Join Us! Seed Swap Seed Starting & Conversation #7

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

tcs, I laughed when I saw two seeds to my blue saphire salvia too but I tell you what I planted those suckers I want it soo bad lol One of my black and blue salvias did germinate!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Yay Lebug - I'm happy your B&B germinated! I got two babies out of 5 seeds - they are workin on their first set of leaves now. The stems are already looking black - so even if they aren't completely true to parent - they probably will at least have dark stems.

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Mer-They were from a trade , but I fifured they were salvia gregii from what was on the label. Mine are already cute little sprouts! They were quick!
Lea-I bet if I scrounge through my seeds that there are more left-be careful what you wish for-eh? Seriously, shall I send you some?

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

I mean that I figured-I don't know what fifure is.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Flower- fifured is figured- when you hit the f instead of g -lol! I knew what you meant, I hope they are greggii because I have tons of coccinea, however if the coral meant 'Coral Nymph' I don't have those so that would be cool too. I was hoping you had already seen flowers from them - guess we'll have to wait and be surprised together. :)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Fairy, thanks! I looked them up, I didn't realize there were so many colors. I must try some!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Gemini-Dmail me

TCS-which bedroom is it-yours or an extra??-I have A LOT of ideas-would like a pic from the doorway into the room though and need to know how you are w/ colors-I LOVE color, but some are more into neutral tones and are you OK w/ altering the lamp & stands?? I would work around that great bedspread!! LMK & I will give you my ideas!!

LaLa-where is that bed?? Raised in the middle of her yard somewhere??

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Middle of the yard Fairy. It seems like I have one of everything in my seed poke, but I'm not finding just what I want. Maybe I ought to go through the other bag. ... or the other one. LOL!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Fairy -- that's my room, well the Master... DH took the spare BR. I LOVE color. it is currently lavender ... and i was thinking of 'denim' blue to match the bedding. lemme know your ideas in Dmail as to not hi-jack the thread.


**edited to add.... i'll get you a pic in the Am when the sun is up.

This message was edited Mar 17, 2008 9:51 PM

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Well, Suzy should have landed in FL, by now. : ) She's probably at Target, buying her sandals. Alittle cool tonight (64), but she will warm right up by 9 am in the morning. : )
Hope she has a good time. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Meridith, I forgot they have purple stems :) I can't wait to see those that victoria blue salvia has blue stems too so neat looking, next year I'll be looking for some of those seeds, I lost mine in the freeze last year. 2 out of 5 seeds now I'm jealous! I want another one lol I have quite a few seeds planted but I'll be happy if this one makes it to flower.

Kath LOL Kath LOL Kath!!! If you have some of the coral they are big salvias right? I'll take some seeds LOL You are a bad enabler girl, like really bad, I think you have some idea of what I have sitting in front of me right now, a bunch of seeds and it ain't purdy LOL No tell you what if you run across some next year or still have those and don't want them hang on to them for me, how's that LOL I have all of these seeds and the trouble is I want to plant every one of them, I love them all and I'll never get all of these planted so I better say no thank you very much 8^)

La, when you finish and if you can't find what you want list them on here maybe we can help you out I'm in a real nice mood for giving seeds away right now LOL

Fairy, it'll be a while before I'm ready to dmail a list trying to play catch up with my WS and seed trays but it looks like you are going to be having fun with other things right now anyway, I'll let you know or dmail you when I have a list, you're so sweet!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi Everybody!!!!

I am in Florida, but it's cold here...maybe when the sun comes up it will be warmer, but right now I think I needed to bring some sweatshirts and sweaters!

We ran past the garden center at Lowe's, but all they had were soe generic geraniums and petunias...oh, and some Crotons. Everything else looked like Indiana in early May. :(( Hopefully I can find some more unusual things down here! I have an empty suitcase. Oh, guess what? I brought all my unfiled seeds down to sort while I am here. I sort of took over the dining room table. My hope is to get them sorted into ziplocs and either send them home US mail or make room in my suitcase.

LeBug, How long did the B&B take to germinate? Did they need any kind of stratification? I have some going, but it seems like they've been potted for a long time..

I sowed a billion seeds the night before I left. Most of them germinate in 7-21 days. LOL! You'd think they could get it a little closer woudln't you? That's a pretty big spread!

Starlight , Good to hear from you....Are your computer problems over? The peas, if they were in an opaque envelope were from FrauSnow. I asked her what kind of peas, and they are the kind you shell, not the edible pod kind, like snow peas. She didn't know the name of them.

