Site For Melon Garden

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Now that they moved our home to the new site I have a beautiful southern area for my veggies especially melons which I shall grow in my EBs. Haven't been able to do anything until they put down our temporary sod which is Bahia grass and very strawy but better than walking on sand and mud. Still getting over the flu but the weather is miserable today anyway so I'll be planning my garden and keeping you up to date.
For those that don't know we live in a mobile home on school property and they had to move us to expand the cafeteria. A lot going on here but they gave me a lot more gardening room. Of course my tomato garden had to go but it was time anyway so no real loss. I will be seeding a large variety of melons ASAP and my mouth is watering already. I intend to set twelve EBs aside for this purpose which will give me thirty-six plants @ three per EB so it will really be fun. If they are as good as last year I will be a very happy man..

Thumbnail by Tplant
Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

As one melon lover to"s hard to have way too many melons!!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Ya Indy -- You have awhile for your planting but it won't be to long. As for the extra melons, I promised the construction crews that I would take care of them this summer so I don't think I'll have an over abundance of melons. Going to go over my seeds today and see which ones I'll plant. Lord knows I have enough varieties accumalated through time. I favor the honeydew and spanish melons and of course the old standby watermelons. Guess that breaks down to say "I love all types of melons!" LOL I'll be posting as I go....

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Tplant- watermellon questions:

My crimson sweet watermellon patch is flowering females. I may have to pollinate them myself, no bees around. If and when it looks like one is pollinated on a plant( I have 6 in the EB), should I remove new ones down the vine or try to pollinate more on the same plant? How many fruit should I want on a single plant.? Any other important info I need to know about growing them?


Just picked my 1st eggplant!!!!!!!!!

Thumbnail by BocaBob
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Bob -- Six melons in one EB? You should have only three! You should have two healthy melons per plant. As far as pollination is concerned you may have to self pollinate as bees are scarce. Try to pick the best two of the vine.
Eggplants seem to love EBs, unfortuneately I am the only one in the family that enjoys eggplants. I grew a good batch last year. Two plants to the EB.
Finished my melon seeding today with ten EBs @ three plants per EB so if the bees cooperate it should be fun. Will be posting.

This message was edited Mar 4, 2008 6:17 PM

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, I'll cut the three weakest plants out of the EB. Did you have to self pollinate last year. If you did, what exactly did you do?I know there are several ways of doing it. So are you saying after you have 2 good watermelons developing on one vine, you should make sure no others get going so the concentration is just on the two?


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