"Where have all the PNWers gone"

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Ditto on today's weather. It was marvelous!! I got the fence re-repaired (big fir rootball pulled the fence up, I put in a fix, cutting the tree up put the rootball back down - now I have two fences and posts mangled in a big knot of roots - argh) so the dogs can run, run off all that energy. Whoopie!! And I took the Christmas lights down. Not the gardening I would have liked, but I did make a decision to a drastic redesign of the front beds . . . out with the old, in with the new. I did discover that I have several Nikko Blue Hydrangeas rooted, so let me know if you want one. They do tremendously well here.

Suzy - I hope you get better soon. I'm just starting to see the light from a nasty cold myself - whew - I can't handle 'em like I used to.

No bragging here about curls. My dad has thick, wavy hair and my mom has fine straight hair. So I got lots of fine, frizzy, ringlets. Not much fun growing up in the 60's and 70's . . . And even now, unless you have someone who knows what they're doing cutting it, you just get a pyramidal mass of knots. And with fine hair, taking out the curl too often means you take out any body as well. So it's short for me - my splurge is regular trips to the stylist to get a good cut and color every 5 weeks to keep it out of my way and stay as young as I can.

So I say "go for it", Laurie. How often do you get to make such a big change and know that any consequences will not last forever? Pretty exciting for the new year. It will always grow back if you don't like it. There are good cuts out there and great products nowadays to control the frizz and give you the body you need. It will be liberating!!!!

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the input, really appreciate it. Yes, they are brilliant! When I was 7 we got a red heeler who my 3 year old brother and I promptly named "poopie" it made sense to us, he pooped alot! He was with us for 17 years, I still can't look at a picture of him without tearing up, he's been gone for 9 years. He was like another sibling to me.

We have only had Scrappy for two weeks and he has already spent lots of quality time with many of our friends and thier kids ranging in age from 3 to 8. We had a house ful on Christmas and he was in Heaven. He also goes with us when we go to my parents and plays with the neighbor dogs and of course his big sister (our 11 year old lab mix.) He will be starting Kinderpuppy class with my husband on the 12th. I will also be taking an agility course with him. He is really good with our three house cats. He has learned that you leave the mean black kitty alone or you get a third nostril. The calico kitty is off limits too, she's nice but she want's nothing to do with him. Then there is Cleo, his best buddy, she is 8 months old and they rasal all day. He also does well with my outdoor bunnies. They are in a cage but they get to come out and hop around in the yard. The other day I was trying to get Chai back in her cage and she wasn't cooperating so I asked for Scrappy's help. He came right over, didn't touch her but herded her back to her pen. He doesn't bother the squirrels either and we have alot of them. I have been very pleased with his disposition, I think with the proper training and socialization he will continue to be a wonderful boy.

When we got him he did the "nipping on the pantleg" the young lady that had him before us allowed it. Well he has learned quickly that it's not tolerated in this house. Whenever he tries it he get's three opportunitie to stop. I tell him "off" if he does it again he hears it again. The third time I pick him up (he does not like loosing his freedom) and carry him under my arm for 30 seconds to 1 minute. He complains but I remind him that this is the consequece of his action. I have been doing this for about a week and he has almost completely quit.

He is sleeping next to his sister right now. Growing like a weed, we had to loosen his collar today.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Happy New year All,
And to think we start talking about hair, you all have great hair, I wish mine was thick or curly or something, I have that thin baby thick hair that most hairdressers hate cause it takes so long to perm it them it wont stay of more than a week. it was to the middle of my back then I got mad and cut it real short and had it permed. I enden up looking like Rondal Mcdonald, I did not leave the house for a month. Letting it grow back out .

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Rach -

Scrappy sounds awesome. My dogs are good, but rabbits - no way!! Of course, they're bred to hunt small game . . .

I'm loving the operant conditioning with strictly reward that the trainer uses in Bringing Light to Shadow. I've taught Sahara a few simple behaviors (touch my hand with her nose, paw in the air) to remind her that I'm a source of food if she pays attention - she learns like a working or herding dog and is very motivated by food - not like a sighthound. This is really strange and new for me . . . but I'm having fun with it.

My friend, who breeds Silkens, actually plays puppy conditioning recordings to get them used to all kinds of noises (vacuum cleaners, freeways, growling dogs) when they're small. Seems like a really good idea.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Katie- I will have to check out that book. Here is a pic of Scrappy and Cinder that I just took.

