Join Us! Seed Swap Seed Starting & Conversation #7

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I thought I would go ahead and get you all started on a new thread.

Roll Call:
who else is MIA?

I am really worried about Ansonfan -- he might have smothered under all his seeds!


We came from here:

This message was edited Mar 16, 2008 3:58 PM

Thumbnail by Illoquin
(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Wait! Wait! I haven't had a chance to read 5 or 6!!!!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I can't beleive we are already on #7!! Wowsers!! I was just wondering about them too-it's like they just kinda fell off the face of the earth!!

LaLa-put a post on the end of the last thread about your pic for your friend....


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Yep I think the seeds got to George/Ansonfan, I usually hear from him every day and it's only a couple times a week now, he's in seed heaven LOL

Pagancat U better hurry by the time you read 5 & 6 we'll be on 9 LOL

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I picked up 20 asparagus roots today (several kinds, mostly male). I think we are going to make a raised bed of just asparagus.

speaking of margaran, I thought her red pentas started for me but it looks like it may be a baby clover! Anyone know what penta leaves look like?

critter, sorry to hear about your damping off :( that stinks.
I just planted your rose campion seeds; do you have a photo of the bloom? I'm wondering if the color is a bright pink? I've never seen pale pink before

lebug, I got all your orlaya seeds planted yesterday :) along with some poppies from Weez; it worked out great because we had a nice rain last night

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

The Red Pentas look like the white flat round container on the very front right of this pic. They are really slow growing!

Thumbnail by Illoquin
Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Terese (TCS) has been around the w/s forum. I'll let her know she's missed.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I tried to grow Pentas last year and they didn't germinate :(

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Just popping in to say "Hey!" Suzy I thought that was a funny thread changer!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)


Lea, Pentas, like the kinds we have up here, are sterile. Ours are usually 14" tall and used as bedding plants, I noticed the butterflies wouldn't touch the ones I had last year, but people on the butterfly forum were saying it is one of their faves. I suspect they are sterile triploids...crossing 2 species of Pentas together in a lab, resulting in uneven numbers of chromosomes, with the very compact shape and bloom hatnever ends. My Pentas last year were almost like fake flowers....they just never got old and died.

The ones Margaran had, and the kinds they grow in Florida, are usually fertile, but from what I understand, they are big ole bushes, not the little bedding plants we have here.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Howdy gang.... guess I lost track of these threads while on vacation.


gotta go do some reading now....


South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

HEY! Ya'll left me, over in that other thread. : ( No fair, hiding. lol : )

What time do you leave for the airport, Suzy?

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I don't have any pentas germinating yet:(

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Aw, Lea, I just read what ya wrote & thanks!! I have done A LOT of research and would actually LOVE to do garden design for a living-I have all of these great things floating around in my head and think I have pretty good combos going on up there!! Like for instance, in 1 area I put my Weigela, dragons blood sedum variegated w/ cushion spurge and then have some purple daylilies-all lovely combos that contrast in height & color and I think will be very complimentary!! I would LOVE to help!!!!! I seem to have more probolems w/ my own stuff than someone elses!!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Suzy, I bought my penta seeds I'm pretty sure that's what they were, low growing with little flowers all over them?

Hey :) Have a great trip, I heard something about snow in the forecast I sure would hate for you to miss out LOL It's bad enough to miss the rain :) Think about us when you see all of those beautiful blooms in those nurseries!

Oh Fairy, that would be great! Are you sure? That is soo generous of you! You've made my day because I sure can't design, I've got the plants just not the know how LOL I'll start making a list of what I have and dmail if you are serious, I'm excited! Robin said she may give me some ideas when she is here but I have a different bed in mind for her to look at :) That sounds like a great combo that you did :) That Weigela is beautiful!

Welcome back tcs, we missed you! Get caught up and hurry back lol

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Lea-Yeah-just dmail me what ya have and I will pair it up with what I have and send you the seeds and a schematic-no problem!!! It will be FUN!! Of course I will dmail you the schematic first to see if you like it B4 I send it all...

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Morning all!

Two days of sowing and pricking out, and I missed so much conversation and a new thread! I've just finished reading it all. Loved the conversation about garden design. I'm very lousy at that because I want to squeeze in so many plants. No coherence at all, but it looks merry!

