2nd Chance Seed Swap Final Thread #10

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Love that movie, Dennis Quaid, yowza!!

Good luck on Tuinks seeds packs, I guess I didn't ask her for any, cause I didn't receive them, but I got so much other stuff it's unreal. I just spent the last hour looking up different ones and that was just a very small pile. This puter is gonna burn up.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I hope Tuink's gets to her alright. Wish she wasn't so far away, so she coudl be hollering now too.

LOL... I am laughing my tail off at you Ansonfan.. You sent me Atkinson tomato seeds and they the ones I sent you. The one s that I have 270,000 of . That just so darn funny. hehehheheheh

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Yes, There will be lots and lots of mistakes -- it was really too big a swap for me to handle, even with 2 extra rooms in my house for sorting, there were just too many people and too many seed packs. I cannot fathom what would have happened if Dryad hadn't come over for three days.

Regarding Tuink's seeds, if she sent them, they went somewhere (are not here). Naturally we thought we got them all in the right boxes and double checked, but I already know there were plenty of mistakes. Go ahead and post what you are looking for here and maybe they ended up in somebody else's box.


Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Oh Suzy, I am not worried about it at all. I don't remember for one thing and I really am very satisfied with what I did get. You did a fantastic job. I'm still slobbering all over the place trying to figure out where I'm going to find the extra hours to get it all in the ground. Kids think I've gone bonkers now anyway so what a few more seeds.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Our biggest problem is to find enough real estate to plant all our babies!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I also wanted to add that you need to freeze and refirgerate the seeds I mentioned in this post:


And, if you have too many of a certain kind or some that you know you aren't going to sow, then be sure to drop in on Robbi's/Distantkin's April Mayhem swap thread-- maybe you can trade them in on something different.



Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I live on 9 acres and have loads of room that you could come asnd plant with me. My problems is finding a inch of dirt that doesn't have clay or rocks in it.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Fairy - I did send you seeds, didn't I? I put my seeds in a Valentine envie - and got the idea directly from Starlight :)

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I was so busy pulling seeds out I forgot to say thank you for all the little baggiesw and the cut Valentines bags and the little gifts too. I feel so bad about forgetting my manners, everone please forgive me.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh-the valentine envie was what you were taling about!! I still don't get the was rhapasodic over the package-maybe I am a moron!!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

nah - I was just being silly :) Probably had looked at one too many seed packs that day - LOL!! Don't forget, the original valentine in the pack was from Starlight :)

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

What original valentine?? I only had 1 from you?? Her seeds to me came in a plasic baggie??

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

I am speechless! I just got in from class and my box was here! It's out of this world. I've only halfway sorted through it, and I just had to thank everyone for all the hard work, all the lovely seeds, and all the fantasies about to come true!!. I love you all. Tomorrow I'm taking the whole day to put the little darlings into some dirt.

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

Happy dance for me. My seeds came and I'm soooo thrilled with the selection I received. Thank you everyone who made this the best swap ever.

Suzy, did you receive the angel I painted?

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

This is where I start tooting Suzy's horn again - she not only knows her stuff about seeds, and seed swaps, and seed co-ops, she also was keeping track of y'alls emails and wishlists so that she knew whose box to toss which seeds into. It worked out really well - I take directions well, and she gives 'em well!!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

OK, now that Robynznest has mentioned that she didn't get her seeds from Tuink, I guess I'll do the same. I've already d-mailed Suzy to see if she remembers if they came (kind of like asking if there was a green M&M at the bottom of the 5lb bag, huh?), and also Tuink to see if she's pretty sure she sent them. It was an oinker-sized 22 packs. I can certainly do without them, but I'm thinking that they possibly had the wrong name on them. If that's all it was and they are then in the wrong box, I would be more than happy to send a SASBE to their temporary home, if whoever finds them would be willing to send them along to me. I would just say keep them, but there were a couple of things I REALLY wanted in there.

if they don't show up, no biggie. just thought I'd ask. this is still the swap of the century!

