Many apologies, have to postpone Groundhog's Day Party

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've been talking it up on various threads for a couple of months now, and I'm sure people were starting to wonder when they'd see an official announcement for my DG Groundhog's Day Tea Party and Seed Swap!

Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to postpone the party, but maybe just for a couple of weeks. See next post for details.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

As some of you know, I've been out of town a lot lately for family things. I picked up a bug somewhere along the way and have been pretty much out of commission since the day after Christmas. My doctor says he's seeing this sort of extreme weakness/dizziness/fatigue a lot this winter, so he expects it to clear up, but it could take "a while." And he thinks the lung inflammation I'm dealing with (not pneumonia, just good old fashioned pleurisy) could take a couple weeks longer yet.

So the chances of my being well enough to be a perky hostess by Feb. 2 are just not good... and I really do want to host a midwinter gathering! I'm sorry to have to shuffle the date after telling people to mark Feb. 2 on their calendars. I just didn't want to have to cancel at the last minute if this silly thing lingered in my system... and it seems to want to do just that.

I thought it might be best to simply push the date back a bit and hope folks would still be able to make it.

I'm hoping Saturday, Feb. 23 will work for people's schedules. ?

I'll find a new theme... I still like the tea party idea, partly because I like to make cute little finger foods! :-) Hmm, George Washington's Birthday is Feb. 22, and Handel's is Feb. 23... that gives me cherries as a theme food, and "Watermusic" to put on the stereo... LOL

I've definitely got extra seeds to share, so don't feel you need to bring seeds in order to come. The last time we had a midwinter tea party here, I think some of us did bring seeds to swap... but we never did get around to that part! This is mostly a chance to get together and visit during the "off season!"

If we've got a few folks interested, I'll post more details on another thread. As with the fall plant swap, I'm pretty flexible... I don't need to figure out all the details or get a definite head count way ahead of time... so if you think you might be interested in swinging up this way next month, just post and let me know. Thanks!


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Critter, I had no idea that you've been under the weather. I do hope that you bounce back soon and aren't feeling too terribly awful - so sorry that it has messed your plans up.

Take Care,

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

OMG Jill, I also had no idea "you've been under the weather"! I panicked when I first saw the thread, thinking that my trip to Florida would interfere, but Feb 23rd sounds great! I'm hoping everyone can shift their schedules and attend - I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone :) AND, I certainly hope you feel better SOON! I've been "there" with pneumonia, severe bronchitis, etc., etc., over the years and I know how difficult it is to kick these things - take care of yourself!!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm sorry it's messed my plans up too, LOL! I'm OK, just not functional... at least this wasn't one of those nasty stomach flu's that have been going around! I'm catching up on some reading, flipping through garden catalogs, trying not to get into tooo much trouble with the co-ops, etc.

Cheer me up, and tell me you might be available on the 23rd! :-)

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Hmmm - tea party on the 23rd - as of this moment it looks good :) I'll even drive to the British store and pick up some "necessary tea-party goodies" :-) (Good excuse for me to go :-))

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've already got a jar of lemon curd... but could sure use a little of "biscuits" to go with it (I was going to default to wheat thins -- that works, but it's not exactly authentic tea party fare, LOL). I've got a pretty long list of goodies in mind already (lists I can do, even while lying back on the couch!), from pinwheel sandwiches to... well, you'll see! I like tea parties.

Woohoo! Three people already who think they can make it, and I've only just announced the date change. I feel better already! :-)

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - just lemme know what I need to pick up :-) A tea-party is NOT complete without biscuits - nor little (crustless) finger sammiches (cheese and cucumber) - clotted cream, scones and lemon curd :-) some chocolate digestives must be on that list and short bread cookies :-) Dang I is getting hungrier by the minute :-)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Beck's spot on -- freshly made fruit scones with cream, butter & jam; shortbread bickies; cucumber "sahnies" (and if you're of a certain age, lol, salmon); a selection of savories and tea-cakes, tea, coffee, and ... of course, Booze.

Wish I could commit, but I think that we'll be in CT that weekend.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Isn't it about Girl Scout Cookie season? I should be able to get my paws on some shortbread... LOL!

Cucumbers from the store won't be as nice as from my garden, but perhaps a smear of pepper jam or chutney on the cream cheese will perk them up... Sweet pickled peppers are nice on an open faced sandwich or a triscuit... anybody know where I can get those little "cocktail" loaves of pumpernickel bread? Hmm.