Thumbnail by rachierabbit

Rachel, you are making me jealous with all the puppy talk. I've taken to calling your pup Scrappy-do. He is completely awesome. I love the idea of him putting his genes to use herding the rabbit into the cage! It's amazing how smart some dogs are. They are almost human in their ability to use logic it seems. I still cannot figure out how Skippy knows how to open the doors at our place.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

My nephews told me that he needed a middle name since Cleo has one (Catra) and that his full name is Scrappy Doo Costenbader! So it is! You will have to meet him. I bet he and Skip would like each other.

They are smarter than some humans I know!

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Ahhhh, winter: dogs and hairdos! When I get back to London next week I am going to TREAT myself to the hairdressers. I am a tad loath to go for the damage part of the advice I am receiving, but in a few more years that may change (so far, no grey). (I'm not sure it is possible to damage my hair - considering years of swimming, gardening, and exposure to everything possible - it is still smooth and shiny multicoloured blonde - that part I am grateful to genes). I'm sure there are loads of new products that I just haven't a clue about - and can probably be done in the 5 min alotted makeup time.

I will keep you informed.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

oh "poopie"! sounds like a wonderful dog.... I feel the same about the pets I "grew up" with, like they were siblings. Scrappy Doo is darling, I'm so jealous you have bunnies, I've always wanted to have them.... going to wait until my kids are just a couple of years older.

Pixy - congrats on your glorious compost, have you been doing anything special to it?

I really need to get out and weed, they are sprouting up everywhere (and why did I stay inside and clean toilets & closets yesterday? harumph!) And I did notice lots of daffodils coming up through the ground, should cover those a bit.

Have fun having your hair done Laurie!

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Redtootsie- Here are pics of my baby buns. Here is a pic of Stormy in their "playyard." One of the guys I used to work with called me one day (he knows what a sucker I am for animals in need) and told me that his adult daughter was moving and needed a home for her bunny or he was going to the pound. So.........

Thumbnail by rachierabbit
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

You can see Chai with her nose pressed up against the pen in the last picture. She was in time out for running away from me in the yard. Stormy stays in the play area but Chai loves to jump out and run around the yard which is fine with me but when it's time to go in she doesn't always listen. I went to the feedstore one day to get dog food, I always looked at the bunnies on the way in and pet them. There was Chai with a huge free sign (the other buns cost $.) Turns out someone had brought her back to the store because the didn't want her anymore. So.....

Thumbnail by rachierabbit
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I got my first bunny when I was 7, Peaches. She was my responsibility. I had to make sure that she had a full food dish and water bottle at all times and give her vegetables at least once a day. My mom and I would stop and visit with her on the way to the school bus in the morning. I also had to clean her "house" and refill it once a week. My dad built her a cage that was big enough for me to fit in it with her. When I had a bad day I would crawl in and shut the door and snuggle with her.

Yes, redtoostie, I do something special to my compost. I leave it alone for two years. LOL!! I am way too lazy to turn it or try to make it 'hot'. I just keep piling things on and leave it alone. Then I remember I have it and it turns out great. Ain't nature the best?

Okay, this is the correct place to put this: I bought this book for my son's stocking this year. It's called Disapproving Rabbits and is full of hilarious photos of rabbits disapproving of almost everything in life. Here's a website:
another one:

they are taking the world by storm and disapproving all the way!!

They even have a 'my space' page. Be careful. You can waste almost an entire day just exploring the links from this site.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I love it! Thanks for sharing.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh, I loooove those bunnies, they are so cute - I showed them to my oldest daughter she definitely would love one as much as I. I'm afraid our cat wouldn't be so loving.

lol @ Pixy, if it will do the work itself, why bother?

Kingston, WA

hi all I love the pictures of the bunnies I had 3 beanie sunday bunny and pichela. All the people didn't want anymore they were in my bird avery. I had 4 peacocks 3 phesants, 10 morning doves and 13 cockiteails. One sang the andie griffith song, and up to 50 parackeets. They are all gone now whic I am kind of glad for My neighbor who has tons of them took some and some got out and some died of old age. My 2 big bunnies were funny but I would be worried about a hawk trying to pick them off in that pen. We have 2 hawks here all the time and the eagles. I wanted some pygmy goats I thought they were very cute.
This is butter and this seems to be her favorite place. whether I'm cooking dinner potting plants anything. She is the tattle tale of the group and tells me whenever anyone is getting in trouble. She is very sweet but shy and takes a while to warm up. I usually tell people If she out to ignore her. I love my big unit and she takes full advatage of that.

