Longwood Gardens 2008 trip/get-together

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Wind, mentioned getting together at Longwood Gardens.
It is 375 miles for me so would have to make it a weedend trip. Was wondering if any husbands are golfers just incase they are not into gardens. My husband may take me if he had some guys to golf with. (just a thought).
Also was reading that it is wine tasting country too.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Lady, the very best time to go to Longwood is in May (for me) or June. DH & I went last December & loved it but there is so much more to see outside in the warmer months. Depending on when you schedule it, I can go. I do craft shows nearly every Saturday in the summer & probably Sunday would be the best time for me to go. Thanks. B

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

B. I would have to be back at work Monday morning, so that would mean driving home Sunday. I was thinking sometime later in June, I'll be in the garden setting out plants early June as we can be having cold nights up to the end of May. Just throwing out some ideas here.

Seeing who all would be interested.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

you know I would like to go :) I always get good ideas there and haven't been there in awhile

my husband dosn't golf but would probably go either with us to the gardens or on a winery tour. There is alot to do in that area, it is beautiful. The best time for us is a Saturday after Mother's Day, I'll be done this semester then. Longwood Gardens has a web site too, we might want to check out, that would tell us of any special events happening.

Crozet, VA

I will be there!!!! Yep, a good excuse to hire a house sitter for doggies and teenager. I will not miss meeting you another time Chris. I hope that Wind and Buttoneer will come too. When I see Buttoneers name I think of the cool "rooting jar" that she sent me during a round robin last year and also of the ivy type of plant that she sent a clipping of. Update on it. It did very well in jar and had plenty of roots when I stuck it in the ground. I pampered and babied that thing but couldn't get it to grow. I am so hoping that it will live and come back to visit this spring.

Wind, did you ever get any of the yellow butterfly bush seeds? That is what I think of when I think of you. Actually while outside earlier today I was wondering when you would be on spring break and have a minute to breath.

I was fortunate enough last fall to meet Wind at her home and walk through her great gardens. She might have thought I was retarded because all I could say was, "What is that?" "What is that?" I have never seen so many unusual plants all together. She sent me home with some goodies too. I will be going through my seed soon and will be planting some of the things she sent me.

Ladygardener, my first friend on here. She reached out to me and kind of babied me through the first months of my diagnosis with breast cancer. When I think of her, I think of when The Mid Atlantic Gardener's Forum was still very new and not a whole lot of activity going on. I could always count on her to start an interesting topic. For a long while MAGardener's Forum is the only one that I read. Now, I have loads of others that I try to keep up with too.

Three very special ladies, my gardening buddies.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Ruby, you're so sweet :) I wanted to surprise you, but since you asked: the seeds are in the mail! I mailed them last week. You should get them tomorrow :)

It would be great if we all could get together!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh, what a wonderful idea! We haven't been to Longwood Gardens in years! I definitely think that the Spring time (April/May) is best for viewing all the flowers & blooming shrubs outdoors. The Azaleas & Rhododendrons are at their finest then. The Roses are at their best in June, but it's VERY hot then. Also, wanted to mention that Longwood Gardens has a very nice picnic area too. There should be lots of motels in the area. I wonder if we could get a group rate if we had enough interested people.

As wind said, this would be a wonderful get together! I 2nd that!! :~)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hmmm....this sounds like fun...I'll have to let Becky know...

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Shirley, PLEASE DON'T get lost on this one. (smile) Weren't you the one my DH & I took you out to supper last year or so? Would love to see you again. B

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


I'll try not to get lost on this trip! (LOL).

I believe you have me mixed up with someone else. I wasn't the lucky person to have supper with you & your DH last year. Hope we can resolve that in the future! :~)

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL. Ok it was another shirley but for the life of me, I can't remember who.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I see Sat May 17th is the Annual Dahlia sale. That may be a good time. Looks like we have 5 interested so far. It would be so nice to get together the night before.