First babies have been moved from the nursery (30 degrees celsius) to the guest room (15 degrees celsius) to be hardened off. One more week and I'll be out of space and I'll have to put them outside, in a mini-greenhouse. Outside temperature is 5-10 degrees Celsius, way about freezing so this shouldn't be a problem!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm gearing up for the next phase now, and going through all the seeds to see what all I've missed. Since I'm running out of room inside, I'm thinking I'll sow several more things in jugs outside. Do y'all think these seeds will work for late wintersowing?- sunflowers, nasturtiums, zinnias, marigolds, four o clocks, and balsam. I'm also considering placing the jugs inside the little zipper greenhouse for an extra layer of warmth and protection- do you think I may get a bit more of a head start that way?

We were discussing alyssum earlier and I wanted to report mine that is wintersown is sprouting! I'm sure they will grow slower than in indoor temps, but it looks like I'll still have a head start with them :-) Some more WS poppies had sprouted yesterday too. I LOVE watching those wintersown babies wake up; they know when spring is here!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

SOS (This is the beginning of a bed I'm designing for a friend. The dimensions are 4.5 X 25)

I can't find anything in my stash to mix in here. I need a bold blue/purple perennial to scatter anong the reds and yellows and all I have left are annuals. I think I can convince her to start some annuals to fill in this year, but she pretty much wants a maintenance-free perennial bed and as full as my seed bag still is I cannot find what I'm looking for. Does anybody have anything that would work here? I have some blue veronica that plop in a few places, but I'd like something a little taller too.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi Neal, I'm experiencing the same thing. Yesterday I went thru the remainder of my seeds to see what I couldn't "live without." *sigh* I narrowed it down to 40 different things and that's WITHOUT the peppers and toms. I guess I'm going to have to narrow it again.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)


I have monkshood seeds, but they flower pretty late.....
You may also be interested in:
Baptisia Australis
Borage (annual but selfseeds, sow once and you'll never be without)
Echinops ritro
Blue lupins
Verbena bonariensis

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

LaLa-let me look and see what I have-I am sure that I have some stuff that she would like-waht about some cushion spurge in the front?? I can do the same for you that I am doing for Lea-for a second, I had you groupes as the same person!!LOL I have some purple & white veronica, & I need to dig up & give away some of my candy lilies....Dmail me like Lea with waht you have & will let you know what I go to go with it & do a schematic...this is FUN!!!!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I have a few extra seed I've posted here if anyone is interested:

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I'm in the same boat as many of you - having to make choices about which seeds to sow or delay.

Here are my criteria for now:

1. Are they perennials that won't bloom first year? - I will sow these during the summer after I return from BC

2. Are they seeds that will remain viable another year? Back in the fridge they go.

3. Are they plants I really want with seeds that MUST be sown now - well, sow them now!

I have been sowing up a storm since Friday. The next big push is in 2 weeks when I start the annuals like zinnias, bachelor buttons, marigolds, etc. Yes I know many of these can be direct sowed - but only if your spouse doesn't use crab grass retardent!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Wow! Take a day or two off and miss a world of information! Suzy, I loved your pictures - have no idea what those guests are, but they sure are thriving! I played hookey yesterday and spent it reading - and checking the babies. Today is transplant and sow, and "real" work...sigh... Ms. Clean is home and likes the results we'll get with the lasagna bed, so I'm going to do some calculating to figure out how much manure and mulch to have delivered for the front yard (her treat to me). NOW she understands why I've been jealously hoarding the cardboard in the garage and lamenting each box she sneaks into the trash.

I wish I had answers for the questions that are popping up, but I've not the experience to help! aaaahhhh!

I'm about to pot up the asparagus babies that have sprouted. Does anyone know if they're like some other sprouts in that you can bury the stem a bit deeper? They have grown amazingly tall in a very short period of time.

For those of you who have those little covered greenhouses (I have two) when you put them outside, how do you anchor them down??

Suzy, since you'll have access to computers while on vacation does that mean you'll be posting pictures of gorgeous things to make us drool?

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi Kids,

I am in a ruch, but wanted to answer some questions -

Neal, on your list, sunflowers and Nasties are really hardy - they don't need to be in the greenhouse AND a jug, just the jug is fine. Four O'clocks are the same way, although they aren't quite as hardy. The mariglds are next hardiest, jug is fine, but the Balsam and Zinnias are not hardy at all -- be careful!!! Zinnias can go in a jug and then the greenhouse for extra protections, but that's because they can take the heat build up. Balsom is another kettle of fish because it prefers to be cool. I'd wait on it.