Lucy, I fogot that I put a giant rip in my best shorts late last summer -- a huge, L-shaped rip about 6" long on one side and 4" long on the other and it's is a huge flap of fabric....I almost died when I went to put themin the suitcase. Now I need sandals AND shorts at Target, but we didn't get tat far because tonight was st patrick's Day, and there is a bar called Gallagher's...well, it used ot be Gallaghers, now it's somehting else, but it still has all the Irish stuff up inside year round. Green beer doesn't taste as good as regular amber, I don't care what they say!


South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Welcome to FL, Ms Suzy. : ) It is a little chilly outside tonight. The wind blew hard all day. About 9 oclock in the morning it will start warming up. Should be in the mid 80's tomorrow. : ) It's not gonna snow or anything, this week. lol ; )

I have never had Green beer, that I know of. Doesn't sound to tasty. lol

Wish I could get a weeks vacation somewhere. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Aw, it's a little chilly outside but it will be in the 80's tomorrow ;-P You are killing me Lucy lol

Suzy, I soaked the BB seeds for two days and one had a sprout when I planted it then it came up the next day (yesterday) I have some more to go yet, should have left some in the H202 to soak some more but didn't want to take a chance on them getting water logged but I got one out of the deal so far 8^) BTW these were seeds left over from last year.

You go girl I like the dark beers like XX yum lol I used to hit the bars all of the time here on St. Patty's day and they just used food coloring, no taste, you just like the darker beers like I do the other stuff taste like water :) LOL Suzy you will be drinking beer and get those seeds all mixed up, I tried that once and found three packs later, so be sure to look under the table when you are done LOL

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Lea, just lock Dad in his room, and leave him some food and water, and catch a plane on down. We can warm up your chilly bones. : )

If I drink, I usually go for the hard stuff (rum). Beer makes me have to go to the lil girls room to often. I do like it, tho, if I'm eating something salty. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Beer does do that to a person LOL I miss the ocean soo bad, I wanted to move to clearwater a long time ago and couldn't get my son to agree I could have been your neighbor Lucy :)

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

You sure could have. A little more than an hour, and I could be there. : ) I just planted some Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise'seeds, that has your name on it. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I hope everyone comes up for you Lucy :)

Nite all, same place tomorrow? LOL

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Yep, same place. : )

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Morning all!

My little greenhouse is out and firmly tied to the fence. I didn't do that the first year and it toppled over, just when it was full of seedlings. That really broke my heart!

Three trays are being hardened off in the guest room now and will go out this weekend. In them:
- Leonotis
- Salvia argentea
- tomato yellow pearshaped
- Cerinthe major
- yellow centaurea
- pansies
- and some more, I can't remember

Also my pepino has been banned to the exterior. It's still a little chilly but it's aphid ridden and thus a threat to the seedlings. Hope the cold will help getting rid of them.....

And then something very strange has happened. I've handled zillions of seedlings by now but have never seen anything like this. Has any of you ever seen an entire albino plant? Not just a leaf or branch but a plant that's all white. I've a seedling like that now, a daylily. It's really weird....

Thumbnail by Tuinkabouter
(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

TCS-as soon as I get the pics of other angles, I will send ya ideas via dmail!!

LaLa-I will send some suggestions today via dmail!!

Suzy-glad you made it safe & sound-bring some of that warmth & sun back w/ ya!!:)

I had 2 new sprouts yesterday!! 1 is Echie Ruby Giant and Goat's beard!!!

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Well done, Fairy!

Have a nice vacation, Suzy. May you be able to hunt lots of seeds over there!

This message was edited Mar 18, 2008 12:40 PM

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Enjoy your trip in FL Suzy :)

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks tuink!! I swear everytime I see a new seedling I feel a great sense of accomplishment!!

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Yes, it is satisfactory! Like becoming a mother without the labour!

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Tuink, I got your email. I will look around for those seeds. I have some....somewhere. Also, on you albino daylily, I have had that happen with daylily seeds. None have lived, tho. I don't think they have the ability to process light.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

I'm afraid so too, thus the picture. Before it's too late!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

at the end of last season somewhere there was a discussion on what plants people were bringing indoors....

anyway, I took in a pot of caladiums...they eventually died back....I just left out the pot on a table in our living room even though it looked all dead....didn't water it much....and viola!!! today we have lots of shoots and one leaf!