I know I've thanked Suzy and the team (not that there can ever be enough praise heaped on them). But I need to thank each of you, for hanging in, and paying attention, and watching each thread. Except for Tuink's, which has 'snuck' off into parts unknown, I got little baggies from everyone with exactly what was wished for. I think that's kind of amazing, considering what was going on in the last loooong 9 threads. Suzy also managed to include ALL of the extras I requested, against my own better judgment LOL, except for those I arrived too late at the trough for. and I believe I got at least my fair share of Weez's seeds, which is a thrill for me as I am trying to get a rock/Alpine garden going, and everything is super hardy.

also, starlight & dryad, the valentine envelope's are adorable...thanks

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

If everybody could check for an extra of Tuink's envies, I'd appreciate it. I have gone though everything here-- I have lots of boxes and cans, but they are all empty. It was a 3 1/2 x 4 1/2 - 5" clear ziploc, but it was vertical, not horizontal like a snack baggie. It had 2 white bars across the front where you could write, and she had people names on the bars I think. The thing would only be 1/4" thick, even with 22 packs of seed.


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Robynznest, You had a single pack of mandevilla fro Tuink, Mandevilla laxa.

Gram, on the other hand, had a LOT of seeds - 23 packs. You can't miss them:
Silene schafta
Yellow balsam
Codonopsis pilusula
Lunaria rediva
Dicentra eximina
Dracocephalum a. Fuji Blue
Helleborus sternii
Humulus lupinii
Hypericum androqaemum
Hypericum perforatum
Kochia acoparia
Prunella vulgaris
Sedum telephium
Silene maritima
Solidago hybrid golden dwarf
and 3 Violas - cornuta, labradorica and tricolor.

I am just sick about this, so I hope they show up!


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I checked Suzy and I have an envelope but it has the seeds I requested in it, I sure hope you find it! Someone may have just over looked it in their box, I checked twice in mine there were so many seeds oink oink!

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

I don't have any of those seeds in my box, either.
Don't worry Suzy....they will show up.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi everyone! I got my box today, too! Wow, what an amazing collection of seeds! a BIG Thank you to everyone! And an extra-special thank you to Weez for sharing her amazing seed collection.

I was reading all you central and eastern time zone folks getting your boxes today and tried not to let myself get excited because I figured I wouldn't get mine until Monday. Left for a family party, got home late and went to the mailbox and WOW! It was Here!!!

Suzy, love the piggy label!! Dryad & Starlight, the valentines were super-cute. So many other fun and clever packages and labels. I see that I need to take it up a notch and get a little more creative next time I do this. Thank you to everyone. Wow, am I ever going to be busy!

Suzy, I checked my box for Tuink's missing envie and I don't have it either.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

How sad that Grampa's baggy went missing. I'm pretty sure I sent it! Good news is that more than half of the seeds she wanted I still have, so I could send those again if necessary.

The suspense of having to wait for my parcel to arrive is simply too big. So to put my mind on something else I visited an orchid farm-with-indoor-garden. It was absolutely gorgeous! It felt so good to be surrounded by green stuff again, instead of bare and brown.....
It is too great not to share this with you, so I made a slide show. You can see it here: http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb270/AnkeFreese/orchideeenhoeveluttelgeest.swf
Sometimes I wish I lived in warmer climes and could grow stuff like this!

Today I have another nice chore to keep me occupied: organising and sending the seeds for the Butterfly/hummer and also the April Newby swap. OMG, am I hooked!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

WowEEE Tuink!! What gorgeous flowers!! I could almost smell the air and hear the water those pictures are so clear! And I've never seen so many different orchids in bloom in one place - and such a range!! Sigh....

Sorry Gram, I dug through all mine - I know I would have remembered Santolina :) but didn't find anything. I'm sure they'll turn up.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Tuink, those pics are exquisite!! the ram statue has a very self-satisfied look on his face, and no wonder. I would love to spend just an hour in that tropical paradise. I grow a few orchids (badly, I'm afraid...I don't water enough) in a light cart. I don't have anything in bloom right now, but I do have one in bud. here's a pic

I don't why I even posted Tuink's seeds being missing. I'm a little ashamed of myself. Clearly I don't need any more seeds. Although it was an extremely generous offer, I have told her NOT to resend, as we can trade again next year. I know if they turn up at Suzy's, by any chance, she would send them out. and if they were in anybody's else box, they would have let me know. so I really didn't even need to mention it. 10 lashes with a wet ornamental grass of your choosing and absolutely no more sympathy for me.

now I need to get back to my spreadsheet. thanks all.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Grampa, you have me blushing. And I mean it: you really should!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

You know what . . . I'm betting they got tossed back into Tuinks box by accident . . . that's the kind of thing I would do :-)

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

They might have gotten tossed back into tuinks box-I got a stray packet marked for Ana back in my box, I will have to see if she wants me to mail them...

Tuink, that place looks like a place I could spend days & days in and you are a WONDERFUL photographer-those are the kind of pics you see in magazines!!

