Can we start now . . . please!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I can hardly wait to start . . . surely there is something we can winter sow now.


St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Michaela, I would think you could do some hardy perennials to help you relieve some pent-up gardening needs!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Thank you Cathy4 . . . I needed that! I want to try some hardy geranium and maybe some echinacea. . . just to get started, of course!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

You are going to look in the container every day like I do, aren't you?? ha ha, remember that nothing is going to happen for a LONG time.

Norfolk, VA

This message was edited Dec 20, 2007 3:43 PM

This message was edited Dec 20, 2007 3:43 PM

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

This is the wintersowing forum . . . . isn't it?

Norfolk, VA

This message was edited Dec 20, 2007 3:44 PM

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

last time i looked it was, haha

Norfolk, VA


Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Well I couldnt wait either!

I have 28 cups in a sterilite container with the shrubs and hardy perenials I thought would take the longest to germinate. The winter solstice is supposed to be the time which is Saturday, but here it will be above 60 degrees that day. I read about someone scattering poppy seeds on top of snow on Christmas Eve and some folks waiting till January.

I have plenty of seed so I guess I'll have to cultivate some patience:-)


St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

All the pots I have are ready and waiting, but I have room for more in my plastic bins. Deciding what to plant is sooo hard, I want it all!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Exactly . . . . I need about 300 containers if I were to do all the different seeds!

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

oh yea,
It is sooo tempting to do them all now but I'm waiting to do the annuals later. They cant go in the garden till April and I dont want to have to repot them in between so 'm waiting till at least January for those. I think the shrubs and bushes will be fine thou so I did those already. This is my first year doing this so its really experimental. What works this year I'll repeat and what doesnt I'll try something else.

I really wanted gooblygobs of poppies this year because I have some that are still blooming now so I'm doing a lot lot lot of those now and in January too. Hope they take :-0

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

You still have flowers blooming??? We have over a foot of snow!

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Yes! Can you believe it?
They were in a $1.00 package of a wildflower mix from the dollar store. I threw them in a pot on the patio in the Spring and the only thing that came up was this tall poppy which started blooming when everything else was dying even thou it gets below freezing at night. I figure that worked so might as well do a bunch of them:-)

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

How about starting your wintersowing with trees and/or shrubs? Both would be excellent to start now.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Poppies will do fine now too, they are very hardy annuals. It's the tenders that can be a problem if they germinate too early in an unusually warm spell. I don't do tender annuals until around March or April. Most of those sprout very quickly in the warm weather, often in a matter of days.


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Alright ladies, why aren't you forcing bulbs? The kits are on great sales and you get all that lovely color in Jan and Feb!
I just picked up 4 hyacinths yesterday and held back some daffodils and iris to play with. I don't like the paperwhites, to me the smell like burnt rubber. yuck

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

can't stand paperwhites either, p-u stinky. Any special store having the kits on sale cat?

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Lowe's at 2.85 each...I took those bad boys and 2 lonely Christmas cacti and ran! LOL

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Hmmm, just may have to do a little shopping tomorrow.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

I do love hyacinths and these are nice big, fat bulbs! And the daffodils always cheer me up. I'm more prone to getting the "blues" in the winter and things like that help a lot!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Wintersowing = end of winter blues.


Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

OH BOY!OH BOY!OH BOY! I am ready to start WS too! I am going to Lowes today and see if they have bulbs so I can try that too! I need more soil too!

I tried to get family members to get me big bags of soil for Christmas Gift,but they were not too thrilled with the idea☻ So, I will get my own soil cause am already out of it. This is my first time to WS and it is so exciting☺☺

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

If they don't want to do the soil, then I nice "big" gift certificate would be lovely. You can buy your own and get exactly what you want. :)
You don't need much soil for forcing bulbs. Hyacinths you force in water.......the kit has it all including the forcing vase. :) Gotta love it.

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

I left a gentle hint about money or a gift cert. I'll have to wait and see what Santa brings☺If I get one more plaque about what a great Mom and Wife I am, I swear, I will rent myself out, not that I don't appreciate the sentiment,but I really need DIRT ♪ ☼♪ ☼

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

I asked for half barrels, but the kids did not look too thrilled about buying them. Hmm, I've never received the great mom/wife stuff, wonder why? I'd probably laugh out loud!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

posyblossom you are a woman after my own heart.........LOL And Cathy, it must be the name, I get nifty things like a new rod and reel, buck knife, etc. I do not get appliances for birthdays and Xmas. I established that a long time ago, I warned them I would get real, real ugly about that. And just think how uncomfortable those type of items are when they are "stuffed" in your anatomy! LOL

