Rooting Jade

Clinton Township, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi, I had to tell somebody:
I've been trying to root Jades for quite a while and have never had any luck. Yesterday I was checking out my plants and lo and behold a leaf fell off my Jade and is now starting to grow. Wooooo Hoooo. Now i know the secret: Do nothing!!!!

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

This is great. That would be the only way I could more than likely root a jade. Very Nice. Let us know how your baby is doing as it grows.

Valley Village, CA

Congratulations to the proud parent. Crasulady

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

i have had success with getting a leaf to root...i have at least 4 or 5 that have roots, but are not putting out any new growth.....the only one that has was from a silver dollar jade....the large leaf finally died and now im just trying to keep the new growth alive....what do i do to get the single leafs that have rooted to start putting out new me crassula lady(also with sedum leafs/or whatever they call the pieces of sedum)...thanks


Valley Village, CA

Start fertilizing, The first rain will give it a jump start as well as new soil, this is the last time this year that it should be done. You may have started the leaf too late in the season. Try again, don't give up. Remind me, and I'll send you some leaves in the Spring.

Valley Village, CA

I think you should start a new thread just on Jade. During Dec. -April I respond to about 30 questions a month. I just can't understand why that Jades are such a problem. But then again, you are probably not blessed with my temperature conditions. If you all send postage, with your address,I will mail my famous 'jade' from the post office that flowers consistantly in December. No water, no fertilizer ever over the past 50 years, just rainwater, but it flowers.
At this time the leaves are all shriveled up.
I hate to request postage, but I send out 250 boxes each year, and it has become very costly for me. Crasulady

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

i have plenty of it just seems that i cant get them to produce new i just give them some fertilizer?......i started them in soilless medium.....what do i put them in, the cactus/succlent medium?.....that is what my little silver dollar jade is in and i have just been misting this what i should be doin when i take the rooted leaves out of soilless med and put in the normal medium, mist them that is......thanks for the info.......:)....cindy.....and thanks for offering more leaves....:)

Valley Village, CA

Stop misting, water thoroughly as long as they have roots,
and fertilize. Make sure when you start new leaves that you take them all the way back to the trunk, or stem. You should have a new mooon shape on the end. Just put them on top of soil, or table, don't make any special effort. You must peel the leaves off. Does this make sense? Norma

Valley Village, CA

Plants need food to grow on, soil less mix, no wonder the poor baby wasn't growing, it's hungry. Crasulady [;o)

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

yup, makes sense......will put in their reg medium first thing tomorrow.....i did get the moon shape on the end when i took them off the big plant...this is what i like when i learn something new.......TYVM....:)


Valley Village, CA

Cindy you're doing great, you ask questions. This is how I learned. I know I asked a thousand, but I was always a curious kid. Still am. The same goes for all the Crassulacae species. You can also peel the leaves of Gasteria, Haworthia, but not Aloe. Try putting pieces of vine in the soil as well, you just might get a surprise, I certainly did and a bonus. Cindy, you are a good sport.

Valley Village, CA

Sans. work with just cuts of leaves about 6-8 inches long, but only the species. Aeonium leaves will work if you peel them right next to the stem. Bowiea, just peal the thick outer skin off, or cut the bulb in quarters. Please don't keep any secrets about starting plants, we all want to know. Woody plants try cutting a 6-8 in stem, make a bunch and set into a tiny rose pot. (l-4) this must be done the correct time of year, which is just before they leaf out.
Try every thing, Bowie, I learned from my boss at the Huntington, John Trager. He is the man that got that stinky flower to set seed without a husband for a pollinator, it made history, he was the first to do it. He teaches me everything. I love it. All of you come and visit me at the Huntington, you are all welcome. Crasulady

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

norma....i went to put my rooted jade leaves in their reg. soil, and guess og them has new couldnt believe it....and they quite the little roots started..i was surprised at how much rooting they had done...i had take my leaves and put them in the 20oz clear bottles that i cut in half, my own little silver dollar jade i did just by setting a leaf on top of the soil...i am so amazed....i mentioned that i had pieces of sedum(looks like a jelly bean or a piece of burrito plant)and i was gonna take them and put in reg. soil also and they have new growth also.....i left the sedum as the new growth looks pretty gonna wait a few more days and see how they look then.....this will be the first time i have had new growth from a jade leaf in the little greenhouse.....i have taken stem cuttings and they do fine, but not the so happy...:)

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)


Not to contradict Crasulady, but sometimes there's nothing 'one can do' to make the plant do thus & such. Pls. remember the plants have their own timetable; not necessarily ours, or fast enough for us. I personally do not push fertilizer until the new growth is established. I NEVER mist Jades as they don't like it, or the extra humidity.

I (personally) woudl also avoid the 'greenhouses' you're using, sounds like too much moisture & maybe conducive to rot. I have started many Jades (Crassulas) of many kinds & what works best for me is simply lay the leaf ON TOP of the mix NOT IN IT. Then I make myself forget abt it, no water, no fertiliser, just a bright spot on the windowsill. After I see new growth is when I first water. As Crasulady says, plants w/out roots cannot take up water (& will likely rot). Keep up yr. good experiments & good luck.

Valley Village, CA

Pirate Girl, good advise, two thumbs up, thanks for the help. Thanks for joining in, this is so important.
Starting plants is seasonal at times, rule of thumb, wait until after they flower, I think they are more cooperative.
Pirate Girl is correct, I agree, they each have a time table, there's not ours. Crasulady

Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

Norma...I need your addy for jade and I have something for you..

Valley Village, CA

If you are using plastic bottle bottoms, it is the same as me using plastic pots. We also use these pots at the Huntington. My pots have four holes in the sides to permit drainage. You may put the holes, (large please) by heating a beer can opener, or you may want to put an 1" hole just in the bottom, put a plastic screen over this hole, to keep the soil in. Do not cover your baby pen with plastic of any kind. Succulents need air, food, water, love, and a clean place to live. Occasionally they also need medical attention.

It's a good idea, if you can, to keep your all of your collection in one size pot, boring yes, but the watering would be the same. This will depend on the size of your collection. Small pots dry out faster than large pots. We water on a regular schedule, not letting them go completely dry, we don't lose bottom roots that way, we don't get root mealies. Again I'll repeat, we don't water when the plants are not growing. We do fertilize at the beginning of their growing periods which we keep records of, and discontinue when they drop their leaves, or when they are dormant. Crasulady

Valley Village, CA

On 'Jade' plants, don't expect flowers the first year. It may take some maturity for them to flower, they like to be crowed, this may also help. Crasulady

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