I should have some extra seedlings to share by then too.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

You mean we have to stay overnight? I live close enough to drive there for the day. Let me know &t hanks.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Buttoneer, No .... I'll have to stay overnight 375 miles for me is a wekend trip. If anyone is traveling far maybe we can book the same hotel and have a pre-garden get together or we could all meet for dinner close by.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh my, you are far away. I would love to have lunch with you DG'ers and then be on my way home by 4 pm. DH misses me so much he wants me to have supper with him, and he is not interested in gardens (unless it has tractor pulls). LOL

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I live in the North West corner of Pa. Work in Ohio and Lake Erie is just a short distance North of me. So I would be cutting across state from the NW to the SE and Pa is a long state.
Catch you all later I'm signing off for the evening.

Chris♫ ♫ ♫

Crozet, VA

Thank you so much Diana. Goodie!!!! Yippie, I am so hoping that these seed will grow a nice beautiful bush for me. Any tips for successful growing of the yellow BF bush?

Have a good week and don't work too hard.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, I am definitely interested - sounds like a day trip for Chantell & I - (the Tweedles) - just let me know time and date :-)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Bec, I was thinking of Sat May 17th that is the Annual Dahlia sale, I'll be traveling Friday and staying over night. But the date is flexable so far.

Wind, what do you think? This was your Idea, I don't want to steal this away from you.


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Sounds good to me. I may be doing a craft show on Sunday, 5/18 but time will tell.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

hi, I'll check my calendar and get back to you :) the dahlia sale sounds like fun, I'll have to see what my cousin has left over too, maybe he'll give me a batch of tubers to bring. He has 100 or so varieties, really into it and always has leftover homeless tubers

Thumbnail by wind
Crozet, VA

Yippie, something definite to look forward to. I am going to go the the website in a little bit and find out specifics such as where it is and where to stay nearby. We will have a great time!!!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hmmmm- could be, ...maybe.....will Gita chime in here and twist my arm?

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I'm still looking for a golf buddy for my hubby on this trip. He is not into gardens, but fairways and putting greens are his thing, he used to mow
greens at a local course. I'll see if I can look up some green fees too.

We are getting a lot of snow here right now, UGH! So thinking about this trip is good therapy for me. ☺

Love ya all!

Trivia ? Do you know which chipmunk this is?

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ummmm Alvin?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

how can you tell? bowtie color?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Saturday, May 17th sounds good to me too.

Yes, I would guess Alvin also. Theodore had glasses.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Steve and I have been discussing a trip up there before we open the cabin for the season. I checked out a place I'd like to stay as we would make it a 2 night adventure, go on a Friday and visit the winery and then gardens on Saturday and homeward bound on Sunday.
I'll keep check on this thread to see if the weekend of choice is practical for us.
Shirley1md would be the one that slept in my attic! Would love to see you again, been a while.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Candee: Yuph, we had two great Mid-Atlantic round ups at your cabin in the woods. I did sleep in your loft (a.k.a attic) for the 2nd one. You need to come to the next round up so that we can all reconnect!

Buttoneer: I've been racking my brain trying to figure out who the other Shirley is that you're referring to. I think I remember a Shirley that lived in PA., but I don't remember her DG name anymore.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

hello, I think the 17th is good for us too! The friday before is my last day of classes I'm pretty sure. I was thinking of going to the Phila Art Museums Frida exhibit on the 17th ,since it ends on the 18th, but we are going to try and go this Sat :) so we will be avail on the 17th for Longwood Gardens :)))))))

We probably will just drive in, then go back home rather than stay overnight. We are close enough to do that, but too far I think to bring you over to visit our house. I'd have to go on mapquest and get a time estimate, but I think we are about 80 min away.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Trivia answer, That's Chip of Chip and Dale fame. Chip has the black nose...Just think of Chocolate Chip.

So far the weekend of the 17th looks the best. The weekend after Mothers day and the weekend before the Memorial day weekend.