Thumbnail by cattledogs
Kingston, WA

Here is Jessie girl and turtle these two are buddies and wrestle all day. Jessie will get in your car if you let her and I Know everyone who has a cat because she thinks there is one hiding somewhere. Turtle is the newest and I always thought he is so cute why whould anyone return him 5 times. Well I know why. His elevator doesn't even go the the 1st floor on a 99 story building. He is just wrong. This is the one thst could use doggie downers. we love thim though. Turtle is the one panting in the back. we think he might have some lab, and Jessie is heeler and something that like to hunt.

Thumbnail by cattledogs
Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Cute bunnies, cute puppies! This was the pick-me-up I needed. I only got to work in the garden for a half hour yesterday and only a little during the sun-breaks we have had this week. This is a long whine. I have been doing my least favorite thing...looking at used cars in order to buy one, as my current rust bucket has more and more going wrong with it and is not really worth putting more money into. It runs, but the heater is squealing and smells like burnt rubber. Therefore, I have been talking to a variety of less than honest car salesmen. I only hope the one I'm finally dealing with is o.k. Have to make a decision and plunk down the cash tomorrow if the car checks out in its mechanical inspection. Of course have to pay for that too.
I'd feel better if I could just go out and weed or plant something.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh, MHF, I sympathize with you. Buying a car is only fun if you're getting something brand new and fabulous and if you have more money than you know what to do with.

I loveD [edited for tense] my Subaru Outback . . . right up until the time that it blew a head gasket. Carter wouldn't take any responsibility, though they had done all the service, so I won't buy a Subaru again. Lost my job just before that so I'm driving my brother's borrowed 1994 Ford Ranger pickup. It's a great little car - and the service guys said it's built to last through repair after repair. Nothing fancy on it, but it has come through in a pinch.

Good luck - hope everything turns out as you expect . . .

This message was edited Jan 3, 2008 10:40 AM

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Heidi- Your babies are so beautiful! I love Butter's expression, she seems to be saying "I'm you favorite right mom, right?" Good thing sweet little Turtle has Jessie Girl to look out for him. Scrappy is sleeping right next to my chair and is making the cutest little sleeping sounds.

MHF- Good luck with the car shopping. I'm with you on that one, would much rather be playing in the dirt. Well I better go to bed. Rachel

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Meant to say thank for posting pictures of your furkids, Heidi. They have such great expressions and are darlings, trying to "help".

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

I am sure the disapproving rabbit would have some severe to say about car salesmen - wouldn't it be nice if a car would just morph out of the compost bin - why does it have to be such a pain to do. Good luck.

Rabbits disapprove of all cars. They prefer hopping. They also disapprove of compost bins.

I read all the way through that book last night and feel asleep laughing. There is something about those rabbit faces that just tickles me. It almost makes me want to give in to my son's pressure to have a rabbit. (But then, I remember the amount of shedding, and the fact that I would then have one more animal to care for, etc. etc. )

Mauryhillfarm, good luck on the car. We're with you in spirit. I HATE car shopping.

Kingston, WA

Hi Mhf, I Am also looking for a new truck. I have a 89 toyota flatbed 1 ton. It is great but leaks everyfluid one could leak and needs a jumpstart everytime I go somewhere which disturbes the mice. Also I'm right in line for a dui. 4 dogs and me driving then always we have to see a darn cat or dog. Good thing I don't take them all very far. My truck is great for finding things. I found a couch which had all the stuffing taken off of it. I want to wrap it in chicken wire and plant it with sedum. I did a bed a few weeks ago. Maybe each garden could have a peice of funiture and could be named the living room the bed garden ect. Good luck.. I think Toyotas are the most expensive of all the little trucks. I'll keep searching I'll find one when I"m not looking and it will be perfect. Thats how I found my last one. You'll find something. Heidi and Dragonfly

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Heidi- I love the idea of furniture! How fun!

