??? John is back! Posted a beautiful seahorse this morning!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a) underwater gardens..woo hoo..

Well, see..thats why we have our official guide to the Marshall Islands ..

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

He he...I always wanted to be!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Shari and Carol,
I have to tell you guys...not sure if it was all our talking..
but last night, early this morning I had the most vivid dream about the full moon, only there was a twist...In the dream the moon was Huge, and very clear and white, but the pattern on the moon was different than anything I've seen. In the dream there was a radio going - and the broadcaster was saying that this full moon we were seeing the other side, and wouldn't see it for another 500 was strange..I'm sure I must have heard something on the TV, and my mind picked it up and popped it in the dream. It was so vivid - I woke up..and said..I was just dreaming about the moon!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Wowzers! When I have dreams like that, incorporating real life and very vivid, it always takes me half a day or more to really "wake up"...I keep feeling like I am still in the dream. Can you imagine seeing the "other side"? That woulld be so strange. I am reading Dan Brown's "Deception Point", and it was so of the scientists in the book is Michael Tolland, and that u/w clip I have been trying to download is listed as "Ted - toll -"etc. In the book Tolland talks about making videos of a cuttlefish, and biolumenescense etc...and here I'm trying to download a video of just that! Twilight Zone time!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That is interesting!

Yes..I can still see the moon patterns, surface scars from the dream..there were alot more and darker in color

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Wish there was some way to compare what you dreamt and what is really there. It would be so very very awesome if you dreamt (?) the reality!!! I could claim "I knew you when". Speaking of...when are you going to be working with that Nursery?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I was talking her to this week, I'm going out there next we'll see what's up with it.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Cool...keep us posted. I really want to follow your rise to fame!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL, well, right now it's just a bunch of hot air blowin around!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Tee hee...good for the plants!

Love your moonlight dreaming mate!
It is that special Easter moon!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Listening to my soul mates as they tell their dreams. You really don't want to hear mine. Very strange. Nothing you would expect.
I'm as plain as homemade soap, until I start dreaming. Whole nuther world. The moon is sooo beautiful and so special. Shari, I am there with you, darlin'. I sometimes believe our faiths are more simialar than different. Whatever, I still love you.

This is the day My Lord was crucified for my sins. Sunday He arose to live forever. No intent to put anyone down. Must always be true to myself. I shall live in eternity with Jesus Christ.

Please know I love you so very much and never ,ever would choose to put you down. Never, never.

I pray I have not offended any. I am who I am.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Happy Easter to you all!

Love and hugs,

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Yup...Happy Easter! The Easter Bunny came down our chimney and left a bunch of carved pumpkins which we blew up with fireworks!!!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hahahaha! Love it.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Aloha everyone! I'm bumping this one up, cuz my dear Cherokee from Jenny is still giving me fits! Finally after all this time had another flower pod form. Waited and waited for over a got bigger, but never opened. Today I was out early and noticed that with the sun shining (we have had a LOT of rain lately), the pod looked empty up near the stem, but obviously full of something toward the bottom, so I tried to open it. The flower had rotted inside! I don't know what in the world to do!! the rest of the plant looks good, healthy, lots of new leaf growth, but it does loose one or two of the older leaves a night. Any help???

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Bummer Shari!

Brugs will loose their lower leaves all the time (at least they do here), I don't think that is too much of a worry...

I haven't had any rotted flowers, ever, but there again I haven't got a rainy climate. Sounds like too much wet to me, we need Carol! She has Brugs and it sure is damp on her side of the BI, I wonder if she ever has had a similar problem. If you have a flower you should have more forming, how about putting her under some overhang to keep the rain off her for a while?

Hopefully someone will have more constructive advice for you than I do, thinking about sending a plant to the compost heap always seems to work for me, I swear they buck up as soon as I have those dark thoughts!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Ha...but NEVER would I give up that easily! The overhang is a good idea...I'll see if I can find a spot that still gets sun. Thanks!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I take out the lower leaves. I read ( I think in Englestrompeten) that the brugs don't really need all those huge leaves that come out. So I peal them all off, to the larger y-ing section. This diverts energy to the blooming side. In fact that last peach brug did the same thing that yours did. I was watching it too, because it was the first bloom I had seen on it. After that rejected bloom, I did the leaf thing, and the next time it put out several successful blooms.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

So I should peel the leaves off of these that you brought to me? Sounds like a winner.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the info Randy! It is nice to know that it has happened to someone else...was beginning to think my new addiction was allergic to ME! The pod/flower did seem to be huge compared to the rest of the maybe it is just "adjusting". I'm concerned though cuz this is the second one. Well, I'll just keep plugging along, maybe the next one will bloom.

Thanks everyone!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

yes, it will direct energy to blooms, and also will help you sculpt the tree.
I like to be able to see the surrounding area of the tree. The method can help the tree grow tall or however you want. Choose and pick the y's where the buds form.
If you notice the lower branch in this picture, it is devoid of leaves at the beginning of the branch, but full of buds at the end. Had I let all the leaves grow, it would have taken longer, with probably fewer blooms. Matter of fact there are alot of large leaves left on the one in that picture that I would remove now a days. Also all along the main trunk there are dozens of new nubs trying to grow into branches.. I take my hand and scoop them off, leaving a few to grow into larger branches.

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

there are only two reasons i know of for buds not to develop of fall off:

1. sudden change of weather - if temperature is too cold or too hot, either leaves or buds will fall off. ,

2. plant did not have sufficient amount of phosphorus - it is known that phosphorus help stimulate root and plant growth, and encourage bloom production.

this link does not have any info on brugs, but the concept of how the weather affects plants is stated.

every one that knew me, know i love experimenting with plants i grow. some years back, i have brugs growing in full sun. it bothered me the lower part of the plant not getting enough sun, plus the big leaves interfering with air flow might cause bugs to develop. out of curiosity, i took off the bigger leaves ... later to learn - wherever i took off the leaves, new Y branches formed, therefore creating a plush of blooms on brugs i grow.

i hate bugs, therefore i would rather not provide a breeding ground for them. twice a week i also foliar spray my plants alternating H2O2 and alcohol - prevent the bugs from getting immune to either H2O2 or alcohol. it is very windy and dusty in my area, these two factors tend to plug the leaves pores. foliar spraying them allow the leaves to "breath" so to speak. am sure ur plants will love u if u give them the extra treatment.

yes it is true, when u take off those humongous leaves, new stems form and therefore developing the Y for new blooms.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Randy, you doll, you had already "pruned the leaves" on the ones you delivered. I studied them for awhile and then worked on the ones I had grown from seed.
Purchased Lesco 15-15-15 today. Going to use it elsewhere but am contemplating the brugs too. Something is eating all the leaves on the dozen roses so I caved and put Bayers Rose 2in1 on them. Fertilizer and bug killer that grows into the leaves. I am trying to be organic but the bugs are getting the best of the deal.

I have brug cuttings that I got from Mitch. The majority has taken and now I have some Jenny. I am going to have more brugs than anyone in Dallas. Now if I can just coax them to bloom.

I feel your pain, Shari.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh I know, I had the fungus/bug spray out today. It's already too thick, so need to take out a bunch of branches and growth front and back..

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