But just who is it that you're volunteering for these "freshly made fruit scones," eh? LOL. This may be more of an *American* tea party than a proper British tea!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Scones need to be freshly baked, though... does anybody know if they can be made ahead and frozen? If not, then I'm not making any promises. pfffffffttt :^6

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Strongly advise making them on the day as they dry out very quickly. (sorry)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

No homemade scones, then... at least not made in my home... I have a feeling I will have enough other "morning of the party" tasks without baking scones! And since I'm not famous for my scones (haven't ever made them, to be honest), nobody will miss them... but you'd miss the dozen other goodies I wouldn't have time to make if I were messing around with scones instead!

Hey, for anybody who is just coming across this thread... please don't be put off by all this bantering... Some of us clearly "know" each other already, but this gathering is not only meant for people who have already met... even if you've never been to a MidAtlantic event or posted here before, you're welcome to join us!

For that matter, it occurs to me that I haven't met Debbie yet, either, despite the way we chatter along... I'm glad I'll finally have a chance to meet Debbie! (And I want to know what's so great in CT that is taking priority for Wrightie, LOL... can we twist your arm, just a little? only because we love you, of course!)

(edited for total neuron mis-fire moment)

This message was edited Jan 12, 2008 10:42 PM

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Huh? Critter, we met at Hart's! LOL

What's so GREAT in CT is a DANE, as a matter of fact, so sorry, but the puppy trumps everything else on this planet! :)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Critter, I hope you're feeling better soon.

One very easy and extremely delicious thing you can do with lemon curd is get those little bitty bite sized frozen pie shells and put a dollop of curd in each one. They're already cooked so all you have to do is fill them. I don't even thaw them before filling, They thaw pretty fast afterwards.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sheesh. Brain is just *fried* tonight... was still stuck on thinking how bummed I was when you couldn't make it to the fall gathering! Of course we've met... I can't put 2 words together tonight!

Editing before somebody I really haven't met reads this and decides I'm completely hopeless...

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Not hopeless, just sick.

My brain is "fried" all the time. I figure it's a combination of MS and senior moments. :)

Anyway, did someone say scones???

I think that a garden tea party sounds wonderful any time of year, especially when a scone is involved.

Jill. I hope that you feel well soon. I'll keep you in my prayers.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Elf! Wonderful to hear from you... Sounds to me like you're coming -- and you'll be bringing freshly baked scones! Thank you! *wicked grin*

I like that idea with the lemon curd, hart... 'Nilla wafers work pretty well, too, although they aren't nearly as classy!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh Jill....most important YOU get the rest you need to feel better. I'm SO sorry you've been feeling yucko!!! I'm flexible and appreciate your willingness to play hostess again. Just let us know what can be done to help!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

HI Critter, So glad to hear from you. I was starting to worry. I knew your Mom just had that surgery and thought you might be busy up there but we haven't had any posts from you in such a long time. Please take care of your self. The 23rd sound good to me. Really looking forward to seeing everyone.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

23rd is great for me!

Jill -- I'm sorry you've been sick! I had a series of dumb health issues that kept me out of commission for the end of November and all of December (hand problem, flu, cold) and was really really tired. I hope you don't have what I had, and that you bounce back soon!

(And I still have to get you the reconciliation of all our bulb purchases -- an appalling number of which still aren't in the ground! But I was out planting yesterday and again this morning -- but now I'm at the office, ugh.)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Happy, I'm glad you're out planting again -- that's great news! I've been worried about you... Hopefully I'll bounce back soon enough, myself. :-)

(I was doing year-end budget stuff with DH last week, and I think we came out pretty close on our bulb purchases, like within a dollar, but I might still owe you for those sedums... maybe I can pay you back with some co-op extras, because I ordered lilies and am now eyeing caladiums...)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

What kind of sedums? I've started some from seed and will possibly have extras come Spring.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

These were little ones from a co-op; I'd have to look up the varieties... all I remember offhand is that they were low growing ones. I'm not so much a fan of the big, chunky ones (yet), but I'm always looking for good, low growing plants to fill in beds and borders!

What kinds of sedums are you starting?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Jill -- trust me, you owe me NOTHING. I owe you something, but don't know what.

What co-ops are you in? Are any still open? I need some caladium. I don't dare buy ANYTHING until I plant EVERYTHING that has gone unplanted, not to mention all those seeds . . . but the flesh is weak!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I've been in the same boat regarding sedums, but started planting some low-growers last year and have been gradually building my appreciation for them. My tastes really turned a corner when I saw the photo tour of deviant_deziner's house that someone posted on the Garden Design forum a year or two ago. Talk about creativity!!!

Garden tour:

I have a seed mix of that includes Hens & chicks and some others ... I'll check and then post here with the update. I've also been planting some different low ground covering sedums the past two seasons along the edges of some of my beds ...