Kingston, WA

Rachel, I can't believe your last one made it to 17 thats fantastic. I think the oldest dog was a heeler. My favorite dog which you all will be suprised is a pomerainian. I love them. I had Pee Wee Handsome man Who was pomeraimian Terries and peckinese We think made it to 18. He got glaucoma when he was 6 and we had to take the eye out then at 10 he lost the other eye but by then tecnology had advanced to where they did laser surgery and saved the eyeball but it was blind. So I had a blind independent little man who had shortman complex and didn't mind worth a hoot. I once had this cute guy helping me amd he said Peewee has been winking at me all day. I said Brad he only has one eye. Peewee eventually got altimers which sucked becuse with not site or memory it was tough. Butter tries to be momas pomerainian.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Heidi- Pee Wee sounds like a hoot, I bet you really miss him. It's funny how pom's and cattle dogs go together. Our dear friends Sharon (Shu-shu is what I have called her since I was 2) and Woody live in Colville, WA on 50 acres. When I was a kid they raised Appalousa horses and Queensland Heelers (red and blue.) We would go over every summer and spend a week with them. Shu-shu also had two Pom's, Tuppi (my baby) and Killer (she was a @@#$%) her name fit! I would spend hours playing with Tuppi and the heelers. They looked pretty funny next to each other! We got "Poopie" from Shu-shu and Woody. Shu-Shu is also the one that brought our 1st Blue Heeler home from the shelter where she worked. We had "Liza" for about 10 years. We weren't sure how old she was when we got her. We lost Woody to cancer 7 years ago, Shu-shu still runs the farm and raises Paints and Aussie Shepards. They are the reason I have always loved Heelers.....

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)

Rachel, I envy you too, having rabbits. I used to work as a pet sitter, specializing in cats - but on a few occassions we had the chance to take care of rabbits, and I just adored them! I'd love to have them, but I would be too afraid that my cats would view them as prey... though in one household where we did pet sitting, the cats got along just fabulously with the rabbit!

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

When I first got Chai she was a house bunny for a few months and she got along fine with the cats. I think it all depends on the personality of the cats and the rabbit.

Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi all, love the pictures of all the critters, but I have to say my favorite is Scrappy laying on his back with the monkey toy...too cute!

Pixy love the Christmas cave what a cool idea, thanks for sharing!

Oh my Butter is too funny, how many times have you been tripped?...lol mine trip me quite often.

I missed out on the hair discussion....yes frizz is the in hair style for all PNW gardeners.... My long blonde hair is now dark and shagged...lol isn't it nice we can damage it and it become more manageable...

Happy garden dreaming to all,

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Carla great to hear from you! Post a pic so we can see the new "do!" Scrappy has such a personality. When his big sister (Cinder our 11 year old lab mix) tells him what to do he talks back! My hubby says to him "giving lip service to your big sis again aren't ya, better watch out she's still bigger than you!"

Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

Well Rachel..... her it is dark and shaggy....I hope it works for gardening, I don't like anything too fussy! This is the only picture I have so fah..DH took it and the lighting is too bright!
So what do you think?

Thumbnail by cocoajuno
Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Really cute - makes me want to take some layers out of mine, does it stay more "smooth"?

Wow, are the catalogs rolling in everyone's mailboxes? Plenty of "plant porn" by my bathtub.

Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hello RTP....Yes it is much smoother than the above picture (blonde and fluffy) Post #4345727. I decided to go back to a more natural color and quit fighting the roots so much....my natural color is black....

Yes...I am receiving all kinds of catalogs and virtually have spent hundreds of dollars in seeds..lol trying to whittle it down a bit because I could never use all those seeds...

Daydreaming of more plants,

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Carla - you look gorgeous!!! I am inspired! Have telephoned for a hair appointment.

Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks Laurie...lol let me date myself....I wore this same style my senior year of high school...I just took in an old picture and said....do this...and voila here I go....DH was really shocked...when he left for work I was blonde and fluffy when he came home I was brunette and smooth...he sure did a second take...lol Isn't hair fun...I change it alot in the winter....it always grows, I think it is my fall/winter garden...lol

Pushing towards longer days....,

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Carla I love it! You look marvelous my dear!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Carla - your hair looks mahvelous. Good for you, doing something big to give you a big boost. I LOVE it.

Buckeye, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thank you Rachel and Katie, it was drastic...but I liked it right from the beginning...must have been ready for new growth...lol

Kingston, WA

Hi Cocoajuno, I step on butter all day . I heard the cattledogs are also nicknamed shadowdogs. They follow me from the minute I get up to the minute I got yo bed. My husband says no more will fit on the bed. They did take me out once I was carring a flat of plants and they weren't looking where they were going and hit me in the back of my legs my feet went straight out and I landed on the back of my head and the knocked the wind out of me . They felt terrible butter was trying to keep everyone off of me and it was a mess. This is one reson why they aren't out when people are here. They get hearding each other and sometimes don't pay attention. My seeds are starting to sprout. Some cool things. tomorrow I will put some under the lights. Yeah I think were getting closer. Heidi

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