Drinks & snacks on Feb 8 at the Willard (14th and Penn. DC)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

So glad ya'll had a good time...and thrilled Wrightie "might" be coming to Jill's!!! Hope everything's ok at breeder's though...

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Chantell, all is well with the breeder and pups ... could just be a simple scheduling hiccup that was totally unexpected. THEY WILL BE FIVE WEEKS OLD TOMORROW! Tippety Tappety, Tippety Tappety, Tippety Tappety ...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG - yeah you!!! Sooooo excited for you!!! Enuf to make me pant

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Jenn, I think that you and I were chatting about fig trees at the Willard? I wanted to follow up and let you know that I am growing both Celeste and Conadria types here. Celeste is pretty hardy, though still may require some special care depending upon your micro-climate. It's a shame that Paradise Nursery, where I got all of mine from, closed down last year. They had a wonderful website with lots of good information that I haven't found elsewhere.

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