Okay, here are the descriptions of the seeds that I have:



This message was edited Jan 13, 2008 6:09 PM

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Never went to anything like this before, but weather permitting, I am interesed. I would like to be back home in Carlisle, PA by 5 pm. What are the times of your tea/seed swap party? Are plants welcome? Thanks, Buttoneer

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Wrightie, That first pic with the blue pot is to die for. Did you know she lost most of that garden last winter when Calif. had that freeze. I'm interested in more sedums too. I have a few but would like some different ones. (Holly trying not to get too far off topic).

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hey, Critter! Glad to hear from you and to know you are alive and well!! Well, at least kind of dropped out of sight after those amaryllis and holly articles. I wish you a speedy recovery!

Of course, I would love to be a part of your tea party, and perhaps bring something (biscuits/shortbread/scones/seeds?). But I am not sure about the 23rd. We may be out of town that weekend.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh NO, I didn't know that, Holly! How sickening. I hardly go to that forum anymore for some reason ...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Buttoneer, it would be fun to finally meet you! Firefly, I'll be hoping your schedule permits you to join us too!

Plants are certainly welcome, but I'm not sure how many people will have plants to trade... we'll see. I always seem to have cuttings or stolons of something or other available (and since you'll be coming here, it's easy to send you home with what you want -- just point and clip!). It looks like my curly spider plant has been throwing a lot of spiders lately, so it could probably spare a few, and with luck I'll have been able to pot up all those episcia stolons by then!

I haven't set times in stone yet or anything, but I was thinking we might start around 1 pm for an afternoon gathering. (I wonder if that will give me enough time in the morning to bake scones after all? LOL) Those who know me will attest to my willingness to have folks hang around and chat, so I really don't have a set time in mind for sending everybody home. If dinner time rolls around and we've run out of food (as if! ROFLOL), we'll order in Chinese. :-)

And I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to make myself quite so scarce!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Sounding like too much fun!! 23rd should be fine for me, actually better than 2nd. Gita and me together i f she's still free.
I have made one scone recipe but don't know how authentic it is- made it this AM actually. I can do muffins or anything not too obscure.
I don't have a lot of seeds but could bring one of the stored, dry Canna tropicanna reds I scored at end of season.
critter- a begonia with long pointy leaves with silver spots, from you, is doing great for me

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Critter - EPISCIAS!!! Oh, oh, oh, can I put my name on one? I'm never able to find them and I love them! Hopefully I'll have something I can find to bring, seeds, plants, etc.

Sally, if my memory serves me right, you wanted one of those stray Euphorbia seedlings I always throw out? Maybe I can scout around and see if I can find any to pot up!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Debbie (and everyone else I haven't met): I'm so glad you are coming! It'll be great to meet you!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sally! Yay!

LOL, Debbie, not to worry, I'll fix you up. I don't think we can start any earlier than 1, because I think we might have to work in a pre-party expedition to Dutch Plant Farms in Frederick. They're always a "lift" in the middle of winter because they have such a nice selection of tropicals (even a little permanent oasis in the center, with benches -- and parrots!), and they have episcias and cool succulents, too.

Let's see... so far we've got Debbie, Becky, Chantell, Wrightie is a would-if-she-could, HollyAnn, hoping Elf might be able to join us, Chantell, Happy, Buttoneer, maybe Firefly depending on plans, and Sally. I think Nutmegnana will be able to join us too (she helped nudge me into the date change), and I've been trying to lure a new DGer over to this thread by promises of plants and seeds... LOL... they posted that they wanted *mint*... hey, you folks don't know anybody with extra mint to give away, do you? (tongue firmly in cheek)

So we've got 8 people already who are pretty sure about the date, plus a couple maybe's... I'd say we're rolling! Spouses and kids are welcome too, of course. :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

eyes glazing-- Oh yeah, I'll rid you of that annoying Euphorbia, Debbie. That pesky dog would make a nice playmate for mine, too.

I know !! That's just going too far! Back off the Phoeb-ster, she says.

critter- forgot to say, take care and get all better now!! sometimes when I've been sick. I don't know I'm better till I wander out to the yard and forget to pity myself. But maybe you should stay way away from any compost, with its molds etc.

I never knew how slowly I could eat, until I started trying to restrict my Dave time to my lunch time.....

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

So Critter, where is miatablu? Will she be coming?

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

LOL, you too? Bowl of soup in front of me is getting colder by the minute!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Argghh, hearing noises of mischief in the kitchen. Kids ! 4 legged.
My hubby will stay home and do kid stuff, but miatablu's hubby must come to party. What a nice guy!!!!!
And critter, will your choir boy serenade us?? I think thats a front for his spy activities, those foreign trips.....

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