I have to tell my cousin, because every end of season he tosses his mothers caladiums then buys her new ones each year. He buys alot for an indoor glass enclosed sitting room she has.

I didn't put them in the dark, or put them on their side...just left the 'dead' pot sitting there.

ok...back to planting more seeds :)

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

I stopped bringing plants indoors. I always end up bringing a lot of aphids and red spider mites inside and still loose the plants......

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I just set my pots of tender bulbs in the basement for winter and bring them back out in spring. Its cool down there, so nothing is sprouting yet, but expect it wont be long before I start seeing callas trying to grow.

I have 16 wintersown containers sprouting! Such an exciting time of year! Feverfew, Painted Daisies, Perennial Candytuft and Orchid blue Geraniums had started yesterday. Some more varieties of poppies have germinated too.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

ooo - you reminded me, I have to check the callas I have in cold storage...still nothing from my WS :(

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Suzy for th einfo on the peas. After ya shell em you cna eat them though right. ? Sitting here feeling real stupid. LOL

Tuink. Might as well pull them albinos out. They just aint gonan grow. They got no way of processing chlorophyl so are just gonan die off. Put your self out of some misey now. ; (

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Fairy did you plant your goat's beard inside or WS it, I have some I WS just wondering if I did the right thing :)

I so enjoy seeing those little seedlings popping their heads up too! I have so many that I really want this year thanks to you all 8^)

Wind, you just left your caladiums outside on their side? Or were they in the house? I still have one bulb outside but I know he won't make it lol I have the rest in the closet but I did order more.

We have flooding today my shade garden is just standing in water! We are getting 4" between today and tomorrow, my basement has water in it this time I've been wondering when that was going to happen it hasn't dried out here since the rain started early fall, I'm just glad it doesn't get around my plants they are in a good corner but I'm having to move a lot around downstairs to keep it dry I keep things under some boxes cause I know eventually it will flood at least once a year just in spots :) All of this rain and some people don't have any sure wish I could share the rain LOL

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Uggggg, Lea -- yes i did see that on the weather channel this morning... all that rain.
we were supposed to get some yesterday, but it all stayed south.

they were saying some places could get upwards of 8" !!

i couldn't even imaging that.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I wish I could get my camera to working you just wouldn't believe out back and now they say it's going to rain thru Wed.! If my plants make it thru this year it will be a miracle! My poor Monk's Hood is standing in water in my shade garden and my prize plumonaria if something happens to those two, they are my favs down there, the monk's hood is only up two inches and there must be 4" of water :(((((

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

My poor dog is going to bust a gut today cause he won't even go out to pee LOL It's pouring! LOL

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

oh gosh, LeBug....didn't know about all that rain your way

flooding basements and flooded gardens are no fun...hope it goes ok and you don't get too much damage. Good luck with getting your dog to go out lol, our dog is the same way. I have to stand out with an umbrella and most of the time it is me standing out in the rain and the dog standing on the dry porch, looking at me as if I'm crazy!!!

I took my caladium pot inside, kept it upright (not on its side). I only mentioned that because back when we were talking about storing caladiums, someone had mentioned that they stored theirs sideways in their basement.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Lea, you don't have anything outside like a porch overhang, or anything you can take the dog to? Poor puppy dog. : (

Wind, I don't think caladuims care which way you store them, after they have gone dormant.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks wind :) Yes, I'm tripping on this rain LOL Max went out long enough to get wet on the back porch turned around and came back in couldn't blame him for not going to pee I wouldn't either just wonder how long he will wait though got to feel sorry for the guy LOL There is no way I would hold an umbrella for a dog LOL I do a lot of things for him and he is s poiled rotten but no umbrellas LOL

I brought a bunch of jugs in yesterday to plant and some the wind had dried out so I sprinkled them with my water can to get the tops wet and planted some last night and saw underneath the top layer it wasn't wet but went ahead and planted what I could and doing the rest today I hope to put out in all of this rain lol I just hope the seeds don't float! I have soo much to do today and still watering plants downstairs can't get started until that's done. About to run out of dirt so I may have to head to the garage I have one more bag left out there, just hope I can go in between the rain drops LOL I have a lot of transplanting to do too I have 15 seed trays to transplant and 5 full trays of seed trays to germinate yet! OMG!!! Anybody want to come and help? LOL

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Nope no overhangs to take the dog too :( They all have plants there :) He'll let me know when he is ready to go out lol I kind of like it when he gets soaked he smells so good and the rain makes his coat nice and soft he's not a small dog either kind of a med. size.

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