Help in identifying this plant please..

Eckert, CO

Hi all, I need just a bit of help, I cant seem to identify this plant, one person I know says its a hoya, another a philo.. I have no clue! All I can tell you is that I have had it for 6 years now with no blooms. Any ideas?

Thumbnail by hiho66
Eckert, CO

Here's a closeup..

Thumbnail by hiho66
Danville, IN

My vote is for a philo. The new growth doesn't look at all like hoya growth, in my experience. The leaves are a little strange for a philo, but that could be due to cultural conditions such as light, etc.

(Zone 1)

It's definitely not a Hoya. The stems do have the appearance of a Philodendron but I can't really tell from the photo. Are the leaves all different sizes? Can you post another photo of the entire plant from a different angle?

Hopefully someone will come along and know exactly what you have there! It is a nice looking plant and I think there is at least one Philo with blue/green colored leaves like that.

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

I agree with the others that it is a philo, not a hoya. Good luck finding out for sure. Tina

Eckert, CO

I did several more pics for anyone who wants to look- they are available at Photobucket..
The pics are a bit darker, but you should be able to see them well enough. The most interesting thing about this plant is that it throws many leaves at the same time down the same branch, not just producing a new leaf at the end of the branch, like my other philos I've had.. and having it on a table with a north facing window and east facing picture window with a front porch probably doesn't help it too much.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Looking at your pictures it really does look like a philo. There are some 3000 varieties and that one looks like one with more lance shaped leaves than the heartleaf but look at this link and look at the stems and growth habit.

(Louise) Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

here is a pic of a lance leaf philo. You may not be able to find your exact color as they come in a huge variety of hues/colors . it is harder to find the all green online as the many variegated and color edges ones are more popular.

Thumbnail by lavender4ever
Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

Here is I think it might be:

PHILODENDRON DOMESTICUM:"Spade Leaf Philo" Long lobed leaves on rubbery rounded stems; reliable scrambling vine.

PHILODENDRON INCONCINNUM: Large boat-shaped decorative leaves, blushed beneath in high light; thick succulent midribs accent dull-glossy fleshy leaves overlapping on clambering vine. Easy indoor potplant for mossed pole culture.

I have one of these to..and i call mine "bucky" well cause that is what my mom named it because when we got it my brother "bucky" was getting ready to throw it away cause it was dead my mom took it in and brought it back to life and from then on we always say,"how is bucky doing" and we know....strange how some plants take on names..but it will be know as that for me and my mom.


(Zone 1)

Doesn't look like P. domesticum listed in Plant Files: - on hiho66's plant, the leaves look small.

I would love to see a photo of P. Inconcinnum - have never heard of that one and it sounds really pretty!

Love the nickname of "Bucky" for your plant red_princess_71, how does your brother like having a plant named after him! That is really cute!

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

He thinks it's cute...I am waiting for one of my plants to be on it's deathbed and then she will name one after


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)


It looks like Philodendron Hastatum(Also known as Glaucophyllum or Blue Philo). Very pretty, whatever it may be!


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