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

OH! Yous are making me "laugh till I cry"☺☺☺☺

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

lol, rof, that's the same place I'd stuff them, but maybe I'd light a match?? My fav gift was the rechargeable drill, woo hoo, love that baby!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

Hmmm, maybe your's and mine are somehow related? I got a rechargeable drill, dremel (which is MINE! I do not Share, MY dremel), and a little power sander with a dust catcher attachment. It's wonderful. I have COPD so I have to really be careful about dust if I can just quit smoking.....not going well, but I'm making slow progress. I do love my MD, who said just keep working at it. every one you don't smoke is a plus. I'm think about trying this laser technique I've heard advertised that are suppose to help stimulate the production of endomorphisms and block the craving. I need to get more information on that, sounds a little out there. I'm allergic to the binders in the gum, sheesh, the pills are effective in that I spend hours in the bathroom, not good for my innards. I may just go back to the patch.
Anyhoo, I guess I really can't give my guys too much hassle since I like those kind of gifts. When they bring me roses it's the whole bush......LOL Works for's truly a gift that keeps on giving......and I do love roses sooooo........

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I've already wintersowed a lot. I made a new bed and put in poppies, hollyhocks, ironweed, columbine, amaranthus, and love in a mist. I still have to add speedwell and a couple of other things for W/S. Then in spring I will put some extra plants in as fillers. I have a few containers ready and another couple of 2 ft gardens I'm getting ready to put more poppies in. I put 24 packs of others seeds to stratify in the fridge last week. I will probably add and 10 to it this next week. Time is wasting gang. Hop to.

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

OMG ROBYNZNEST! You are the most organized WS sower☺ I hope you can post a pick of this bed when it is all in bloom next year.

I am Hop, Hop, Hopping but I hop more like a slow poke Slug☻

Rockaway, NJ(Zone 6a)

muahahaha I got three cherry trees, two blueberry bushes, and two raspberry canes in the mail today. I didn't expect them til next year! I ran out to the hardware store and bought FROZEN soil to put them into pots with. The guys there are so amused at me - they've been supplying me with gardening stuff all fall and winter lol. Today, we had to hack the soil bags apart, they were frozen solid on the pallet.



Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Warm them puppies up a little and put them bushes in the pots. Come spring I will be expecting some pies and fresh fruit. Just as long as it's not fruit slush!:(

I'm not all that organized really just bored out of my skull. I get cabin fever quick and have to do something about it. Feeding all the animals and such outside didn't give me enough to do so I started the sowing a couple of weeks ago. I got done with the first wave just before the ice storm hit.

The neighbors dogs dug up part of the garden and 3 of my containers I had with poppies in. Luckily I can replace all of them in 2 of the pots. I can't replace the black Peony poppy as I only had a few of those seeds. It will be funny next year as to where all those others will pop up. I found one container on its side in the garden empty, another in the field empty, the third is completely gone. They probably took it back to their owner so she could grow them.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Today I received 5 red twig dogwoods about 3 feet tall, they will go in one big pot with the last of my soil mix. I'll have to buy more now, too. I've always wanted them.

I'd be really ticked if my neighbors dog took or destroyed my plants. Grrr, you are nicer than me!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I'M VERY TICKED AND I LET THEM KNOW ABOUT IT TOO. SAD PART IS, IT'S NOT THE FIRST TIME THEIR DOGS HAVE DONE THIS, THEY ALSO DESTROYED 3 BRUGS THIS PAST SUMMER. THEY WERE MY FIRST ONES, THEY WERE NOID, BUT STILL IT ABOUT KILLED ME. I'LL NEVER KNOW WHAt they looked like. (sorry about that). The neighbors have never offered an apology or to replace them or anything, except "send the dogs home if they are bothering you." This was too much, so now we got a couple of male dogs to keep them out of the yard. They are almost big enough to take care of things and ours stay in our yard.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Don't be sorry, I'd be *tempted* to start shopping for a BB Gun, and would probably *think about* send over brownies topped with Milk of Magnesia Icing with a side of yummy x-lax covered doggy bones and fix the door so the dogs can't get out of the house until it is too late.

I never do the terrible things I think about, but I sure enjoy thinking about them, haha

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I like your way of I have a couple of shotguns that I keep around to scare off the coyotes and to shoot the varments that try to get my chickens, but would never ever think about shooting a dog with one, unless it became vicious. So maybe an air pellet gun would work.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, maybe in the dark or a fog or a hard rain you might "accidently" mistake those bad dogs for coyotes!

Anyway, I winter sowed the following today - Rose of Sharon - pink, Rose of Sharon mixed, Hardy Geranium - magenta (snatched seeds so I don't know the cultivar).

I feel better - it's a start.

Regarding Xmas gifts - my mom sent me $50 so I will probably buy dirt with that :-)

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