If anyone is coming from a distance away and need to stay overnight we can start a thread for motels in the area. Haighr...Winery visit on Friday sounds good, I think they are open till 8 pm, it will take us 5 to 6 hours to get there.


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Steve and I have been researching the Mendenhall and the Brandywine and we made a reservation this evening for the weekend of May 16-18. The Brandywine offered the best package for our design:
Brandywine River Hotel

May 16-18, 2008

Cost for 2 nights = $399 but includes all of things listed below and it is a King suite with jacuzzi/fireplace and separate living space with dining area.

Includes: 2 breakfasts
2 afternoon teas
2 Longwood garden passes
2 passes to Chadds Ford winery for tasting
$75 dinner certificate for Brandywine Prime Seafood

The gal said they have one more of these suites available for that weekend if anyone is interested.

Can't help in the golf department. The Mendenhall looks like a great place with really good food as well.

This message was edited Feb 27, 2008 2:08 PM

This message was edited Feb 27, 2008 5:40 PM

Crozet, VA

Looks as though we are getting some interest for this little trip. Wind, it will be good to see you again, and I am looking forward to meeting the new people. Oh yeah Sally, you and Gita will have to try and go too. I was thinking a bit ago that I will have to take the year off from actually working in the garden, I will be too busy visiting other gardens. ha-ha Haighr, I am not familiar with you, but will be anxious to meet you also.

Wind, the seeds came though I haven't opened the envelope yet. Did you happen to include any information on how and when to plant them? If not, is there any magic to it? Anything that I can do to help it grow? If this works and I have a yellow butterfly bush, you will be remembered several time a day I am sure.

Sorry Chris, my hubby doesn't do the golfing bit. +We will find something for your hubby to do.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

ladygardener, I stink at trivia and would never of guessed his name right! I would have guessed Alvin, Simon or Theodore!!!

wow, haighr what a nice getaway package! If we had the extra $ we would consider it too.

We're looking forward to meeting you all at Longwood! A walk thru beautiful gardens and meeting new friends sounds like just the inspiration I need to look forward too.

It will be nice to see you again Ruby, and John too. Good luck with the yellow buddleia, as you know it's a hybrid, so who knows what you'll get. I couldn't even find seeds on mine, that's why I had to send you seeds from Illoquin. We're curious about how it goes. Are you going to winter sow the seeds?...my new word of the season "winter sow"...this is my first year trying it!

Crozet, VA

Hmmm....haven't decided what I will do with the seed yet. Maybe I could try it both ways. Do one up here pretty soon and then save the other until it is proper sowing time here. How is your wintersowing going? I haven't tried it yet, but do want to try it in the next week or so. I bought a load of supplies last winter to winter sow and then never got around to doing it. I sure have enough seed available though. It just seems that it is a really busy time around here for some reason.

Did ladygardener give the correct name for the chipmunk. Missed it if she did. I was thinking that it was either Chip or Dale. They don't look like The Chipmunks. ha-ha AAAAAALLLLLLVVVVVVIIIIIINNNNNNN!!!!


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Didn't mean to set a date for this, it just happened that Steve and I had been researching for some time now and had already kind of planned on going in the spring. That particular weekend worked for use as we have a cabin to tend to and that is generally the "open up" time of year for us so weekends become limited.

It occurred to me last eve that I may have infringed on the planning stage and had no intention, so please carry on and if another weekend suits everyone else better. We just didn't want to wait as there are limited accomodations during that time of year and we wanted to be sure to have a place to stay.

Ruby, surprised we haven't bumped into each other, but nice to meet you as well.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I think the 17th is a good time, too.

Crozet, VA

!7th is good for me.


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

So if everybody's in agreement, should we tentatively set May 17 for the date?

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

sounds like a plan! I've already marked our calendar 'in my mind' anyway; that date works for us, assuming Rutgers stays on schedule and I survive my finals lol

Ruby you would had a 50/50 chance of getting the name of the chipmunk right it was CHIP. I must be really out of it but I don't even know of Chip and Dale???? cute, very cute

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