Heat Source Packaging in Order

Danville, IN

I recently received a plant order from Logee's. It was packed extremely well and the plants were in great shape, recovering nicely now. Included in the packaging was a small packet labeled "The Heat Source", which was actually still a little warm. I'm sure it was included to help keep the plants from freezing while shipped in the winter. My question is, can this little package of heat be reused? I tried the website listed on the package, but it's down while being redesigned. I'm sure others have received orders from Logee's. Does anyone know about reusing The Heat Source? It seems to absorb heat if you hold on to it, then release it slowly. Possibly microwave it to "get it charged"?

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't think so. The weather here is usually so cold, that by the time I get the plants the packet has lost all of its warmth. It does keep the roots warm though, so I usually have some cold damaged leaves on the top plants, but the plants are still alive.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

No, they can't be re-used.
I think they're like those heat and cold packs that are activated by 'twisting' the package - it causes a chemical reaction that produces heat.
Once activated, they're done.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

But, they do sell some that are reusable, but not cheap!

Danville, IN

The one I have is very strange. If I sit on it while in a chair, or put it under one of the cats, it absorbs heat and radiates it very effectively for hours. The cats love it. I wonder how long it will last (keep reheating), or if there's a quick way to get it heated up and use as a heating pad, etc. I've emailed Logee's to see. I'll let everyone know what I find out. Kinda neat!

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)


I think this link should take you to them. Lou

Go to the "store" page and click on the heat packs in the listing of categories.

This message was edited Feb 29, 2008 1:58 PM

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

I too am interested. Recently received one in a plant order, that was still very warm when box arrived. I wondered if it was re-heatable.

Danville, IN

Thanks dispatcher1. When I checked it out, it sounds like it activates when you open the sealed envelope it comes in. It doesn't say anything about reusing. If I don't hear back from Logee's, I guess I'll experiment putting it in the oven at a low temperature to see if it can hold heat overnight (after I take it back out). My cats love it though, when they got used to sitting on it.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If it's the kind that activates when you open it then it can't be reused--that type relies on a chemical reaction which generates heat, and once all the stuff inside has reacted, then no more heat will be generated. And there's no way (at least not anything that you could do) to reverse the reaction and make it possible to generate heat again.

There are reusable ones which you heat up in the microwave and they hold heat for a while, those can be reused but I think they're more expensive than the chemical reaction ones, so it doesn't make sense for the plant companies to use them for shipping.

Danville, IN

My packet must have been the non-renewable type, as it's finally "died". I had it going for two nights, really well. Felt great on a sore shoulder! But last night it was just a cold lump. Oh well. It did help my plant order survive a freezing trip from New England to Indiana though. Nary a lost leaf.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If you want the heat for your shoulder, Thermacare heat wraps are the exact same principle as the heat packs. I think there's less of the heat generating chemicals in them because they don't last as long as the plant heat packs, but they work exactly the same way.

Danville, IN

Thanks for everyone's input. These discussions are sure a lot of fun on Dave's Garden.

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