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)


Just my 2 cents but I think it's good that you mentioned it. Tuink wanted you to have them. Much of the joy of this swap has been everyone's dreams getting fulfilled. It is not ungrateful to mention something you expected is missing. who could keep up with all of this?


Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

we'll find 'em!!

toronto, Canada

Fairy - I believe Ana dropped out and her seeds were re-distributed. KD

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh-that would explain it... Thanks KD

(Zone 7a)

Grampapa's seeds from Tuink are not here. I don't want anyone turning their house upside down, nor do I want Tuink to resend, but I'll share Grampapa's lashing with wet ornamental grass - I'm missing Salvia glutinosa from Tuink. (I did receive the other pkt of seeds Tuink sent me: Delphinium 'Volker Frieden'). Tuink, I really appreciate your sending me the delphinium - I am so rich with seeds right now - so don't re-send me the sage. It's "no biggee" as Gramps says, but I would be happy to send a SASBE, if anyone got Salvia glutinosa by mistake.

Of all the lists I sent Suzy, though, I did not send the one of pkts coming to me. I can't say this often enough, either - Suzy and Dryad and tcs and kd - you did a world-class job on creating an incredibly-rich-in-seeds swap as well as implementing it.

Suzy, I think - at one point - dmailing got to take too much time, so I just added "surprises" to folks' envies - I'll bet I'm not the only one. Star, same thing happened with Ansonfan and me - he sent me Japanese morning glory I. nil 'Akatsuki no Umi" and I sent him the same thing - no way was Suzy in charge of our tagged swaps. So, methinks the Mighty Illoquin has done better than she thinks.

To those outside of the swap who may be reading this, to whom I have promised to send Akatsuki no Umi and other MGs, DH and I have been madly marathoning with writing labels for a few days so I can get these seeds out - I really appreciate your patience.

Seandor - we're surrounded by 'free' real estate belonging to our neighbors :) I'm about to find out just how deer-resistant poppies can be.

Robynznest - clay & rocks??? I so know wacha mean - must have spent the first couple of decades here transforming our "soil" with a crowbar, sledge and mattock. Don't know where our garden would be if I hadn't discovered raised beds.

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

I received my box yesterday and have been reveling in all the wonderful seeds I received. Thank you Suzy for keeping an eye out for not only my specific wants-(I can't BELIEVE you found Hops!) but for things I didn't even know I wanted!! The Texas Mountain Laurel is awesome!!! Thanks to Dryad and TCS for helping with this monumental project. All of you are awesome!

I so can't wait to get these planted and see all of you in my garden.


Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I found the Mandevilla Laxa, it was stuck to another baggie, Thanks Suzy. I must of gone bonkers again and my mind went blank cause I couldn't remember if I did ask for something. It was probably another swap, so you can beat me too. Only you can do it with something harder than the grass. I will check my seeds again and see if any of gramps are in there. Thanks Suzy you are the bestest ever.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I am totally into beatings, so if no one wants to volunteer I will do it Robyn-LOL JK-couldn't resist though!!

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

So my hubbies trek to the mailbox revealed no box. I'm quite glad I didn't go down to try and check, being that when he got back home there was a man in his car STUCK across the bottom of our driveway sideways. The roads weren't pretty! Anyway I had to nicely wait for DH to get the guy unstuck before I could ask if it came! LOL! I'm OK waiting now that I know I have to, it's just the not knowing if it's sitting only 2 miles away that kills me!!! I'm sure I'll be jumping up and down soon enough!
Grampapa I also think you were right to post, blue you too, because as margaran said we all wanted to fulfill wishes for others as much as ourselves! Perhaps I will find your seeds in my box down the hill tomorrow!
Suzy, dryad KD and tcs-You are all AMAZING!!!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I am so excited for everyone that has received they're packages! I can't wait until mine gets here! I have lots of seed starting lists to make! If I find any MIA seeds in my package I will let you know!

Nelson, NH(Zone 5a)

Us NH folk in our own corner of the world! I think in the last swap that Ana was in with me I got my seeds the same day she did in the Netherlands! LOL!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Flowerhead - I mailed my envie to Suzy on a Mon. and she got it by Thurs. so we should see them soon enough! Weeeeeeee

All the way home!

This message was edited Feb 10, 2008 12:02 PM

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

gram, I checked my pkts again and only rec'd the two I asked for from Tuink

===> Fairy, I love the pkts you used!

===> Weez, I love the photo collages on your labels :)

===> Shirley1md, thank you so much for your unexpected seeds!

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