Keep in mind Sunflowers don't like to be transplanted, but they can take several degrees of freeze; they prefer no frost, if you can swing a cover for them. Their biggest enemy is every bird in the neighbohood follwed by every rodent. Apparently they are delicious...the rabbits will brave my dogs to get to the seedlings and the birds will ignore a loud clap for the seeds.

Tuuink & Geminii, I am in the same boat as you both -- searching for seeds I want to make sure I don't miss, running out of room, and

Lea, I would have put up my plastic greenhouse this weekend except that I am leaving. Now is the time, though, esp since you are farther south. I didn't realize your Pentas seeds were purchased...that puts a whole different spin on it all, and of course, they should have germinated!

Fairy, You are so cute!! I'm sure everyone will want your help getting their plants placed!

Dryad, I have run out of time, so I am going to trust the babies to Mr. Clean. Fingers crossed!


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Robin, I have my little greenhouses out on the deck, and now have them tied to the rail. Luckily, the one with plants in it stood those few days it wasn't tied down; I think the weight of the pots saved it. I've been putting down tons of cardboard and mulch too. The soil is good, so I'm mainly wanting to kill the grass off to have places to put a lot of the perennials I've sown later this summer. I almost have to roll my eyes when friends that are saving cardboard for me tell me they've got all I could use; they have no concept how fast I'm going through it. There is still grass out there, after all, LOL.

I just checked wintersown babies, and found dame's rocket and something I was given labeled wild pink germinating today. As I find things germinating I'm moving them together to find them easily to keep an eye on.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks so much Suzy! Just the info I needed at just the right time- I was just about to head off to sow!

Springfield, IL(Zone 5b)

I went to check the temp on my hotbox...and there are little bits of life already!!!
The Thai basil..which is seed from last year, has little tails peeking out!!! *happy dance!*

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Suzy is too much!! Getting on here real quick B4 she flies out!!! Gemini-I do have some mixed nemisia from the WZ wine box if ya want em.....saw them on your wishlist!!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

gemini, I know what you mean about your neighbors and the cardboard sitituation lol I ask my neighbors to save newspapers for me and they have no idea of how much I go thru I finally went to the recycle place, cause I would go to their houses and they threw the newspapers away and just saved me the Sunday issues lol They 'thought' that would be enough LOL

I don't have anything peaking it's head yet in my jugs thank goodness I have mine in mostly shade though so they will take their time I hope seems to have worked in the past :) Plus most of mine are shrubs and a couple of trees and late bloomers for my bird garden so they probably won't come up for a while yet anyway.

It's going to rain for the next few days so I need to get what jugs that I have left filled and out in the rain to get wet and have about 30 out there to plant yet but I have a lot of transplanting to do in between all of that LOL Isn't this fun rushing around like a chicken with it's head cut off LOL And the irony of it all if I'm doing it to myself LOL

Yes Suzy, I'm going to get those little greenhouses covered up as soon as I get a chance, still haven't had time to cover them up LOL I feel like I'm going in all different directions right now and have a doctor's appt. for dad this week and a hair cut today for him :) Those stupid doctors always want him to come back for more about three times before they are done poking him and then we are done for three months thank goodness, I hate doctor offices I'd take my computer for the waiting room but I did that once and we got right in and I have to go in with him he never remembers what the doctor said they can't even ask him questions they have to ask me :)

I just love all of Suzy's information don't you all!

Robin, I have four little greenhouses up against the house with a pole in behind them tied so I can get the covers over them then when I fill those up I'll tie two more or three to the little back porch I use those streachy things that you use to tie stuff on the trailers to tie them to the rails and they all need to be anchored down the wind around here would blow them away in a heart beat those plants inside are not enough weight to hold them down they sure feel like it when you are bringing them up 12 steep steps at a time though LOL When I stick them out in the middle of the yard I still just have one pole on them in the back and pound it down enough to keep it from hitting the top and it will rest close to the pole in the back, tie it then put your cover on and take some twine or some good string and tie around the cover too in the middle :) I deal with a lot of wind so this should work for you just becareful when you put your babies out there and we have freezes, the ones that can't take it I would bring in the house until it's over, I put newspaper on my shelves and jugs of warm water in the bottom but it doesn't help it's still too cold for them esp. if the sun hasn't been out all day and we are having a lot of gloomy days :)

Robin, ask wind about your asparagus I think she is the one that was talking about growing it, I think it was her lol

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Just finished transplanting some violas and petunias, and had to take a break before tackling the next batch of things to transplant - those veggies that I'm starting early to use as row markers (first, they'll be larger; then, I will be letting them bolt so they'll draw butterflies and such). I've got some osteospermum soaking in the kitchen window that I'm sure would be happier in soil. Then there are the Blue Poppies I've got to haul out and start, and the clematis in the fridge, and the little seed peat pots that clearly aren't going to produce anything no matter how long I let them sit there...

