Planting Seeds inside

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I got my strawberry plants at that store, Jenn. about four years ago. They had ALLstar juneb earing. Not sure if there was any other choice. They seemed fine. maybe 9 dollars ? for a pack of 25 little rooted plants rolled up in paper.
They are busy in spring. Also sell seed potatos, onion sets, sweet potato slips, asparagus roots, rhubarb. all the usual veg plants. and fruits and some less known (garden huckleberry?)

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

I bought asparagus last year and stuck it in my flowerbed. I have no clue what will come of it..

I bought shallots to late, so they did not do anything.. They have the lima beans I need to buy. I hope for my mommy sake I can get them to grow!

The Southern States is probably 3 to 4 miles from my house! :)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'll holler when I see some asparagus shoots. on mine. April I think. Will look like the skinny grocery store ones. You will leave some spears growing and they will be pretty, 4-5 feet tall and ferny. I think they are a nice flowerbed addition.

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

I tried to grow a piece of horseradish root. I pulled it out thinking it was a weed!

I did have some of the asparagus have green thing pop out last year so I took that as a good sign..

Sally do you have enough asparagus to eat?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

REady for the asparagus diaries?
Got a pack mail ordered more than ten years ago. prolly 25 roots to pack, used about 15 and gave the rest to a friend. Had some good crops, not like fill my freezer good but. maybe cooked a couple batches for dinner. Life was good.
Then came the dreaded spotted asparagus beetle. Lays eggs, larva eats the leaves, multiply like crazy. Now I'm down to one really good plant. So it gets one or two spears at a time and I just pick and eat right there. De-lish.
Truth is, I didn't fertilize enough. They really, really want food. Or/ and compost, etc piled on. Good care also helps them overcome insect damage.

If asparagus spears are smaller than a pencil in diameter, don't pick. Fertilize and let it grow bigger.

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

I can thow my compost on them..... I hope all of these bugs everyone has stays far away from me!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Just popped in, I've been thinking about getting ready to start seeds. Not quite ready yet but will have to get started soon. I want to try Pansies again this year, they did very well last year and they are the first thing I need to start. I'm also going to dig out my ornamental sweet potatoes
I have a much neglected asparagus bed down in the garden. We haven't weeded, fertilized or harvested it for many years. Two years ago I realized that if I didn't do something we would lose it all together so I started just weeding it out. Last year I gave it a good dose of compost and kept after the weeding and harvested enough for a few meals. I have high hopes for next year.

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