I checked my WS pots and nothing yet. I'm also very disappointed with some daffodils that Suzy gave me in January. We had some warm days and I got them in the ground, but they've not started peeking any little noses up yet...

Nora's nearly agreed to let me recreate a portion of Disney's Storybook Land from the '60's in the back yard, I just have to get some pics to show her what I'm talking about. She's a writer - she can't visualize things the way I can so sometimes it takes more than my waving arms and ranting enthusiasm to get her to agree to something - can't imagine why..... (now I'm on the hunt for the seeds for the tiny impatiens, as they look so cool in railroad gardens I know they'd work in my Storybook Land...grampapa, that's where your thyme is going...)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin, I would be glad if my daphs weren't peaking out yet they still have plenty of time and we still have some freezes to go thru yet so it might be a good thing I'll probably miss out on mine again this year cause they are up about 5" now, yours should be alright :)

I've never heard of tiny impatiens, those sound interesting :) If I have anything that you can use for that Robin you are welcome to them when you get here that sounds like fun! I'd like to do a little knome (sp) garden this year by a tree I've been eyeing for that this year. The problem is keeping the neighbors cats out of it LOL It's on a trail they walk all of the time :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I hoping that Afonson just busy with seeds too and didn't have damage from the tornadoes we got th epast couple of days.

This gonan sound really stupid but I got peas from somebody. Least they look like peas, but never seen peas that big before. I nevr kept track of what I had coming in and so I have no idea what kind they are.

Whoever sent peas, can ya tell me what type they are , please. : )

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Howdy ladies....

just taking a bit of a break from seeds.... i'm starting to see cross-eyed.

I did find a bunch of 2# deli containers in my cabinet ... i forgot i'd been saving them for WS;ing

I've been working on the one flat i put in my southern DR window ... i'm almost done with that too.

Question --- all of you that are so good at decorating your gardens with colorful plants... how are you at bedrooms?

I need some help ... i've got barren walls and way too much clutter [photos, knick-knacks] and no where to put it ...

can you take a peek at this thread for me? seems peeps are looking but no one has commented,

HUGE tia ==>


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Used to be tcs, my house went to pot when the spring and summer came now that I have plantstands, the house doesn't have a chance :) I'm not one to move furniture once it is in place or mess with the walls and we won't even talk about the paint I purchased two years ago for in here lol Lets just say I am a true gardener LOL

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Flowerhead - I have a (surprise) seed pack that says it's from you (from a trade) I am trying to decide if I should start them now. The pack says Lamiaceae Salvia Coral - did you grow these? Do you know if they are Salvia coccinea or maybe greggi? If they are greggi I probably should start them now but if they are coccinea I could wait a week or two. So what do you think? Oooh I hope they are greggi that would be fun! :)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I bet that's the coral salvia and i want some LOL Really I don't NEED anymore seeds LOL

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

as i was riffling thru all my lil seed packets and looking for some purple Agastache, when i came across a baggie that had ONE seed in it. I just had to laugh!! and you know how tiny those are... just one weencie seed. ROFL.
I had to look and see if the baggie was open... nope. closed. just one seed. Hopefully I'll get it to grow, so i'll have more.

It's the honey bee white. i have plenty of purples.. thanks to Ansonfan.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

hello, I spent the day in Phila at Hanneman Hospital waiting for my DH to get a endoscopy test done today. (Dryad it was for the celiacs, his blood test a few months back only tested positive for one antibody not both they look for)

I didn't mind the long wait because I took a print out of all the seeds I have going. I was finally able to work on designing spots and places for them ~ It was fun! Lala you got me in the designing mode, both you and Fairy :)

Dryad my friends greenhouse was not anchored, I guess just the weight holds it in place. I asked her because she has it on a concrete slab and the metal frame looked like it was bolted to the concrete, but it wasn't.

Also, about asparagus...she has good luck growing it and told me to keep the crown of the asparagus at the soil surface.

However; if you think about it, white asparagus you see in the supermarket, is white because they mound the dirt up the stems as it grows...or at least that is how I think they do it... in which case you could mound up the soil some no problem.

I'll look up asparagus growing in some of the books I have here too, and see what they say. Good luck with yours.

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